The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's really cool! So is she doing a masters program at one university and works at another?

Yes. Universities all have their rankings and her undergrad came from U of I a very well ranked University. She wanted to attend a University with a highly ranked Computer Science Engineering program. The University she works for Has very limited focuses for engineering. But her University that she works for took notice very quickly and are already redirecting her talents. As she left for vacation they pulled all of her more benign responsibilities and replacing with items that will build towards experience with her masters. She is excited for the opportunity and that they are so supportive.

Tomorrow is their day to kick off the the fall session where she works for the staff. They will shut down and have a staff outing at noon. It has been a good week for her.


Well-Known Member
Some states also have county
Hey gang. Do we have anyone here who is knowledgeable about the rules of jury duty pools? I just served in February of 2017 and when I was dismissed they gave me a proof of service form and it says "retain for four years".

A few weeks ago, I got something in the mail notifying me that I had to send back a form registering for service. I thought it was a mistake but I sent the form back to them along with my proof of recent service.

TODAY, I get a notification in the mail that I've been chosen to be on call for service starting October 22. Huh?????

To add insult to injury, the courthouse they want me to report to is all the way in the middle of Long Island, over an hour from my apartment by train.

Does anyone know if this might have been an error? If I just served in 2017, why would I have to do it again in 2018?

Naturally, there is no number to call on the form.


Sympathy like.
I’ve been called for jury duty several times, and actually, by fluke, ended up serving on one (more on that in a bit).
The county we live in has a 6 mo. minimum between jury duty calls between the time you’ve actually served on one. But, since our hood was limitedly annexed by Austin several years ago, and the brunt of the city is within the county south of us, we can also be called for jury duty there every 6 mo. after serving, and they can overlap (unless that has changed in the last few years). In one 3-ish mo. timeframe I was called for jury duty in both counties, and was dismissed from both. Most likely because I let them know of the fact that I have both a friend and a BIL that are police officers. Seems to have worked every time, except the one I mentioned above that I ended up serving on... :cyclops:
It was a DWI case, but, it wasn’t typical.
The guy had been at a friends house all day helping him work on his car. On his way home on a neighborhood street, a kiddo rode out of a driveway into the street and ran into the side of his pickup...if he woulda’ driven by a split second later, he woulda’ hit the kiddo.
Anyway, the driveway the kid came out of to cross the street was his grandparents and he was crossing to get back to his family home directly across the street. The guy stopped to check on the kid, and the grandfather saw it all and ran over to check on him too. The kid was actually fine, but, a little shook up. By the time the 3 of them decided all was OK and no big deal, the guy was getting ready to drive away as the kids father came out, heard what happened, and quickly got his plate number as he was driving away. The grandfather also told his son that he thought he smelled alcohol on the guys breath, and that he saw some beer cans on the floor of his truck.
Father called the police and they gave the guy a visit at his home. But, that was about a half hour later. The police found him to be very intoxicated when they arrived, but, he claimed it was because he was so shook up from the incident, that he had drank a half bottle of vodka when he got home...
Without going into further details (3 days worth), the testimony and evidence was just too overwhelming not to convict.
The judge gave him probation and so many hours of community service along with some financial restitution.
Here’s the fun part...
After it was all over, just I and his defense attorney ended up in the elevator down. Awkward for a few moments, but, then he asked me what led us to vote to convict.
I explained to him, without going into detail here, (even after we reached the lower lobby, and headed out of the building towards our cars) how his clients story just didn’t seem credible and had so many inconsistencies.
At that point, I asked him what he thought.
He stopped on the sidewalk, as did I when he did, turned and looked me straight in the face, and said we made the right call, as he was 100% sure the guy had been drinkin’ all day.
Then, as we were standing there, I asked him “By the way, why did I get chosen for this jury after y’all knew I had my own DWI back in ‘85, and have a friend and a BIL that are both cops?!”
He replied “Simple, the lady we were gonna’ choose instead of you was out in the hall loudly discussing the case, which not only disqualified here from the jury, but, got her a hefty fine. And, well, you were next in line.” :hilarious:
Honestly, it was actually a fascinating and crazy experience, all at the same time. I learned a lot, and I’m glad I experienced it.
But, ultimately, once was enough...!!! ;):oops:
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Well-Known Member
Sympathy like.
I’ve been called for jury duty several times, and actually, by fluke, ended up serving on one (more on that in a bit).
The county we live in has a 6 mo. minimum between jury duty calls between the time you’ve actually served on one. But, since our hood was limitedly annexed by Austin several years ago, and the brunt of the city is within the county south of us, we can also be called for jury duty there every 6 mo. after serving, and they can overlap (unless that has changed in the last few years). In one 3-ish mo. timeframe I was called for jury duty in both counties, and was dismissed from both. Most likely because I let them know of the fact that I have both a friend and a BIL that are police officers. Seems to have worked every time, except the one I mentioned above that I ended up serving on... :cyclops:
it was a DWI case, but, it wasn’t typical.
The guy had been at a friends house all day helping him work on his car. On his way home on a neighborhood street, a kiddo rode out of a driveway into the street and ran into the side of his pickup...if he woulda’ driven by a split second later, he woulda’ hit the kiddo.
Anyway, the driveway the kid came out of to cross the street was his grandparents and he was crossing to get back to his family home directly across the street. The guy stopped to check on the kid, and the grandfather saw it all and ran over to check on him too. The kid was actually fine, but, a little shook up. By the time the 3 of them decided all was OK and no big deal, the guy was getting ready to drive away as the kids father came out, heard what happened, and quickly got his plate number as he was driving away. The grandfather also told his son that he thought he smelled alcohol on the guys breath, and that he saw some beer cans on the floor of his truck.
Father called the police and they gave the guy a quick visit st his home. But, that was about a half hour later. The police found him to be very intoxicated when they arrived, but, he claimed it was because he was so shook up from the incident, that he had drank a half bottle of vodka when he got home...
Without going into further details (3 days worth), the testimony and evidence was just too overwhelming not to convict.
The judge gave him probation and so many hours of community service along with some financial restitution.
Here’s the fun part...
After it was all over, just I and his defense attorney ended up in the elevator down. Awkward for a few moments, but, then he asked me what led us to vote to convict.
I explained to him, without going into detail here, (even after we reached the lower lobby, and headed out of the building towards our cars) how his clients story just didn’t seem credible and had so many inconsistencies.
At that point, I asked him what he thought.
He stopped on the sidewalk, as did I when he did, turned and looked me straight in the face, and said we made the right call, as he was 100% sure the guy had been drinkin’ all day.
Then, as we were standing there, I asked him “By the way, why did I get chosen for this jury after y’all knew I had my own DWI back in ‘85, and have a friend and a BIL that are both cops?!”
He replied “Simple, the lady we were gonna’ choose instead of you was out in the hall loudly discussing the case, which not only disqualified here from the jury, but, got her a hefty fine. And, well, you were next in line.” :hilarious:
Honestly, it was actually a fascinating and crazy experience, all st the same time, I learned a lot, and I’m glad I experienced it.
But, ultimately, once was enough...!!! ;):oops:
That is quite a story! Thanks for sharing!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Nope....he won't eat chicken unless it's in nugget form, and he won't touch veggies. Or soup, or ribs. There's not a single piece of meat I can get him to eat, other than a hotdog or battered fried cod. He won't eat a steak, or a pork chop, or a chicken breast, or a hamburger, or even bacon. None of it.

Blurg! The American Pavilion is next to Japan. The Liberty Inn has Chicken Nuggets and Hot Dogs. I'd feed him there before you go to Japan and just bring him along a snack to play with during your meal. Note where ever they sell gourmet hot dogs you can also get them plain if you request.

The little food stand in Liberty Square sells plain hot dogs. The Fried Chicken Strips (not nuggets) are awesome at the Commissary at the Studios along with hot dogs at Fairfax and a foot long at Min & Bills. Snack Cart on Boardwalk has both regular and footlong hot dogs. Our resorts this last trip had footlong hotdogs and of course nuggets. So you should be able to pre-feed him just about anywhere you are at given his love of nuggets and hot dogs.

If you are going to be in WDW in July for National HotDog Day Casey's usually had a 2 foot hot dog. Should fill a growing teen. Wonder if @figmentfan423 boys could polish it off?



Well-Known Member
All - if anyone here is looking for a scary novel as we head into October/Halloween season, I cannot recommend The Cabin at the End of the World by Justin Tremblay highly enough. It is so well written that you feel like you are in the room with these characters, and believe me, you do NOT want to be in the room with these characters, with what they have to go through in this book. But it is a really amazing horror novel that even Stephen King has endorsed. I just loved this. Reviews are all pretty much amazing, but I would not read them before reading the book, because they all give spoilers, and it is best reading this with as little info as possible.
Cabin cover.jpg
Cabin back.jpg


Well-Known Member
So today is a special day. Our 38th Anniversary. We already talked this morning and other than a harrowing experience driving through a flooded road last night, DH is doing well. Nine more days until our Disney trip. I cannot wait. We gonna need some down time! ;):cool:

My most heartfelt Congratulations!!!!!!! :joyfull:
Sorry y’all have been apart for this special day, but your hearts are obviously together...!!!!!!! :happy: :)



Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My dh got some extremely good news at work and some not so good. Not so good news is he may be back on nights after the holidays, mixed news he's going to be working 6 days a week most weeks until then, great news he's not getting sent some place horrendous:joyfull:

Sooooo....woot for not going to a horrendous place, always a bonus. The rest....:facepalm:

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Blurg! The American Pavilion is next to Japan. The Liberty Inn has Chicken Nuggets and Hot Dogs. I'd feed him there before you go to Japan and just bring him along a snack to play with during your meal. Note where ever they sell gourmet hot dogs you can also get them plain if you request.

The little food stand in Liberty Square sells plain hot dogs. The Fried Chicken Strips (not nuggets) are awesome at the Commissary at the Studios along with hot dogs at Fairfax and a foot long at Min & Bills. Snack Cart on Boardwalk has both regular and footlong hot dogs. Our resorts this last trip had footlong hotdogs and of course nuggets. So you should be able to pre-feed him just about anywhere you are at given his love of nuggets and hot dogs.

If you are going to be in WDW in July for National HotDog Day Casey's usually had a 2 foot hot dog. Should fill a growing teen. Wonder if @figmentfan423 boys could polish it off?

I think they would be asking where the main course was ...


Well-Known Member
I'm curious as to why he won't eat other meats. I mean I know it is because of his autism, but why does he say he doesn't like them? Texture? Taste? Look? I saw on your other post that you are working on getting him to try new foods, is that part of his school program too? I hope he eventually ventures out to other foods, because he is missing out on a lot of good stuff!:)
It's not that he doesn't like them....he won't even try them. I think it's a fear thing. He's AFRAID he won't like it and he'll have a yucky taste in his mouth, and then what will he eat? The home training we are doing, that's one of the get him to try new things. And not just food, but new, rides at Disney, for example. We'll learn how to help him when he's afraid....what to say and how, and we'll start slow and hopefully progress.

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