speaking of interesting stuff..
they have closed both main bridges connecting the sister cities in my hometown.
the freak rains that happened 2 days ago (until today) caused a danm to be forced to unload water (since it reached over 100% capacity).
So this load of water, plus the heavy rain's loads.. have made the bigger river dangerous.
Last time the river had this load.. one of the bridges (the older one) structurally failed and killed 3 people as it fell sideways into the water.
the "newer" bridge was reinforced and a new reinforced bridge was built where the older one fell.
So... they are being cautious now and closing both ways until the river current decreases.
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Red Arrow = normal causeway
all the water is a flood zone.
its worse on the outer area (this area is between bridges)
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Pretty sure this image was taken near the "Puente Ameca" signage.
upper bridge = new reinforced bridge to replace one that fell down.
bottom was reinforced.