And so, the story unfolds.
Below is a write up setting the scene, so the end result will make a far greater impact.
It's good to explain the reason why i was out there in California this time around, as it was purely unplanned for.
This most recent venture happened purely by chance.
Read on....
I had just returned from a visit to WDW this past September, my first since 'abandoning' my former Property in January of 2013.
Since i had in my possession old valid ticket media, and had wanted to return to explore 'Pandora' at DAK, i decided it was time to reisit and went for it.
The very reasonably priced flights to Florida and a excellent hotel room deal Disney sent my way to lure me back also enticed me to return.
While the visit was enjoyable, there was a lot 'missing' for me.
I have been so utterly and delightfully 'spoiled' by the quality of the Guest Experience at the West Coast Parks, and my other related adventures that Florida just doesn't hold the 'magic' it once did.
The slow erosion of my favorite aspects of WDW and the outright decimation of some key elements leave me angered and disappointed at times.
Hard to explain, but the standout that effected me the most was how EPCOT was such a depressing experience for me this time around.
My favorite Park since first visiting it in April of 83', it's been sad to watch it slowly turn into something far less glorious then it's prior state.
The Imagination Pavilion is where it all started for me, so it's always been a issue regarding the completely unnessary removal of the Original Attraction contained there.
It is so incredibly disheartening to go there today and see it's current 'empty' state when i clearly recall how far better a experience it used to be.
I think this photo i snapped perfectly sums up my attitude regarding the current Pavilion's state -
Who knew a little more then three months later, I would be visiting a place where I would be face to face with the 'real Figment' once housed within these glass pyramids.
But I'm getting ahead of the story.....
I returned home and figured it would be a while before i visited either Coasts' Parks.
My Dad had passed away this past Summer, and now i had inherited all the property, bills, and other financially taxing matters.
The September visit to Florida was a 'vacation escape' to take a break from all of that....but i had no plans at all to return to either Park entities anytime soon.
And then...something happened....
My best friend's wife passed away soon after i returned from WDW.
He was devastated, and it was a huge adjustment for him.
He is a big 'Disney fan' himself, and decided shortly afterwards that he wanted to celebrate her life by going to WDW since that is where they honeymooned 30+ years ago.
For the last six years, i had been telling him about my adventures out West in California, and recommend he 'forget about Florida' and reconsider a venture out to Disneyland instead.
He had noted that he had always promised his wife he would take here there one day, and now he had the chance to in some respects.
It didn't take him long to rethink things and decide that YES, Disneyland in happy Anaheim is where he wanted to go !
Then, i offered to accompany him as i was more familiar with the property and the surrounding area after all of my escapades.
I also figured he probably would have a better time visiting the Parks with a friend instead of being alone.
This was to be his first REAL visit to Disneyland...his previous experience was a quick three hours in the rain ten years ago while in town attending a convention.
Not the way to experience all that 'Walt's Park' has to offer...and he missed a LOT of the 'real' experiences that make this Park special.
As a gift, i also offered to pay for his week long admission to the Parks.
Now, there was no turning back.
He accepted, and i suddenly found myself looking at taking another trip unexpectedly to 'Baxterland'.
While i was looking forward to it, the financial expense was certainly weighing on my mind at the time.
But in the end. it turned out to be one of the BEST decisions i've made.
That offer to accompany him, and the fact that this trip took place at all, was a key defining moment that resulted in the utterly amazing adventure that took place for both of us on different levels.
A totally unexpected, unplanned for trip that came together within moments.....but sometimes, the best things in life happen when unexpected things happen.
And that was certainly the case during this January venture.
Needless to say, my friend had the time of his life at the Disneyland Resort.
He LOVED the experience, and had many unsual and exciting things take place that were purely the result of Cast wanting to make his visit extra special.
Probably the best visit he has ever had to ANY Disney Theme Park to date in the 40+ years he has been visiting WDW.
The quality and personal touches that are 'The Disneyland Difference' blew him away.
He is a total convert now...and can't wait to go back.
He has totally 'forgotten' about Florida now....mission accomplished!
With me as his personal 'tour guide', he saw the Park through a entirely different mindset.
He had some incredible experiences with Cast and several characters that week, and i witnessed some true 'above and beyond' moments from certain CMs.
They really went out of their way to make things memorable for him.
So the weeks' visit was remarkably memorable.
Boy, did that turn out to be a understatement in hindsight!
Nothing however could have prepared him for the epicness that was to come however......and even i did not know this was going to happen until a day before.
Remember that quote i noted earlier said by Uncle Walt..?
"Anything Can Happen At Disneyland".