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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
reminds me of that joke posted online.
where a kid is introduced to the class "Please say Hi to Jammie, he came from Africa.. show respect to him and his culture"

and the Kid is all completely baffled... "but I am from Michigan"

is that a Yoda argument?

My DS BFF from a little kid is half Mexican. His Mom divorced his Dad shortly before he was born but he had his fathers Sir name. Everything in High School came to his family here in the mail in Spanish. Nobody in the household including my DS friend spoke Spanish. His Junior year they changed his last name to his Moms last name since he had no ties to the Dad that he hadn't been around since shortly after birth. The Spanish communications from school stopped. His Mom is French with a very French name. Nothing from the school came in French though.


Well-Known Member
We've talked about that. Mom won't give up her phone. Which is probably for the best. It already took me a while to teach her how to use her phone, and ATT doesn't have inexpensive Samsung phones like hers right now. It's more that he doesn't want a small, flip phone screen because his vision's so bad. Of course he can't see his current phone's screen, but anyway...

He's got an Android phone. The phone I showed him was the same one I have. It's not that different from the one he has; it's just an HTC instead of being off brand (I told him absolutely no more off-brand cell phones). It's actually bigger than my mom's and more similar to the one he's got. After I showed him mine, he said, "I don't need a new phone." I can't figure it out other than he tends to use things until they absolutely break.

Sounds kinda' like me.
I drove the car I had before Lilly Dimples 'til she was done. Lilly Dimples ('97 Hyundai Accent) is still up and runnin', but, boy howdy, her paint and interior are done-done. The Malibu that's my main transportation now, will also probably be driven, almost, 'til it drops.

Someday, I hope to own another Mustang GT.
Mid-late '60's model, or a new one...or both. ;) :)
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Well-Known Member
No. Just, no.

DO NOT make me change my avatar, young man.


:D ;) :)


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Sounds kinda' like me.
I drove the car I had before Lilly Dimples 'til she was done. Lilly Dimples ('97 Hyundai Accent) is still up and runnin', but, boy howdy, her paint and interior are done-done. The Malibu that's my main transportation now, will also probably be driven, almost, 'til it drops.

Someday, I hope to own another Mustang GT.
Early-late '60's model, or a new one...or both. ;) :)
Another pic of a pic, sorry.
The Builder and his sweet ride, a '67 Mustang:

Same pic, different lighting:


Well-Known Member
Yes, one must be very careful.
I work in Brampton, a city of 520,000+ people; 40% of whom are Indo-Canadian.

At first glance, unless the person is a Sikh, one cannot always tell if the Purchaser is Indian or Pakastani.
Indians and Pakastanis have vastly different religions, and it is often cause for great conflict.

It used to be that Hwy 410 was the dividing line between the communities - but not so much anymore, as developed land becomes more scarce.

Easier just to approach them as people; who want to buy a house; from Jennyfer, who loves all the Indo-Canadians equally, as they are the most loyal buyers anywhere.
And all their children call me "Auntie".

Yes, same here in Austin.
You DO NOT want to ask a Pakistani if they are Indian, or vice versa. You better be able to, somehow, tweak that out, beforehand.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
True, but your human children might not do that either.

I've already told mine that they might not get grandchildren. Dad's fine with it (in a way because he didn't want kids either). Mom's hoping I change my mind.
You might change your mind.
I too, was resolute that I didn't want kids.
All that changed after we'd been married a year or so, and 27 was just a calendar flip away.

I mean, I REALLY didn't want kids. Was never a baby hugger. Pitied my friends who had them ....
And then, BOOM!


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Yes, same here in Austin.
You DO NOT want to ask a Pakistani if they are Indian, or vice versa. You better be able to, somehow, tweak that out, beforehand.
Lately, it's been easy. 82 Purchasers - 20 Singhs, 20 Patels, a handful of Gills and female Kaurs.
Easy peasy.

Also, my sales trailer was right across the road from the new Sikh temple, so you know ....


Well-Known Member
a little?
I sometimes fear It slips a lot.
I sometimes just go back and re-read, then try to fix the sentences that are broken or those that do not sound exactly how I was imagining them to.

Heck, I can speak purfict ;) English, and I do the same thing ALL the time...! :confused: ;)
Your command of the English language is very impressive, to me. If only my Spanish was the same...! :)


Well-Known Member
It's not easy to learn any language, though I think Spanish is one of the easier languages for English speakers to learn. But the grammar is so different from English. They have so many forms of verbs. So many tenses. And then there's the subjunctive, which we have in English but don't use as much. And then there's words that sound like they mean the same thing but really don't, which gets confusing. For example, "embarazada". Sounds like it should mean embarrassed, right? Well, they teach you in Spanish 1 that it does not mean "embarrassed"; it means pregnant. Another one is éxito, which does not mean exit but means success. Challenging sometimes.

But surprisingly, English is harder for Spanish speakers to learn than Spanish is for English speakers. But still, it's not easy to learn. I started taking Spanish almost 8 years ago, and I would say I'm still not fluent. I can have a conversation in Spanish, I can read, write, and understand a lot of it, but fluent I am not.

I have the opposite problem. People don't realize I speak Spanish because I look so American, and then when they hear Castilian Spanish coming out of my mouth, they're like: :jawdrop:. Especially if they're saying something embarrassing thinking no one around them understands. :hilarious:

And then they ask how I got a Castilian accent (an accent from Spain). Which is because my first teacher was from Spain and I spent the entire first year perfecting the accent,which features a lisp. I mean, I listened, and repeated, and repeated, and repeated until I had it down. I was pretty determined to learn the language back then, so I was working pretty hard. When I got to Spanish 2, we were told to use a different accent. I dropped the lisp, but went back to it when the teacher wasn't around (years later she found out when we were speaking Spanish that I had done that, she rolled her eyes). Then, when I would talk to CMs in Mexico at Epcot, I discovered that if I tried to drop the Castilian accent, they could not understand me, but when I used it, they understood me perfectly. So I changed back to the accent and have never looked back. Even though a lot of Americans don't like the lisp. I don't give a darn. I do, and if it means I can speak and be understood, than that's what I'm going to do.

My Spanish professor lived in Spain for a while. She too lisps.

The part of your story where you talk about people speaking Spanish around you reminds me of this:

yup, every moment in life has been either covered in Seinfeld or the Office.


Well-Known Member
My DS BFF from a little kid is half Mexican. His Mom divorced his Dad shortly before he was born but he had his fathers Sir name. Everything in High School came to his family here in the mail in Spanish. Nobody in the household including my DS friend spoke Spanish. His Junior year they changed his last name to his Moms last name since he had no ties to the Dad that he hadn't been around since shortly after birth. The Spanish communications from school stopped. His Mom is French with a very French name. Nothing from the school came in French though.
Is it me or are only Hispanics and/or Latinos expected to speak Spanish? You bring up a good point. Even my Asian friends are not expected to speak Mandarin, Cantonese, etc. Even my Native American friends are not expected to speak Navajo (if they are Navajo). Maybe it's just me but I think that's weird.

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