I love all the old buildings there....we basically just walked into the city, had a drink on a terrace there, then walked in a bit further. They had a Five Guys, and DD and I were going to eat there, but she's never been to one and she felt more comfortable with Burger king, and of course DS will only eat at Mc Donalds, so DH took him there. We met back up and went to Primark to see if they had any Disney or Harry Potter stuff we didn't already have. DD got a Ravenclaw Pin set, and I got a decorative sign/ direction sign that has like...Honeydukes, zonkos, shrieking shack, etc.
As we were walking around, there was a very fake-looking Mickey Mouse with a cheeseburger...it was kind of creepy. We just walked past. We also saw an ambulance pull up and there was a woman passed out on the street. We were going to do a bus tour or a boat tour, but they were like 60 bucks for the whole family. No thank you. So we just walked back the way we came and there was a church I had seen that I wanted to explore.
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You can see the woman there in front of the doors...she was asking everyone who went in or out for money. A woman stopped, gave her a coin, and the woman had the audacity to tell this woman that it wasn't enough, she needed to give more. Really? She got nothing from me. I DID, however, put a few Euros into the offering for the poor inside the church.
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After this, we decided to go search for food. We didn't want to have to walk all the way back into the center of town, and there was a nice-looking place right around the corner. They had steaks and pasta and stuff....we sat down, looked at the menu, and then realized it was Halal. Not a problem, per se....we don't have anything against Halal food, but they had Halal versions of sodas that were really not good, and DD ordered ribs, but of course they were beef, not pork, and you couldn't even cut through them or find anything but fat. So she didn't eat them. My pasta was pretty much nothing but garlic...it was so strong. We had thought we might luck into another great meal like we had the night before, but nope. I'm sure it's a great place for Muslim's because they know they don't have to worry about it, and to be fair, I think we just ordered the wrong things. DH had some sort of schnitzel thing and he said it was good. If we'd have ordered steak, it probably would have been great.
We headed back to the hotel for the evening so DH could get to the van, and finish the mission he had started that morning while we stayed in and took advantage of FINALLY having internet.
The next stop for the van was a couple of days later, in Munich...would we go there? What would we do tomorrow?? We had ZERO plans.