Oh that’s frustrating! Do they grow all over the yard or only in your flower areas?
Doesn’t look like they’d be fun to step in if barefoot
Some are too small to grab by the roots.. I ripped the as best as I could. My yard looks so horrible right now. I wanted to write such a bad review for the tree removal company, but I didn’t as they were recommended by someone in my parish. They used a different color grass than what was in the rest of my yard, it looks so bad and is incredibly bumpy now. (They removed 2 trees in the back, 1 in the front)
I’m waiting til Fall or early spring and having the whole backyard leveled and grass redone to get it back to normal. I just couldn’t stand the thought of doing it in summer. We used the back yard constantly, T plays soccer and hits golf balls daily out there. It’s going to be a major mess and an unforeseen expense on top of the obscene tree removal expenses.