The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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While I'm not jumping on the badwagon one way or another, has anyone considered writing up a petition to Disney to request that smoking be banned in the parks? I mean, voicing disgust on the messageboard is a good place to vent and all, but why not try and do something about it if it does disgust people as much as I'm seeing on here.


Active Member
Original Poster
I do know that Guset relations told me once , that if a person is not following the guideliness to contact the closest cast memeber and they will handle it .I have seen this done many times , it does work , but its my vacation why do I need to stop from watching a parade and go find a cast member . I paid for my Non-smoking vacation !!! :p


Active Member
Original Poster
GSpiff said:
While I'm not jumping on the badwagon one way or another, has anyone considered writing up a petition to Disney to request that smoking be banned in the parks? I mean, voicing disgust on the messageboard is a good place to vent and all, but why not try and do something about it if it does disgust people as much as I'm seeing on here.

Im in to do what ever can be done .!!! :sohappy:


New Member
SKYWAY 4 ME said:
Thats trerrible ^ ? :( May I ask did they quit smoking after that incident ?.....
...The point here is that Disney can make changes if the wanted to..... and it wouldnt hurt their sales. People will always smoke , just not in the park !
No, they didn't. They ALL still smoke. And my half-sister's mother is on oxygen. She unhooks her tank, goes outside and smokes. Her husband smokes around the oxygen tank. Glad I live a good bit away from them. WOuldn't want to be near when that explosion goes off!

You are right....Disney COULD make changes if they wanted to. They may not have a choice soon. Now in Florida, there is NO smoking in any public building including restaurants. It is only a matter of time before they ban smoking in outdoor public places. I can NOT WAIT!!!!


Well-Known Member
SKYWAY 4 ME said:
Nice STI !!!

If you give'm and inch, they take a mile !!! :hurl:

Thanks! im gonna put it in the lmax show ;)

My opinion on the smoking thing I dont like it when im downwind i notice it alot! its not fair that even when i walk by a smoking area i have to suffer.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
bhg469 said:
smog?? you've got the wrong coast :lol:
my bad, what was i thinking.......

they dont have smog (NYC), but it doesnt smell like a field of wild flowers i tell you that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I absoulutely HATE people who smoke in places they arent supposed to. I have personally been burned by cigarrettes two times in Disney parks and a once someplace else. And everytime it was because of a careless smoker who was smoking in a place they shouldn't have. I personally think smoking should be banned in every public place, but if it's not I think it would be nice if smokers smoked where they were supposed to and nowhere else. However there will always be those arrogant people who think they own the world and do whatever they please without thinking of the people around them.


Account Suspended
CM's should be trained to tell people who are not smoking in desgnated areas to move to one. I see people smoke in the craziest places, especially at MK.


New Member
May I ask a question? How many of you who are posting drink beer/liquor while at EPCOT or your hotel and then proceed to a vehicle... you know - that can kill OTHERS ALSO......


New Member
Cricket said:
May I ask a question? How many of you who are posting drink beer/liquor while at EPCOT or your hotel and then proceed to a vehicle... you know - that can kill OTHERS ALSO......
That is why it is ILLEGAL to do so. Funny how you can kill innocent people with cigarette smoke and not be held liable.

and FYI....I don't drink.


New Member
Cricket said:
May I ask a question? How many of you who are posting drink beer/liquor while at EPCOT or your hotel and then proceed to a vehicle... you know - that can kill OTHERS ALSO......

My answer to your question: I dont drink and drive..and if im drinking in pleasure island ill hop my butt on WDW transportation and have them drive me back to my hotel.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
No disrespect to the "good smokers" who only light up in appropriate areas, etc. etc. But I would also be happy to see smoking banned from the parks entirely. Just too many kids around for it to be considered a good idea. People complained of getting burned or almost burned. Well, if you're walking around with a cigarette & you don't have the presence of mind to look down and see if kids are around...seems like they're more at a risk of getting burned then someone who can more easily enter your field of peripheral vision.

What I'd love to see is a zero-tolerance policy regarding "Free-range smokers." Have signs up that specify, in as many languages as necessary, that anyone smoking in a non-designated area will be immediately ejected from the park for the day, no re-rentry, no refund. Have it broadcast in every possible language on the trams, monorails & boats. Make sure Guest Services at every resort tells people at check-in. And then...ENFORCE IT!

The whole "I paid good money to be here" doesn't hold water as far as I'm concerned. I could pay good money to go to your hometown on vacation, but if there are rules, I'll have to follow them. So why shouldn't you follow Disney's. Why not have cockfights in the Animal Kingdom? Play a boom box whilst in the Hall of Presidents? Walk around in a thong bikini like you're at the beach (unless, of've got the bod for it, haha)? If it's against policy, DON'T DO IT.


New Member

Does Florida or Orlando have any sort of law/ordinance against smoking in public places ? If so, WDW needs to work harder at making sure people are complying. I have seen people smoking very openly in non-designated areas and I have seen CM's look right at them and not say a word. I know that most CM's are probably too shy about saying anything, but if its the law (in addition to WDW policy), they need to make its being addressed.

Most smokers seem to obey the rules. Its the few that don't that mind end forcing Disney's hand by making the parks smoke-free.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
slappy magoo said:
What I'd love to see is a zero-tolerance policy regarding "Free-range smokers." Have signs up that specify, in as many languages as necessary, that anyone smoking in a non-designated area will be immediately ejected from the park for the day, no re-rentry, no refund. Have it broadcast in every possible language on the trams, monorails & boats. Make sure Guest Services at every resort tells people at check-in. And then...ENFORCE IT!
i think this is fair. but maybe escort them with a shocking prode or something.

i smoked for 8 years and now im 3 years quit.......... ive been on both sides of the fence. ive been quilty of smoking in the wrong place in the past..... so im all for it now. :D


New Member
It would also be nice if the gift shops didn't sell cigarettes on Disney Property. I remember them being for sale in the resort gift shop at POR. They don't sell gum because they don't want it stuck all over the walkways, so what about cigarette butts.


New Member
You know what also bothers me is, when people smoke in front of there children. It's ok if you want to give your self lung cancer but at least have the heart not to smoke in front of your children or loved ones.

I didn't know Disney smoked?? Learn something new every day!!


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
What I'd love to see is a zero-tolerance policy regarding "Free-range smokers." Have signs up that specify, in as many languages as necessary, that anyone smoking in a non-designated area will be immediately ejected from the park for the day, no re-rentry, no refund. Have it broadcast in every possible language on the trams, monorails & boats. Make sure Guest Services at every resort tells people at check-in. And then...ENFORCE IT!

I'll also cast a vote for this. I think that people who smoke in non-designated areas shows a total lack of respect for the people around them. Not only that, but in Florida it's against the LAW! I'm sick of all these people who think they are above the rules.
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