Hey, it's only 85 degrees downstairs in my house...so probably only 87 or 88 up here. At almost midnight.
Shall we continue? I'm certainly not going to get to sleep any time soon.
So, we went to lunch and then headed back to the castles for our afternoon tour of Neuschwanstein. They warn you that tours begin promptly and they MEAN it. Tours leave every 5 minutes and you choose the kind you want (language, audio or regular, etc...) and the one that leaves after yours will not be the same and you can not just join another group because your ticket won't let you through the turnstyle. So you need to be there a few minutes before your tour.
Neuschwanstein sits atop a huge hill/mountain. The climb, which is not allowed for motorized vehicles, is about 40 minutes. It's not as steep as the climb for Hohenschwangau (Thank goodness, because 40 minutes of THAT climb would have killed me), but it is still pretty steep. If I didn't walk for my job and exercise, I would have had trouble with it. You can take a carriage ride up, which takes about the same amount of time and costs 12 Euro per person, but the line to wait for the carriage is about 2 hours wait time, plus the 40 minute ride up, so you're better off walking if you are able. If not, I'd say get one of the later tours and get in line for the carriage right after lunch so you are sure to make it by your tour time, or go up first thing in the morning and just commit to staying there for the day. There are souvenir shops and stands that sell pretzels and such, so you won't starve. There's also a glass deck viewing area, a trail that leads to a bridge, and there are some signs with original sketches of the plans for Neuschwanstein, which was never actually finished. You can read about its history outside...there's plenty to see.
This was on the trail leading up...I am not sure if it's a growth on the tree, or some sort of wasps nest or something? It looked weird.
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A little waterfall on the trail.
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There's a hotel and restaurant just before you reach the top...I wonder how much THOSE rooms cost. I probably don't want to know.:
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DD took this one from the viewing deck...I could not get out there with my fear of heights. I couldn't even watch her as she went out there. And it's not like it's too far out there, but just...you are suspended out there over a cliff. There were some rude people who were taking up the one spot where you could get a good picture of the castle, and they were just kind of camped there. DD waited patiently for them to finish, they finally put down the camera and start to step away, and as she starts to step closer, they decide they're not done and push her back. So this is looking straight down.
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Not the best picture, but there are these signs outside by the viewing deck where you can read about the original plans.
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There were a lot of these signs and pictures, showing different aspects of the castle. I didn't get very good pictures because there are benches in front of every one of them and people were sitting there....it's not designed very well.
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