Well-Known Member
I thought Han and Chewie deserved much better than to turn back into a life of smuggling. The entire trilogy you see Han slowly go from being a selfish, reckless pirate to a selfless, responsible leader and human. The last part of the final battle in ANH, when all is lost until Han comes back to knock Vader's ship out - that meant so much because we all thought he sold out and stayed a smuggler. JJ threw that all out the window and it kinda ****ed me off.
You touch on something that mildly annoyed me about Episode VII.
In a way, the new movie completely discounts everything that happened in the original trilogy. At the start of TFA, every victory from the original movies has been overturned. Sure, the Empire and Rebellion have new names now. But essentially we're right back where we started with the first movie except things are arguably worse. The Death Star is bigger and destroys multiple planets at the same time.
How did we get to this point in 30 years? How did Luke, Han and Leia allow this to happen? From what we know, this new predicament is all their fault. If they had done a better job raising/training Ben, none of this would have happened. Obviously, there are details yet to be revealed, but it doesn't make a lot of sense that after everything he has been through Luke would just walk off into the desert after his nephew pulled an Anakin Skywalker. And were the leaders of the Rebellion really so inept that they couldn't set up a form of government that would prevent the rise of the First Order?
I realize a new threat needed to arise in order to have new movies. But by making the new threat the same as the old one in everything but name, it feels like all our heroes did was make things worse.