Feel free to skip over this as it's long. I'm a bit disgruntled with DH. He's gone to play Ingress every weekend for like...the last 6-8 weeks. Last weekend (Feb. 23rd) , he didn't have anything planned and then asked if I minded him going out, because something came up that wasn't on the schedule. I told him ok, on one condition....the next weekend (this past weekend) was MY weekend, because we hadn't gotten to spend time together since New Years, and I've been stuck at the house every weekend because if he leaves, I have to stay with the kids and we can't go anywhere because we don't have a car. He's going to play every weekend, eating in restaurants, etc, while I'm left to make sure the grocery shopping is done, the kids are fed and do their homework, etc.
So he agreed, it was my turn. Then AFTER he put it in the schedule, he realized that there was something he had already signed up for and forgotten to put in the schedule for this past weekend that was supposed to be MY weekend. He didn't even offer to cancel the one that he was now breaking his promise to me to attend, but I figured, meh, we didn't have anything on the schedule and I don't mind being at home. It's only one more week. But it also feels like he's not listening when he's here. DD invited a friend over and I told her she had to clean her room and we needed to clean up our craft stuff downstairs so they could use the coffee table for their junk food while they watched the movies. Friday, I spent the day cleaning downstairs, putting craft stuff away, etc, and I had to work in the evening until 11. Saturday, DD got her room cleaned, but I cleaned all the stuff up downstairs. But in any case, DH then left dishes all over. I asked him to please remember to take them to the kitchen (Dishes are supposed to be his territory, which he has now decided the kids will start doing the dishes to get more allowance) so the coffee table was cleared for the girls. He nodded. I wake up Monday morning and the dishes are still sitting on the table exactly like they were the day before and he's gone to work for the day....so now I have to clean up his mess AND do the dishes before DD's friend gets here, even though I had JUST cleaned everything up Friday.
DD spent all day Saturday and Sunday cleaning her room while I spring cleaned the upstairs bathroom and helped her intermittently with her room, and there were several trash bags that wouldn't fit in the bin. He was off playing Ingress....I had filled the garbage can already, and set some of the bags in front of it because they wouldn't fit. So on Sunday he was home, just playing on his computer and playing boardgames with DS, there was one bag that was a bit heavy and I was afraid I'd lose my balance going down the stairs since my hip doesn't always work well on stairs. So I asked him to get it, which he did...but he set it in the kitchen in front of a cupboard. No biggie, I set a couple more there as it was pouring buckets and I didn't want to walk out to the shed with them in the rain. DD and I rewarded ourselves for our hard work by going to dinner so we didn't have to cook after spending the weekend cleaning. So I asked DH to please take out the trash bags (it had stopped raining) so DD and I could make a cheesecake when we got home....we'd need things out of the cupboard where those trash bags were stacked. And we come home, and DH goes and sits down to play chess with DS. So guess who had to carry all the trash bags out?
Then DD ran out of her cherry yogurt, which the store by our house does not carry. We have to go to the Jumbo to get it. So, yesterday, DD has her friend over to spend the night, and I ask her what she normally eats for breakfast, she says yogurt. So I asked DH to go get some of the cherry yogurt at Jumbo while I'm at choir so they have it in the morning. I get home from choir, and he says the Albert Heijn didn't have the cherry, so he got strawberry. I said No....JUMBO....I told you to go to Jumbo because Albert Heijn doesn't have it! He says "Oh....I missed that. I went to the other Albert Heijn."

So we both work all week, and he goes out to play every weekend and leaves me to do all the work at home. I get things cleaned up, and he promptly leaves trash and dishes all over my cleaned up space and ignores me when I remind him to clean up after himself, and when he DOES do something, he doesn't listen to what I asked him to do. And then he complains about the way I handled the garbage, and the dishes, etc. Well then get your nose out of your phone and HELP me instead of leaving everything up to me while you run off to play!
Sorry...I just needed to vent.