Just here Lee, just here.And hanging around people who are 8?

And to just to make a point.... since when did being around kids become a bad thing?
But that's the point. This was back in the early years of the park where for many reasons, show did not always win out (money, Walt passing, company troubles, etc). Universal on the other hand has had years of theme park experience in the bag and a load of money to spend on this land. And they proved without a doubt that they have the ability to do great things (just go inside the castle to see that), so its just ashame that they didn't take the extra effort to finish the parts that can be seen from within the park (I don't mind the main show building's view from outside the park... the building is monstrous and I wouldn't expect that to ever be hidden). There are no pine trees in these areas to grow, just empty walls and shrubs. A decent cover-up could have just been brown paint (or even go-away-grey) vs the bright white they picked. This was universal's big chance to redefine themselves and while they did a great job, they just didn't quite make it to 'above and beyond'.Not sure on exact dates but it was like that from the 70s and some the 80s. The trees eventually grew in.
The area that features the greenhouse is the queue. It contains extended portions, but you need to go through the greenhouse to get to into the castle. In order for there to be no backup in the greenhouse, the wait would have to be under 30 minutes (which just is not going to happen for a decent while at least).The area that feautres the greenouse is an extended queue
Now I'll concede that much... it is only visible from certain points... unfortunately one of those points is right outside the building at the entranceThe showbuilding is only visible from ertain points.
(this pic just shows a small glimpse of it as I was going for the castle, but I'll be happy to go back with a regular camera and take some better pics)

...and just a few steps to the left right around the Jurassic Park sign

Never mind the positions of the queue you have to walk by where the show building is clear as day. And they didn't even try and hide it (which is ashame since in many places, they just had to continue brown paint an extra few feet). But like I said, I'll take better pictures that do it more justice (or perhaps just an excuse to go back