So it's actually a real thing in Mexico? I assumed it was some weird Dutch person was like...oh hey....Flan is a typical Mexican dessert, let's put it on top of a chocolate monstrosity and call it Mexican. Because most things over here are not authentic. I went to an "American breakfast buffet" once and the only thing American about it were the names. The pancakes were Dutch pancakes, not American ones, and they didn't have maple syrup. They served the cereal with yogurt, which is Dutch....Americans use milk. The scrambled eggs had salmon chunks in them....I've never heard of putting salmon in scrambled eggs. Bacon, yes...salmon? No. They didn't have bacon or sausage, they didn't have waffles....there was just nothing American about it. And my friends here from Mexico said that what they call Mexican food in the Netherlands is not authentic. So I figured it was a Dutch invention using Mexican food components, so they call it Mexican food.