The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Makes it a treat when we go away (although we are partial to Harris and Hoole whilst in the UK). We don't have KFC,Mickey D's or Pizza Hut ...
I wouldn't miss the fast food places but I need my coffee choices. I also like getting coffee at Pret since they give you 50p off if you bring your own cup. So I can get a cup of filter coffee for 49p and they usually add warm milk if you ask nicely.:)


Premium Member

Weird, I havent heard much about the updates on this ride but its been going for more than a year if I remember correctly?

I hope they replaced the other attractions that were VERY ugly and plain..

Other than the JP coaster they're adding I'm not sure what's going on over there


Well-Known Member

Nice. Mouse Gear is one of my favorite venues for merchandise. I'm glad she seems to be enjoying her time so far. My son loved his. Time of his life. MG is a coveted place. My son was blessed with both his CP and Intership in coveted roles. Fortunate. Is the young woman from where you grew up?
What was your son's role?

I have never met her before...well, I think I saw her when she was a baby once. Her mom and I were high school classmates, and we also went to the same University, but she ended up getting married and dropping out, but her husband was abusive and she had this new baby. They had moved to....I want to say virginia and then when she left him, she moved back to Wyoming. Now they live in North Dakota, and that's where the daughter doing the college program graduated from high school. I'm not sure where she goes to college. But I think she was born in Virginia, grew up in Wyoming until she was in Junior high, and then finished school in ND. So....yes and no, I guess? Kind of from where I grew up, but also not.


Premium Member
Heck, I still have a VCR as well. They cannot stream the video's of my kids plays or recitals. I don't know what I will do when mine breaks down. And all those years of Disney Vacation videos are no longer viewable.

You can get any film converted to a cd, DVD, etc. One of my brothers had our family films converted over. so that we would not lose those old film images, of when we were growing up. (I love watching old family movies -- when I was a toddler, I think I looked like an alien in those films! :hilarious: )


Well-Known Member
The ying and yang. My first truck was no where near the price of $58000 of the social status cost your Cadillac. I love my truck. You loved your Cadillac. Either one could be considered a social status I guess. In my day a Cadillac was more of a Social Status symbol than a truck/suv. Where I grew up a Cadillac was leaps and bounds more of a Social Status than a 'blue collar' truck or my SUV Blazer. Kinda why it is difficult to Judge people by what they choose to own.
You must have missed the part where I said that I knew that some people have a real use for them. I didn't buy the Caddy for the status, I just felt that for the price paid, it should have long life and good quality that would last through my retirement years. I can't tell you how wrong I was about that. Heck, I used to drive a bus so I do know how to block the vision of everyone around me. That, however, does not mean that I don't think that getting stuck behind one is pleasant. Buses, like some SUV's have a purpose, and therefore should be used, even if it is just to physically make a height challenged 😉 person stand above the crowd. I am referring to those that have them just for show or as a testosterone enhancer. When I see an 85 year old, hobble out of his 4 door, duel wheeled Pickup, I know that it is a compensation for something. Makes me want to slap some age into them. Instead I just mutter obscenities to myself and life goes on.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, GoodWill. They are loaded down with VCR's and DVD/VCR combos. Every time my DD works while in DisneyWorld she buys a monitor for an extension of her work laptop (all of which she has everyday back home) along with a keyboard and a mouse. From GoodWill she can purchase a monitor, mouse and keyboard for under $10 and then she abandons them with a 'free' 'abandoned' note taped to them so they are free for the asking and does not fall into the lost and found loop of WDW.

For the same reason we all still individually owning VCR/DVD players. Tech keeps changing and upgrading all of these 20-30 year old tapes or DVDs to the latest tech version is expensive or minimally expensive. It is just simpler and more cost effective for us to keep a bit of yesteryear tech in our life.
I do get peripheral parts for my computer from a local charity/thrift shop where I know that the money goes to help people and not the CEO, which I understand Good Will is famous for doing. Heck, I even buy my golf clubs from there. Perfectly good, sometimes new equipment for $4.00 per club. I have kicked myself for passing up on a brand new complete set (still had the plastic on the heads) that was labeled for $25.00 complete with new bag**. Instead, I tried to tell them that very few low income people play golf. Those of us that do, know that those things are worth a lot more then that and would be willing to pay more for them. After leaving, (I had a appointment our of town) I decided I would go back first thing the next morning and get them. By then they were gone. However, I will keep an eye open for a VCR. I haven't seen one on the self at all.
I checked out the retail value of that setup and it was close to $1000.00


Well-Known Member
You can get any film converted to a cd, DVD, etc. One of my brothers had our family films converted over. so that we would not lose those old film images, of when we were growing up. (I love watching old family movies -- when I was a toddler, I think I looked like an alien in those films! :hilarious: )

My sister did that with my parents old 8mm movies. It is a hoot to see them. When I see myself as a teenager, with a flat belly and non-sagging skin all I can say is Wow... was I ever good looking or what! But, that would be vanity and that would be wrong. So let's say I looked about normal for the time. They were all pretty good unless the camera was operated by my Mother. She operated a movie camera like a regular camera and only held the button for a second so all you got were tiny little snippets of scenery or action. She also had a tendency to cut off everyone's head. I should look around an see if I can get the VCR tapes put on a DVD. I have the same problem with a big stack of Cassette tapes and a bigger stack of vinyl records. I understand records are coming back in certain circles and that means that turn tables are still being made.

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