The fabulous 'Tony Baxter Tour of Disneyland' - a venture

Figments Friend

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In the Parks
Oh gosh, no.....nothing at all like that i intended to convey.
This is simply a fan of the Park and of his work expressing a genuine appreciation for his creativity, talent, and kindness.
I never even considered some readers may be interperating it to be more then that...

The 'mystery' had more to do with me not having the time to devote to talking about my visit at the time when I am actually visiting.
It is a 'vacation' after all.
I prefer to wait until I return home, as then I will have the proper amount of time to collect my thoughts and upload the photos I snapped to help illustrate many of the topics I bring up.
Hard to talk about certain themed details one discovers in the Park and elsewhere without a proper photograpic representation to show what I'm talking about, exspecially in a format like a web forum thread.

So now that I am back from the wilds of Anaheim, I can better reveal what actually took place.

All in good time....


Figments Friend

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In the Parks

Alrighty's the time you have been waiting for -
It's 'Indy Time' !!
Time to begin the telling of the latest wonderous adventure in 'Baxterland' !
Set those time pieces accordingly, friends, this is going to be quite a ride....

To begin the tale of this chapters' adventures, i would like to begin by talking about some of the further 'discoveries' i made at 'Tony's Temple of Wonders' ( aka 'Indiana Jones Adventure' ).

I have talked a lot about this Attraction elsewhere in this thread, but this visit yet more hidden gems have been revealed and i wanted to share them with the faithful readers here.
The Temple is just overflowing with wondrous treasures, and i'm not just talking about Mara's gold!
No, i'm talking about the fantastic details and spectacular theming...yet again.

So....are you ready to explore the details....'hidden' right before you this wondrous place full of intrigue and excitement...?
Then step forth, into these mysterious halls of stone...!

My first new 'discovery' in the Temple this venture was the realization that the 'letters' have been changed near the entrance.
Dedicated readers of this thread might recall that previously i had shared a photo of the 'letter' from Indiana Jones to Sallah that was placed on the work bench near the entrance.
This wooden bench is located to your right just as you first enter the actual Temple itself from the outside queue.
Indy's 'journel', as well as a few excavation tools, are also present on this work bench.

Well, i was surprised to discover this visit that the 'letter' is now completely different!
Now, the 'letter' is to Sallah from Marcus Brody.
Why this was changed, i do not know...but i think it's pretty neat !

Here is a look at the 'new' letter from Marcus that is currently on the bench -

And for those curious, here is the photo i snapped of the previous 'letter' from a couple of years ago -

It looks to me like, upon closer inspection of the two photos above, that the above original 'letter' from Indy has been stolen.
There appear to be black marks where the corners of the old version used to attach to the bench if you look closely at the first photo.
Did some overzealous fan of Indy swipe it while passing through...?

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Figments Friend

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In the Parks
Continuing now as we traverse 'Tony's Temple of Wonders' ( aka 'Indiana Jones Adventure ).....

I was finally able to snap a photo of a 'hidden detail' i have know about for some time, but never had my camera handy to capture it.
I found it a couple of visits ago, and this time i made it a point to photograph it for inclusion in this thread.

It is located in the Temple chamber containing the famous 'Obelisk of Doom'.
Here is a view of the obelisk itself -

In this same chamber, carved upon one of the wall stones in 'Maragyphics', is Tony Baxter's initials.
Check it out!
They are the pair located near the center of the picture here, and are to your immediate right as you are about to exit the chamber.

Steadfast fans may remember that other parts of the Attraction bear his name, the most familiar example being one of the ride vehicles.
Lovingly referred to as 'Tony's Transport' by Members of the Tony Baxter Fan Club, Transport #10 sports his initials as well as his birth date in the numbers that follow.

Below is a photograph i snapped of Tony's Troop Transport vehicle when i had the quick chance to photograph it one fine evening a few years ago.

All of the Troop Transport vehicles sport the initials and birth dates of the various Imagineers who created, designed, and built this incredible Attraction.

And here is the man himself, pointing out his Transports' insignia !

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Figments Friend

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In the Parks
Trekking on now....through dark corridors and chambers full of spikes and crushing stone blocks......

Another area of the Temple just teeming with fun little details is this glassed in window box located in the queue, just beyond the large room where Guests gather to watch a 'film strip' of a safety presentation by Sallah.
'Take Heed' his sign warns in the film presentation, but eager adventurers looking for hidden relics should 'take heed' of what is on the wall behind them as they round that corner in front of Indy's on sight Office.

Here is a look at the display most Guests miss as they hurry along past Indy's Office and head up the ramp to what destiny may await them -

Contained within this display are some marvelous pieces of art related to the Attraction, and some great paraphernalia to enhance the 'story' of the experience about to come.
Concept art, graphic artwork of various scenes and settings, plus 'mail' and 'letters' from various characters involved in Indy's current excavation.
It is a treasure trove of all sorts of visual goodies...with some informative bits related to the Temple's history as well.

How many thousands of Guests pass by this glass box on the wall and totally miss it....and the glorious goodies to be found inside..?
Well, not readers of this thread.
Nope..not by a longshot...and if you have, now you can see what you have been missing all these years!

I have been by it many times, but always in a situation where i was not really able to linger and take some decent photos of it all.
This visit however, things were very i was able to spend whatever time i wanted looking these relics over.

The display has a fabulous assortment of written gems.
Have a look at this collection of photographs i spent some time capturing, carefully reading all the 'notes' made on said papers.
I love finding stuff like this....and sharing it with fellow fans of Tony's work !


So have a look....

A look at the central area of the display...showing some great 'maps', and various other drawings related to the Attraction.

The upper left showcases part of a elaborate piece of art showing a enhanced imaginary 'layout' of the Temple corridors ride path and the various Chambers that await respectful pilgrims.

On the upper left is a equally fine drawing showing the land area surrounding the Temple, including the Jungle Cruise.

The central drawing is a great one showing Indy himself pulling the famous bamboo pole in the Spike Room.
Love it !
Next to it is a drawing of a early encounter he experiences in the Temple while exploring.

Below this, running along the bottom, is a awesome piece of graphic art showing all the Chambers of the Temple one has to traverse to reach the Hall of Destiny.
A elaborate 'queue map' if you ever saw one.....

Another view, this time featuring a prominent map of Nepal in the center.
Shown in the top right corner is a meticulous drawing of two of the scenes featured on the 'Obelisk of Doom', Death by Fire and Death by Spikes.

Next to this is imagery of the artwork featured in the rotunda area of Mara's servants.

A look at a upper section, showing detailed drawings.
Pay special attention to the 'notes' made with red or blue pencil....!

And here is a closer look at one of those drawings featured above.
The 'notes' added often feature additional info and humorous statements....
Indy scribbles below the Troop Transport image -
" Absolutely NO snakes in my Office..!"


Another closer look of this section, here showing the fine design done for the Alter lid Guests view in the Rotunda area of the queue ( where you get to 'pull the rope'...! )

More to come !
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
More treasures from that display -

Above photo - a drawing of Mara the 'double dealing deity' as he appears in the giant mural painted on the Rotunda ceiling, with added 'field notes'.

Above photo - A great image of 'The Eye Of Mara' talisman invoking mysterious power upon those before him.....

And now, if you look closely along the bottom edge of this display, you will find some fun 'mail' sent in from Indy's friends.

Here is a collection of the various 'telegrams' and 'mail' that has arrived for Dr. Jones -

A 'telegram' from Abner Ravenwood -

A letter from a rather official sounding organization.
Take a closer look at that 'official seal' emblem there.....and the address......

Gotta love those in-jokes...!


And finally, this 'letter' from Dr. Jones himself -

No matter how many times i pass through, the wonders to behold and to be found at 'Tony's Temple of Wonders' just never cease to amaze and delight!

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

And now the time has come to tell the story you have all been waiting for.....

The story of how a long term loyal fan of Tony Baxter and his work had the incredible opportunity to spend some time at Disneyland Park with him.
Six hours +, with four of those hours at Club 33 as his special guest of honor.

How it happened, why it happened, and what happened...i shall tell what is appropriate, now !

Of course you are.....

Here we GO...!!!

Once upon a time, there was a humble fan of Tony Baxter and his fabulous work related to designing Theme Park Attractions.
This fan expressed enthusiasm and admiration for his works by drawing various pictures of him and his creations.

One day, someone 'out there' in the vast world of the internet saw these drawings and really liked what they were seeing.
It turned out this kind person was someone who knows Tony very well, and they really thought the artwork was great and it would be something he would enjoy seeing.
This admirer extended a friendly offer to meet up and have an opportunity to present some of the artwork to the man himself.
A legitimate connection, not a 'internet stalker' mind you....This was someone i fully trusted and had no reason to think otherwise.

So this was rather exciting for me.......but little did i suspect at that moment HOW exciting it was about to become!

Shortly before i arrived in 'Baxterland' this venture, my kind new friend sent me a personal invitation to join them both at Club 33.
This was a special arrangement done on my behalf, and I was extremely grateful for such a honor.
It was suggested at the time that we might spend some time in the Park afterwards riding some Attractions.
This happened a few days before i departed, so you can well imagine how stunned and thrilled i was for receiving such a amazing invitation to such a fabled place!
Not only that, but getting to spend some time touring the Park with someine like Tony who knows so much about the history of the place was equally an honor.
A 'Tony Baxter Tour of Disneyland'.....for REAL.
Oh my gosh..!!

My mind just about exploded...and i was feeling so utterly blown away. Club 33...?
And not just that honor, but the honor of having a relaxing meal with a Disney Legend who i considered one long before he even had the title 'officially'...?
Now i have to make sure to get to Anaheim in one piece.. fully awake, and fully aware!

So began the 3,000 mile coast-to-coast trek.
In all honesty, i can tell you that i didn't really need an airplane to fly to the West Coast.
I was already 'flying high' on the thought of what was to come!

I spent the first three days of my week long visit on my own, as usual.
Enjoyed 'Baxterland' as i always do, and re-visited some of my favorite places there.
Although i did a LOT in those three days, this time i made it a point to take better care of my well being and not run myself down like i had done on previous ventures.
I made it a point to pace myself much more slowly and took hotel breaks during the late afternoon which i rarely did in the past.

I also made myself more aware of what i was eating, as i wanted to keep my energy level up and not feel exhausted when the 'big moment' came of our meeting at the Club.
This was to be a true 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience and i wanted to be sure i was in top health and not drained from touring the Parks for the past three days.

This trip was not about the Parks entirely.
It was all about the chance to meet up with Tony and experience that meeting within a Park environment.
The Park and it's joyful wonders will always be there, but a opportunity like the one before me will not be.
So with that focus, my touring plan was set at a much slower pace then usual to keep myself from getting drained of energy.
The watchfulness paid off.


Sunday arrived, and this was THE DAY.
A most amazing day and night was to come....and despite all the excitement i was feeling i managed to keep myself pretty calm.
I had decided well in advance that i needed to keep cool and relaxed about all of this, as the last thing i wanted to do was make Tony feel awkward, embarrassed, or uncomfortable with a 'fan geeking out' in his presence.
He does get rather overwhelmed by it all sometimes, bless him.

So i breathed deep, took a moment to gather myself together mentally, and prepared to head over to the Park to stand in front of our planned meeting place - Club 33.

That late afternoon, around 3pm, i headed on over to 'Baxterland' with art canvases in tow and dressed in nice, Club appropriate attire.
Since we had discussed beforehand that we will likely ride a few Attractions, i thought it best to store the rather cumbersome art canvases in a rental locker on Main Street.
That way, once our evening was complete, on our way out of the Park via Main Street i could stop and grab the goodies to give to Tony.
So i bought my locker space, carefully placed the prints inside, and closed the door.

Being the full tilt Baxter fan that i am, of course my password for the locker was made to be something related to him.
To insure it was something easy to remember at the end of the night when i needed to retrieve the items in the hurry, i chose '1979'...the year 'Tony's Mountain' ( aka 'Big Thunder Mountain Railroad') opened at Disneyland Park.

Yes, i am a geek.

Now there was no going it was time to stride over to New Orleans Square and stand in front of that famous new door to the now refurbished Club 33.
This was where we were to meet, and begin our fantastic evening at the Park.
A part of me could not believe this was actually happening...but then another part of me could TOTALLY believe it after all the amazing adventures so far.....

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

I arrive about fifteen minutes early, and stand beside this well known door within certain circles of the fan community.
Looking at this picture, i can still see the gas lamp flames dancing a jig within their glass confinement.
Well, that's what it looked like to my eyes at that moment.....

In just a few minutes, i would be seeing with my own eyes what lie behind this decorative door....but first, i had to be mistaken for a Cast Member ( yet again...).
Must have been the completely black attire.

As i have a few moments to myself to hang around in the immediate area, i admire the beautiful etching on the glass above the entrance door.
In my mind i am imagining what wonders lie beyond -

Photographs never fully capture the ambiance of a place, so despite the great photos i had seen previously of this ornate and esteemed dining establishment over the years i knew that it would be twice as spectacular to see in person.

For years i had heard the stories from others who visited, and seen a vast array of images of both the Original Club ( historic and traditional ) and the revamped Club ( bright and elegant ).
Now i would be having my own experience in this environment, and i couldn't even begin to describe the anticipation yet calm realization that THIS IS IT...!

Soon, from around the corner of New Orleans Square he came....with our mutual friend accompanying him.
They wasted no time in greeting me with open arms ( literally ! ) and making me feel completely welcome and comfortable.
It was if they were embracing a long lost family member.
I was of course touched with the warm greetings.

Tony then stood there with me in front of the Club door, expressing how impressed he was with my artwork, to which our mutual friend agreed wholeheartedly.
I was blown away......Tony Baxter 'impressed' with MY artwork..?
This is a man who has done and seen it all as far as art and themed design goes.
An amazing artist in his own right ( i love his watercolors from the 70s ) expressing such enthusiasm for my 'little doodles' on paper. so blew me away to hear him say those kind words.

After a little more friendly chatting, he walks over to the Club intercom panel that is on the wall next to the fabled door.
This is a highly ornate brass panel with a luminous glowing '33' logo in it's center.
Many a fan has looked upon this and fantasized about it being their portal to realms beyond that ornate door.....

Normally the 'glowing' Logo is as it appears in the photo above.
But when a Member pulls out their official photo ID emblazoned Club 33 Membership card and touches the logo , it magically turns from it's normally seen yellowish color to a brilliant bright blue.

I watched as Tony did just this...slipping his card out of his wallet and holding it up to the illuminated '33' panel.
Within moments, it changed from yellow to blue and we all stood there anticipating the 'click' of the Club's entrance door unlocking automatically.
I have to admit, that was a neat little moment of breathless anticipation....waiting to hear the 'click'!

We stand there for what seemed a couple of minutes, when eventually Tony made a humorous quip about the door lock perhaps not working.
He was just there a day or two prior, and his card worked fine, so he was puzzled as to why it didn't seem to be working for the three of us.

Just as we were all about to raise our level of concern up a notch, the door lock 'clicks' and unlocks.
Tony grasps the large door handle and opens the door, in a sweeping display of presentation.
Real or imagined, i cannot decide at this point.
He gestures for me to step forth first, and enter.

I have to say it was quite a moment to see that door open before you, and be able to see beyond in that moment.
It was if the gates of a 'forbidden' Castle had been opened by a chivalrous knight who did all but kneel in a royals' presence.
I sure felt like a Queen stepping off of that tiled walkway of New Orleans Square and into the opulent, extravagant, and ornate setting of the Club.
Despite the recent makeover, it still held me in awe.
Awed by the atmosphere, and awed by the honored companions who had accompanied me, this was just the beginning of a most memorable evening.


Much more to come......!

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

Having stepped through the entrance, we are all now standing in the small yet charming decorative guest lobby.
This small space is just behind that famous ornate entrance door.
Here is a photo i found to show an example of how it appeared, showing one corner of this small area.

Photographer unknown, or i would credit the image.

At a small ornate white desk, two Club Cast Members greet you and attend to your needs.
Here, reservations are checked and Members' cards are looked over to insure they are entitled to venturing further.

As Tony has been a longstanding Member for many years, we didn't need reservations ahead of time as we were going to be dining in the Members only lounge, known as Le Salon Nouveau.
This is the new main addition made to the Club when it was renovated a couple of years ago, and i always thought it looked beautiful in photos.
it also seemed to me that it was one of the only areas after the remodel that still had the 'feel' of the original Clubs' look.
The woods, dark walls, and various trappings.

I was elated that soon i would be traversing the stairs and visiting this lovely area.

My generous host collected a stack of Club 33 Member exclusive instant 'Fast Pass' tickets from one of the attendants behind the desk.
These allow Members and their special guests access to the Fast Pass line at any FP enabled Attraction at any time they wish....for the rest of the day.
As there were three of us together, the passes were numerous.

Here is a snapshot of one of the passes -

After collecting our passes, we were immediately yet gracefully escorted into the Court of Angles, that famous area of New Orleans Square.
It looked absolutely charming at dusk, and i felt like my head was spinning on top of my shoulders.
Here is a photo i found that captures the scene as i looked up at those graceful stairs, beckoning you to come forward and climb them to another level entirely....

Photo credit - Rachel Marie

We had the Court all to ourselves.
There was no one else about except the Club Cast tending to duties in the guest lobby.

Our hostess brought us over to the large 'stained glass' window nook and offered us some refreshment - ice water with lemon and fresh herbs, served from a spouted glass canister.
As she passed us the crystal-like stout glasses, i wasted no time in toasting a cheers to Tony.
So there we stood...glasses clinking in the empty Court of the water fountain bubbled and the flower shaped lights glowed softy.
Conversation lighthearted and delightful.

It seemed in just seconds we were told we could go up to our table, and we took our water with us.
Traversing the stairs was surreal...especially with my fine company continuing to say such kind comments about my art efforts.
Our mutual friend fully understood the deep respect and utter enthusiasm i have regarding Tony and his work, and it was a great relief to know they didn't think i was some kind of overzealous nut or borderline obsessed 'stalker' fan.
There was a real genuine trust being displayed here.

In my mind, i have always seen it as this when it comes to any fandom -
There are 'fans' , and then there are the' overzealous fans', and then there are the 'respectful fans'.
I was relieved to be seen as a very 'respectful fan'....but felt like i was treated far more like family.
It truly felt that way...on so many levels.
It was incredible, and oh so wonderful !

After this, we reach the top of the stairs where one is greeted to the visual delight that is the actual Club Entrance.
Here are a few photographs for reference that i found online to use as examples.
I took very few interior shots myself, which might seem surprising, but i was so swept up in the ambiance of it all ( and the engrossing conversations we were having ) that i let my camera stay in my pocket for the most part.
The few photos i DID have taken during my visit are for later....

For now, enjoy these visual samples.

The Club entrance at the top of the stairs -

Photo credit - ( unknown )

A closer look at that handsome tiled entryway -

Photo credit - ( unknown )

Here at the double glass doors, Tony steps ahead to open one for us both, but again gestures for me to step in first.
A true gentlemen.
Feeling like royalty again...i do so and behold the bright and ornate main entrance lobby where we are greeted by more finely costumed Club Cast Members.
Everyone seemed so pleased to see us...but then again, it's no wonder when it's Tony Baxter in your presence.
I would feel the same way, and by gosh I WAS feeling it right then and there!

A photographic example of how this area appeared when we arrived -

Photo credit -

A look at that ornate chandelier, which our mutual friend made sure to point out.
Note the '33' Logos incorporated into the design....

Photo credit - ( unknown )

From this creamy colored room we were escorted into wooded passageways beyond...into the Members only lounge, Le Salon Nouveau.
A short hallway lined with hundreds of wine bottles had to be experienced first before reaching our destination, and along the way we also passed a set of cozy private booths.
These were all themed to different aspects of New Orleans Square and it's various Attractions.
We stopped in front of one of them on our way to the lounge, as our mutual friend wanted to point out the 'magical' paintings.
Here is a photo example ( not my own ) of what the scene looked like....

Photo credit - ( unknown )

This particular booth was themed to Tom Sawyer Island, and the main painting was as shown in the photo above - Tom and Huck watching a riverboat cruise off up river.
What is 'magical' about the painting is not necessarily the subject matter, or the way the scene was painted.
It was because the painting actually 'changed' throughout the course of the evening.

When we first arrived, i was shown this booth with the painting.
The painting looked like your typical sunset on the hue in the sky, last streams of light hitting the water, and the scene looking like dusk.

Sometime later when we were leaving for the evening, i was shown the painting again.
This time however, it looked like a nighttime scene.
Starry sky, fireflies in the bushes twinkling, and the soft flicker of a lantern inside Tom's camping tent.
The whole scene had been 'magically' changed.
Way cool.

There were other such 'magical' moments on the Club walls that night....and certainly more magical moments happening during the course of our visit.
Being shown all of these wonders was a treat onto itself.

Much more to come.....!

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Premium Member
Excellent storytelling so far! I am so happy for your (and slightly jealous) of your Club 33 experience. I can beleive that Tony was impressed with your art work, from what you have shown us here it is very well done. Maybe I'm jumping ahead, but I remember from your earlier posts that you met Tony before and gave him a card (or something like that), did he remember that at all?


Well-Known Member
I concur with @ajrwdwgirl about the jealousy factor, but I'm glad that you chose to share this latest adventure with us as if we were chosen to come along with you - and that the adventure's only just beginning! Very excited to hear the rest.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Excellent storytelling so far! I am so happy for your (and slightly jealous) of your Club 33 experience. I can beleive that Tony was impressed with your art work, from what you have shown us here it is very well done. Maybe I'm jumping ahead, but I remember from your earlier posts that you met Tony before and gave him a card (or something like that), did he remember that at all?

Thank you, and I am glad you are enjoying the story so far!

Yes, my first encounter with Tony in person was at last years D23 Expo.
It was my first Expo experience, and I specifically attended with the hope that I would have the chance to meet up with him.
I so wanted to give him a special handmade card I had made in honor of his 50th Annversary working for Disney.
The story of that quest is earlier in his very thread...with lots of nice pictures.

During our time together this visit, there was a special period later in the evening when we were sitting at a small table on Main Street and he was able to enjoy the art that I had brought along to give to him.
Besides the canvas print, I had also brought along a small sampling of other related designs I had done.
Tony and his close associate both expressed interest beforehand in aquiring prints of some of the designs, and I was more then happy to supply them both with a mini collection.

Later in the evening when he was looking over a small booklet I had put together of some of my Baxter inspired artwork, he recognized some of the designs from seeing them previously on cards I had sent to him.
We then started talking about them, and he did indeed remember the 50th one from the Expo.
The photo collage contained within it sparked off many fun bits of info.


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