The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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New Member
Dj Corona said:
"If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me."
Add one more vote to that.

These never end on a good note...
Yep, ain't that the truth....didn't realize it was time for the monthly smoker/anti-smoker showdown. :brick:

lets please keep stuff to disney, threads like this always bring out the worst in people.


New Member
Dj Corona said:
"If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me."
Add one more vote to that.

These never end on a good note...
Yep, ain't that the truth....didn't realize it was time for the monthly smoker/anti-smoker showdown. :brick:

i do agree though.


Active Member
awalte7 said:
Disney is a family resort. It's made for children, smoking should be banned.
Horror story #1. My friend who smokes was in the smoking area at MK. Someone threw a butt on the ground. A duck-ish looking bird came along and ate it.
Horror story #2. In animal kingdom.A women threw her half smoked ciggerette on the ground and a toddler picked it up and imitated her smoking. it was still lit! TERRIBLE!!! His parents snatched i up really quickly but still...he was 2 years old and trying to smoke!

1. Maybe that duckish looking bird will learn to stay away from the park--that'd definetly be a plus.

2. I have no problem if people smoke and use the designated areas and dispose of the butts properly. On the ground is not properly.

3. As was stated before, most CMs don't approach smokers out of the areas because it's a huge hassle. I do and it results in a lot of "I paid 9 million dollars..." and then some "[insert swear words here" and finally "go ahead and call security." Don't get me wrong, there are people who will either put it out or go to the designated area when first asked as well.

4. Kudos to those who don't smoke and kudos to those smokers who use the areas and dispose of the butts properly (the trashcans with the ashtrays on top).


Well-Known Member
2 said:
Now wasn't Disney originally built for children of all ages (both the young and young and heart)!

Not defending people that do not follow the rules or anything here, but please remember that Walt himself smoked and at the time Disneyland was originally built and later Magic Kingdom, smoking was allowed everywhere. It is only in more recent times, when people are more health concious(at least about smoking) that smoking was mostly banned in the parks and the smoking areas were set up. Some of the older visitors that don't follow the rules may have been coming to the parks for years before these rules were set up and it may just be force of habit from years of being able to smoke anywhere. Should that be an excuse? No. But I am just trying to point out that in some cases, it may not be that they don't care, just that it's what they had been used to for so long.

That being said, I am a non-smoking Cast Member and if I am at the parks when I am not on duty(which I am not on duty only about once a week now) then I will direct people to the smoking areas. There are no smoking areas where I work because I am over at DisneyQuest which is completely indoors.


Well-Known Member
I hate smoking with a passion and wish it was banned everywhere. But I think the thing that bothers me the most is that fact that 95% of smokers never ever put out their cancer sticks in an ashtray. They just throw it on the ground. That is so disgusting and ignorant. :zipit: :fork:


New Member
My husband is a smoker and when we were there a few months ago he ONLY smoked in the designated areas and nowhere else. He is a very considerate smoker so please don't bash all smokers.


Let's not forget that some people on this board are probably smokers so let's not be rude, please. I am not a smoker, but if I was, I'd be quite offended at some of the comments posted here.

I don't like cigarettes either, but I don't think that banning smoking completely would be such a good idea. Smoking is an addiction and it's not easy to get rid of it. Heck, it's not easy to get rid of any addiction, period. I think Disney is doing the best they can to help non-smoking guests feel comfortable by having designated smoking areas. That's only the best they can do. If you see someone smoking in a non-smoking area and if it really bothers you, just let a CM know. I am sure they will try to handle the situation the best they can. Maybe those people are new to WDW and don't really know about the smoking areas.

A little bit OT but I want to share this story anyway....

Last year I was at a Florida Marlins game. It was against the White Sox. There were a few White Sox fans sitting in front of us who were very rude and obnoxious. All of a sudden, we smell cigarette smoke and it was one of the White Sox fans. We kindly ask him to put the cigarette off, since of course, smoking was not permitted. He was like, "Oh, it can't bother you up there," and continued smoking. Of course it did go up where we were, especially with the wind. Finally, someone called security and they had to put the cigarettes out. That didn't stop them though. They lit the cigarettes again and yes, security was called again.

Some people are just rude.


New Member
Amazing how narrow minded we can be. Let's not group all smokers in one group. There are smokers who follow the rules. And not all mothers pushing strollers are obnoxious.
It is unfair that some ignore the smoking rules as much as it's rude to run over feet with strollers.
So next time, "hawk a lewgie" on the smokers foot, as well as step on the obnoxious mothers foot and call it all even, then, go back to enjoying the Happiest Place on Earth that accomodates rude smokers are obnoxious mothers. :rolleyes:
DisneyRoxMySox said:
Aren't there desginated places for you to smoke?? I can't beleive these people cannot walk to the nearest place to smoke, Disney tries to cater to everyone even is a shame.

I am very annoyed by the people who don't give a crap if their smoking bothers others, and do it where ever they like it.


New Member
I hate cigarettes too, but it is not going to go away anytime soon. Some think it's there God given right to smoke whenever and wherever they choose. I experienced it too many times when I was at WDW 2 weeks ago. It may be there right to smoke, but when it infringes on my rights not to have to breathe it, then there is a problem. The one thing I hate more than anything else is smokers who throw their butts out of their car windows, like the world is their ashtray. If you like cigarettes smoke so much put the nasty thing out in the ashtray of your car, but that may dirty up their car and they don't want that to happen. :rolleyes:


New Member
i know of some rlatives of mine that smoke, and they always only smoke in the designated areas. its not that smokers like to smoke, its and addiction. i have never smoked, and never will, but as other people have said, don't bash smokers in general, just the ones that don't follow the rules


The last time we were in WDW we stayed in a non-smoking room. The people in the room next to us were also in a non-smoking room but not adhering to the designation. We smelled smoke coming through the separating doors all the time. Unfortunately when we spoke to them they didn't understand English - or for that matter the International no smoking sign on their door!

We called the front desk and were told that they were adults and if they chose to break the rules that was their choice! :veryconfu We were given the opportunity to move our room but they would not ask the other guests to move or stop smoking. :veryconfu

At least when we checked out we were able to plead our case more and were comp'd on all of our incidentals.:)

Still can't wait to go back though! Not going to let one thing like this change the way I feel about WDW!:sohappy:


New Member
We experienced this also at POR last time. We were in the non-smoking rooms, and the person next to us persisted to smoke right outside the room door while talking on her cell phone for hours at a time. Take a guess where the butts went?


New Member
Yes, I agree that there are very obnoxious people (NOT just mothers...fathers, too) out there who run over people's feet with strollers, have screaming children and don't do anything about it (I HATE that!), spitting (VERY nasty), yelling, pushing, shoving, etc..... All of that is either rude or discusting. But we are forgetting one very important thing: NONE of the above will KILL YOU! Second-hand smoke WILL KILL YOU! It is PROVEN! If second hand smoke were not deadly, then I would not be so outspoken about it. It makes people very ill and some have very violent reactions to it. THAT is the difference! Smoking should be banned in ALL public places! If you want to kill yourself in your own home, then by all means, do it. Just don't kill ME and others around you in the process!

Just a little TRUE story to open your eyes: My half-sister had a baby, a beautiful baby boy. His name was Marcus. She and her husband had just moved back down here from South Carolina and were living with her mother (my former step-mother) and her husband. My half-brother also lived there. All of them smoke. ALL OF THEM, except for little 6-month-old Marcus. One morning, they went in to check on him and he was dead. Do you care to guess what the doctors said? Even though the cause of death was listed as SIDS, the doctors said that the incidents of SIDS is MUCH higher in houses that have smokers. Since little Marcus lived in a small house with FIVE ADULT SMOKERS, his lungs could not handle all the smoke. IT WAS THEIR FAULT THAT MY NEPHEW IS DEAD! He was buried on Mother's Day 1993.


New Member
Being a non-smoker i'd prefer it if WDW (heck, the entire world) were completely smoke free....HOWEVER...this isnt the case. On my last trip (last month) I was sitting outside of Mission Space waiting for my girlfriend to finish riding the ride. I was sitting next to this wonderful lady and we began talking and out of nowhere we smelt smoke. We tolerated it for a few minutes then I noticed that she began to have what looked like an asthma attack...I looked at the man who was obviously smoking in a nonsmoking area and advised him that he was affecting the young lady. HE looked at her and continued to smoke. I then got up and got a bottled water for her ...moved her out of the way. I walked up to him and told him that if he wishes for Disney to remain the happiest place on earth..he'd better put his darn (i didnt use that word) out because in a few minutes...he was gonna encounter the wrath of a very angry black woman. HE then put the cig. out and walked away.


Active Member
Original Poster
Thats trerrible ^ ? :( May I ask did they quit smoking after that incident ?

Its not about all smokers , however I have never seen SMOKING PRESCRIBED by a MD and find it hard that lots of CM wont do anything to have the cigarette smoker removed. and taken politely to the designated area. I do rememeber in school that if one person didnt follow the rules in class , the whole class paid the consequences ....tough teacher huh?

The point here is that Disney can make changes if the wanted to..... and it wouldnt hurt their sales. People will always smoke , just not in the park !

I know not everyone that abuses it and thanks to those that do pay attention and have the decency and courtesy to others !!! :)
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