The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I don’t think it’s malpractice, but I would definitely say that the hospital needs to eat all related costs to today.

@SteveBrickNJ , they did tell you that you won’t receive a bill for this, correct?
We were in such shock that we did not ask about that. It would seem logical that if they don't want us to sue them, they will not bill us for something their surgeon did wrong.
The surgeon called my wife's cell moments ago and said that he was at his cardiologist and the cardiologist got backed up.
The surgery is rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon.


Well-Known Member
The nurse that prepared my wife with the I V was amazed! How unprofessional. How thoughtless!
My wife asked the surgeon's staff to have the surgeon to call her and apologize/ explain. So far no such call has been received.
The surgery is supposedly rescheduled for tomorrow but we have to wait until 5pm for the hospital to call with the new time.
That's unacceptable! Quite unprofessional. Is there a different surgeon who can do your wife's surgery? I wouldn't be able to trust this guy after something like this. How do you know he's not going to flake on you?


Well-Known Member
That's unacceptable! Quite unprofessional. Is there a different surgeon who can do your wife's surgery? I wouldn't be able to trust this guy after something like this. How do you know he's not going to flake on you?
He called and said he was sorry. He was stuck at his cardiologist. My wife is not interested in starting from scratch with someone else. We'll show up tomorrow and get it done with this guy.


Well-Known Member
First competition is this weekend. They compete twice which is a first for dd's team. The older teams have done this competition before. And drama, you want to talk drama? There is a lot on the teams with the older girls. The highest level team they have started with 10 girls. 2 months before the competition this weekend, one girl up and decided to quit. They had to rechoreograph the whole routine. Then last month, one of the moms cursed out the owner of the gym for reasons unknown, but I know the owner and she is a dear. So the owner thought it best to let that family go. So down to 8 and those girls have really dealt with a lot this season.
Our drama and the injuries go together. Our practice space is terribly inadequate. Admin thinks the girls are fine dancing on the concrete cafeteria floor with a very thin practice floor over it. It offers no shock absorption. 2 of 3 captains out with knee injuries, quite a few who didn't go out for competitive dance because of this. 13 made the team. 11 are dancing. This is very small for a team. No alternates this year, either.

And DD is home early, because they have no practice space today. I don't know how that even happens.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg.


Premium Member
I am sitting once again watching it snow. We already have several more inches since midnight. This is supposed to a historical snow for us this time of the year. I think they are going to be right!
I am going out soon to replenish the birdseed. I think all the birds on the county have found my feeders! :joyfull:

Not sure about your area, but in some, you need to keep an eye out for bears. Bears are drawn to bird feeders, so just a heads up.


Premium Member
You'll be amazed re. what I'm about to share.
My wife was in the bed that would be wheeled into the operating room. She'd gone through all the million questions, changed to the hospital gown, given the urine sample, had the I V drip in her arm.....ready to go.....then the head surgical nurse approached us and says that the surgeon is unable to make it. He is not present in the hospital!
He, the surgeon....will HIMSELF be operated on sometime in the future.....and HE..the SURGEON was at an appointment FOR HIMSELF at a location 20 miles north of the hospital my wife and I were in. HIS appointment to see his surgeon for a consult for himself was at 10:30am. THAT surgeon was running behind schedule. My wife's surgeon chose to stay there and be seen by his surgeon rather than reschedule for his personal visit and come down south 20 miles and perform my wife's surgery.

Wow, just wow! I see that he did call but still that is just unexpected from a professional. And do make sure you aren't charged for today's preparations. Perhaps even call the insurance company and get the story on record so if the hospital does charge they can dispute it faster. I hope all goes well with your wife's surgery. How will this impact the days you were able to get off of work? Will your district let you taken another day off since the surgery didn't happen today? I'm assuming you will still need the same number of days to care for your wife at home.


Well-Known Member
Wow, just wow! I see that he did call but still that is just unexpected from a professional. And do make sure you aren't charged for today's preparations. Perhaps even call the insurance company and get the story on record so if the hospital does charge they can dispute it faster. I hope all goes well with your wife's surgery. How will this impact the days you were able to get off of work? Will your district let you taken another day off since the surgery didn't happen today? I'm assuming you will still need the same number of days to care for your wife at home.
I don't know. :rolleyes:Thanks for caring. :happy: I am tired. :grumpy: @ajrwdwgirl
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Premium Member
We had 6.5 inches here in Raleigh, which I understand is a early month record as well. Don't really know from personal experience. I went out to take something to The UPS store and pick up a couple of things at the grocery store and frankly the roads were awful, but, there wasn't much traffic so that meant that few fools (other then myself) were out there making mistakes. Just the few I saw were putting on their brakes more then they should have and going way, way, way slower then called for as well. Of course, around here it isn't uncommon to see people riding around on slick, bald tires, so maybe they were going the only speed they could. It hasn't really warmed up that much, 34/35 degrees but most of the snow and sleet has melted off the roads. I know it is much worse to the west and north of us, but, we seem to be past the worst part for this area. Of that 6.5 inches all that is left is about 2 or less inches.

My brother is in Davidson County, so I'm assuming his area may have been hit harder than yours. He wouldn't be one to tell me though. If he lost power, he'd just wait it out for days, until it came back on. (It's that old, tough, ex-Marine thing .. . ;) )


Premium Member
The nurse that prepared my wife with the I V was amazed! How unprofessional. How thoughtless!
My wife asked the surgeon's staff to have the surgeon to call her and apologize/ explain. So far no such call has been received.
The surgery is supposedly rescheduled for tomorrow but we have to wait until 5pm for the hospital to call with the new time.

OH GOOD LORD. That is completely unacceptable from him. Does your wife still want him for her surgeon after that? (Not an easy question, I completely understand.) So sorry to hear about this for both of you.


Well-Known Member
You'll be amazed re. what I'm about to share.
My wife was in the bed that would be wheeled into the operating room. She'd gone through all the million questions, changed to the hospital gown, given the urine sample, had the I V drip in her arm.....ready to go.....then the head surgical nurse approached us and says that the surgeon is unable to make it. He is not present in the hospital!
He, the surgeon....will HIMSELF be operated on sometime in the future.....and HE..the SURGEON was at an appointment FOR HIMSELF at a location 20 miles north of the hospital my wife and I were in. HIS appointment to see his surgeon for a consult for himself was at 10:30am. THAT surgeon was running behind schedule. My wife's surgeon chose to stay there and be seen by his surgeon rather than reschedule for his personal visit and come down south 20 miles and perform my wife's surgery.
Wow. That is not professional.

I heard of unprofessional behavior from the medical field and dental field before though.


Premium Member
Our drama and the injuries go together. Our practice space is terribly inadequate. Admin thinks the girls are fine dancing on the concrete cafeteria floor with a very thin practice floor over it. It offers no shock absorption. 2 of 3 captains out with knee injuries, quite a few who didn't go out for competitive dance because of this. 13 made the team. 11 are dancing. This is very small for a team. No alternates this year, either.

And DD is home early, because they have no practice space today. I don't know how that even happens.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg.

Don't think much of the Admin. people who think it's fine for the kids to dance on a concrete floor (with just a thin practice floor over it). That's one way to injure joints. And then for your DD to be sent home early, because there was no practice space today? I'd love to know what other sport took their practice space? Not knowing all the details here, my "impression" is that the dance activity is not being taken seriously at all by the school admin. people.


Well-Known Member
Don't think much of the Admin. people who think it's fine for the kids to dance on a concrete floor (with just a thin practice floor over it). That's one way to injure joints. And then for your DD to be sent home early, because there was no practice space today? I'd love to know what other sport took their practice space? Not knowing all the details here, my "impression" is that the dance activity is not being taken seriously at all by the school admin. people.
That is just it. Even though every district around us, and the state classify it as a sport, in our district it is a club. Hopefully, this will change with the new teacher contracts that are being negotiated.

I also suspect that they are thinking of old Pom team spirit squads, that did a kick line, a Pom pass, not much else. So different now. Handsprings, aerials. By the way, my DD is pretty sure she thinks she can do it. (For those who don't know, it is a no hand cartwheel). I have already told her, I prefer her to not do it in the cafeteria. Bad enough if you wipe out on a gym floor.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Thanks for caring. I am tired.
Get some rest. Although very frustrating, and of course, they ahold not have let prep go that far, but maybe the surgeon needed to take care of it. I know I wouldn't want someone distracted doing my surgery.

Hopefully, he will be fully present and focused. Andorra sure, don't pay today's bill. Get in touch with your insurance as soon as practical. Write down names of who you spoke with and times and dates, in case it gets forgotten.


Premium Member
That is just it. Even though every district around us, and the state classify it as a sport, in our district it is a club. Hopefully, this will change with the new teacher contracts that are being negotiated.

I also suspect that they are thinking of old Pom team spirit squads, that did a kick line, a Pom pass, not much else. So different now. Handsprings, aerials. By the way, my DD is pretty sure she thinks she can do it. (For those who don't know, it is a no hand cartwheel). I have already told her, I prefer her to not do it in the cafeteria. Bad enough if you wipe out on a gym floor.

Just wondering--could all the parents of these girls get a petition together, to present to the school principal or superintendent? I know you're more concerned about the safety, versus the practice time they need, so I figure the other parents must be feeling the same way. It's too bad they can't practice outside, although not while there is snow on the ground.

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