Never said everything for everyone... but Walt Disney World is a family-oriented place. It should be a place where the family can enjoy together. Even if not everyone is able (or wants to do) a certain thing, if the goal of something is to separate the family, that is just wrong in my opinion and is not Disney. You can have adult entertainment without resorting to a land full of clubs. Take the West Side... it isn't perfect, but it has a nice mix of items, from Disney Quest to Bongos, from Cirque to Wolfgang. It has live entertainment for all ages. That is something HW can be.
"But it all started from a daddy with two daughters wondering where he could take them where he could have a little fun with them, too."
Really? Does this argument have to happen for the 4,815,162,342nd time?
I'm really not up to it again.
Suffice to say, as a person whose family does not include children, I diagree with most of your statement above.
But, since the loss of PI is secondary to the loss of Adv Club, I don't feel like spending my breath defending the place anymore.
And that Walt quote, perhaps the most tossed-about one of them all, has absolutely no relevance to a discussion about PI. If taken literaly that quote would exclude many of the attractions at all Disney parks. It's about going to a park together, going on vacation together....not spending every waking moment doing the exact same things.