Well-Known Member
This paragraph speaks volumes. I admire a young guy that values his teammates and holds friendships more dear than abandoning his friends, team and teammates for a new team that could likely be much of the same. Loyalty and solid friendships are of great value.
If it is about what he wants (and it is a sport) He seems to be a young man that wants some control in these decisions that are about him and a sport. Question. Was he happier playing against his friends and against his school or did he wish he could have played with his friends on his own school team? And is it a one time only you will overrule him in a sport or a pattern he is going to have to learn to deal with? Is it with that?
I raised two kids in competitive sports. I tried to make it about them and not me in club level sports. I saved the overruling for things that were of greater concern than sports. Rarely did I play that Mom Card so it was respected when I did.
He hated playing for his school, cried in frustration after almost every game. He would get so annoyed that many of the kids were putting a shirt over their head, or just not trying at all. Hence the decision to go to an academy 6 months earlier than I planned on going. He loved it from the first second. His first words to me after the initial evaluation was “Mom, these kids love soccer as much as I do! This is awesome!”
My reasons for wanting to switch clubs is because of what I have seen the past two years. The heartbreak of families who get blindsided, and unfulfilled promises about moves. Again, current players should never be judged on a tryout alone. Politics will happen anywhere, but there’s too many things that I don’t like.
My kid could be blindsided next. Many of his team friends already have been..some are fed up and leaving the club and they received an offer as expected.
A friend on your team is not the only decision that should be factored in when someone is playing at a competitive level. Kids move clubs, kids move levels, some will quit soccer as they continue to get older, not all will stay together forever. It’s nice if a few do. There should be a core group who grow together with a coach, that core can’t develop if rosters are having 60% of their team changed every year.
The most important thing is having the proper coaching, opportunity, and club culture. We’ve been lucky with amazing parents (eta here bc I thought I wrote it)*and kids* and no one who is too annoying... but from what I’m seeing with the way this is going, we will run into in the next few years. I have to travel with these people, I have to have good relationships with the coaching staff and directors, good to me means communication- direct one on one communication is extremely lacking.
These are all things that a 9 year old can’t see, and it’s my job as the parent to look out for him. I don’t know what decision we will make next year, but if I see more of the same over the next 12 months, then yes, I will force him to move. I will not spend thousands of dollars per year on a club that I don’t think cares about their families.
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