The League of Dreamers - An Imagineering Contest


New Member
Trevor has been away. He will be back today (i think)... I'm sorry, id post them, but i dotn have them :)

Just be patient.. We would like to wait for most teams to turn in their Adventureland, BUT that hasnt happened... Only a couple teams are on Frontierland.

Since this game is in its testing phase, PLEASE BE PATIENT!


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In the Parks
I do apologize for the lateness of the evaluations. By now, we have all of our Tomorrowlands and Adventurelands, so I plan to post those at the same time - as soon as the Adventurelands are done.



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Alrighty, it's time for the secret project. This week, the secret project is a little larger than it's been in the past. We want you to build a subland off of Frontierland, in the style of LIberty Square, Critter Country, or New Orleans Square. The only trick is that you must use an original idea for the land. You may include as many things as you want in this new section of the park, but here is the required criteria for the secret project:

1 Table Service Restaurant (separate from the four that you have been allotted)
1 E-Ticket attraction (does not count toward your total)

Good luck, Dreamers.



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@Spike: Your team will be able to work on the other lands near the end of the game.

@mharrington: I truly am sorry, but we can't let you continue until you finish the previous land. From what we've seen, it looks like your team was just about done, but had yet to make a formal entry post.



New Member

The popular community forum game, The Imagineer, is returning for its third season. Sign Ups begin NEXT MONDAY JULY 19th, stay tuned for more information.

NOTE: The game will NOT overlap with League of Dreamers, so if you are in the League of Dreamers feel free to sign up. I repeat, LoD will NOT overlap with the Imagineer. I am allowing about 2 and a half weeks for sign ups, so LoD will (hopefully... lol) be over by then.


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Okay, sorry for the delay guys. Mater is correct, The League of Dreamers will be over by the time The Imagineer starts, so you needn't worry.

This week, we're going back to two lands that you've previously worked on. The first being Fantasyland, and the second being Main Street. Fortunately, you should have already started on both lands, so you will just be picking up where you left off. Main Street will have no additional criteria, but Fantasyland will be picking up the slack from Adventureland by dishing out two secret projects, as well as doubling the specified criteria for the land. Until the secret projects come out, though, continue to work on your Fantasyland and Main Street, you will be turning both of them in on July 22nd.

Good luck Dreamers, this is your second to last week of new projects.



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By the way, when the other teams get done, this will be one of your two remaining chances to work on Tomorrowland, Adventureland, and Frontierland before the end of the competition, if your team has not started yet. You may use concepts from teams that have disbanded, as most of you were previous members of those former teams.



Trevor, Frontierland is complete and posted, what is next for our team?

Trevor A:
This week, we're going back to two lands that you've previously worked on. The first being Fantasyland, and the second being Main Street. Fortunately, you should have already started on both lands, so you will just be picking up where you left off. Main Street will have no additional criteria, but Fantasyland will be picking up the slack from Adventureland by dishing out two secret projects, as well as doubling the specified criteria for the land. Until the secret projects come out, though, continue to work on your Fantasyland and Main Street, you will be turning both of them in on July 22nd.

Good luck Dreamers, this is your second to last week of new projects.


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Good day, aspiring Imagineers,

The Imagineer staff has made an executive decision. The League of Dreamers will be completing its run on Sunday, August 8 due to dwindling interest in the competition. Remaining teams will not have to complete any more lands. Rather, each team should finish their work so far, and turn that in as their completed park. We will judge the parks that have been turned in, and one team from each forum will win the prize, as well as a virtual handshake. Thank you to all who played the game; you are the reason that it was so successful this year, and will hopefully show up again soon. We appreciate your support.

As always,

The Imagineer Staff
  • TrevorA
  • MaterA113
  • Disneyson 1


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In the Parks
If your park is finished to everyone on your team's approval, I think the best choice would be to collect the lands on their own thread.

And yes, it's unfortunate that we couldn't finish with the last few assignments, but we'll have plenty of surprises next time!



New Member
If your park is finished to everyone on your team's approval, I think the best choice would be to collect the lands on their own thread.

And yes, it's unfortunate that we couldn't finish with the last few assignments, but we'll have plenty of surprises next time!


Alright, deadline? I'll try to do it tomorrow.

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