The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We really hadn't made a whole lot of plans....just kind of an outline. We knew we wanted to go to Legoland, but that was a couple of hours from Frankfurt. After having arrived an hour late to Phantasialand opening, we didn't want to make the same mistake for Legoland. And Munich is in the South, but the van wasn't there for a couple more days. I knew DD wanted to see Neuschwanstein, and it's only an hour from Munich, so we decided to go to Füssen and go see the castles. DH booked a hotel. It was pretty expensive, but it was the cheapest one in the area. And it was close to the castles.
I want to say it was supposed to be a 4 hour drive? We slept in a bit because we didn't have any set time to be somewhere. We figured we'd get there early afternoon and maybe get to see one of the castles before going for dinner. We got onto the highway and we were immediately delayed 30 mins due to construction...oh biggie. 30 minutes isn't that big of a deal. There were a couple more slow patches, and we decided to stop and get some lunch and go to the bathroom since there was a McDonalds right off the highway and DS had just informed us he needed to GO. We got back on the road. Then we hit a complete standstill. Our GPS was trying to reroute us off the next exit, 4 km away. It took us an HOUR to make that exit. As we approached, we saw the problem. The entire highway was closed. EVERYONE had to take that same exit and take a detour...3 lanes worth of traffic all had to exit into one lane, and turn LEFT with no stoplight. We ended up being delayed by more than 2 hours.
I took a few pictures as we headed South:

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By the time we got to our hotel, the reception desk was closed, but they had left the key for us in the mailbox. We got out to unload the car and stretch our legs. It was way too late for the castles that day, but we had the whole day tomorrow.

The hotel sits on a hill, and down the hill is a lake, and across the lake are the mountains. So these are taken from the hotel.
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You can see both castles from our hotel.
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The hotel, taken from the beach.
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Our room:

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I took this from the window in our ROOM. We had a view of the castles from our ROOM!
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What hotel is this? Planning on taking my daughter at some point in the next couple of years and she'll want to see the "Disney castle"


Premium Member
We really hadn't made a whole lot of plans....just kind of an outline. We knew we wanted to go to Legoland, but that was a couple of hours from Frankfurt. After having arrived an hour late to Phantasialand opening, we didn't want to make the same mistake for Legoland. And Munich is in the South, but the van wasn't there for a couple more days. I knew DD wanted to see Neuschwanstein, and it's only an hour from Munich, so we decided to go to Füssen and go see the castles. DH booked a hotel. It was pretty expensive, but it was the cheapest one in the area. And it was close to the castles.
I want to say it was supposed to be a 4 hour drive? We slept in a bit because we didn't have any set time to be somewhere. We figured we'd get there early afternoon and maybe get to see one of the castles before going for dinner. We got onto the highway and we were immediately delayed 30 mins due to construction...oh biggie. 30 minutes isn't that big of a deal. There were a couple more slow patches, and we decided to stop and get some lunch and go to the bathroom since there was a McDonalds right off the highway and DS had just informed us he needed to GO. We got back on the road. Then we hit a complete standstill. Our GPS was trying to reroute us off the next exit, 4 km away. It took us an HOUR to make that exit. As we approached, we saw the problem. The entire highway was closed. EVERYONE had to take that same exit and take a detour...3 lanes worth of traffic all had to exit into one lane, and turn LEFT with no stoplight. We ended up being delayed by more than 2 hours.
I took a few pictures as we headed South:

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By the time we got to our hotel, the reception desk was closed, but they had left the key for us in the mailbox. We got out to unload the car and stretch our legs. It was way too late for the castles that day, but we had the whole day tomorrow.

The hotel sits on a hill, and down the hill is a lake, and across the lake are the mountains. So these are taken from the hotel.
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You can see both castles from our hotel.
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The hotel, taken from the beach.
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Our room:

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I took this from the window in our ROOM. We had a view of the castles from our ROOM!
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Such a cool experience and view!


Premium Member
We really hadn't made a whole lot of plans....just kind of an outline. We knew we wanted to go to Legoland, but that was a couple of hours from Frankfurt. After having arrived an hour late to Phantasialand opening, we didn't want to make the same mistake for Legoland. And Munich is in the South, but the van wasn't there for a couple more days. I knew DD wanted to see Neuschwanstein, and it's only an hour from Munich, so we decided to go to Füssen and go see the castles. DH booked a hotel. It was pretty expensive, but it was the cheapest one in the area. And it was close to the castles.
I want to say it was supposed to be a 4 hour drive? We slept in a bit because we didn't have any set time to be somewhere. We figured we'd get there early afternoon and maybe get to see one of the castles before going for dinner. We got onto the highway and we were immediately delayed 30 mins due to construction...oh biggie. 30 minutes isn't that big of a deal. There were a couple more slow patches, and we decided to stop and get some lunch and go to the bathroom since there was a McDonalds right off the highway and DS had just informed us he needed to GO. We got back on the road. Then we hit a complete standstill. Our GPS was trying to reroute us off the next exit, 4 km away. It took us an HOUR to make that exit. As we approached, we saw the problem. The entire highway was closed. EVERYONE had to take that same exit and take a detour...3 lanes worth of traffic all had to exit into one lane, and turn LEFT with no stoplight. We ended up being delayed by more than 2 hours.
I took a few pictures as we headed South:

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By the time we got to our hotel, the reception desk was closed, but they had left the key for us in the mailbox. We got out to unload the car and stretch our legs. It was way too late for the castles that day, but we had the whole day tomorrow.

The hotel sits on a hill, and down the hill is a lake, and across the lake are the mountains. So these are taken from the hotel.
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You can see both castles from our hotel.
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The hotel, taken from the beach.
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Our room:

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I took this from the window in our ROOM. We had a view of the castles from our ROOM!
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Now that is a nice hotel. The views are gorgeous!


Premium Member
I managed to get overheated when I took DD to the market today, so I'm feeling bla. I drank plenty of fluids, so I know it's not dehydration, just too hot...we were out there too long. So, time to continue with the mini-TR.
We left Phantasialand and went in search of food. I THINK this is the night we ate in Bonn. We wanted something other than fast food. We looked up restaurants on Google and found a mediterranean place in Bonn, which was on the way to Frankfurt, where we had booked a room at a Holiday Inn Express. We got to the restaurant location only to find it closed. It was ok though, because right behind it was a mexican place that looked pretty good. They had TVs set up all around outside for the World Cup Soccer...I think it was the night they presented the winner, but of course we aren't interested in that, so paid no attention. I didn't take any pictures because it wasn't anything was good food, just....I had steak and if you've seen one, you've seen them all.

DD loves steak, but doesn't like a bunch of spices, so she didn't want a steak, but was afraid to order something she loves that we make at home, because it will be different. So we ordered some corn on the cobb, some onion rings (hoping that they were REAL onion rings, not the fried dough with some onion paste mixed in and fried in the shape of a ring...that's what you get in the Netherlands when you order onion rings), and some mushrooms in a garlic and white wine sauce I think? She liked the onion rings (YES, they were REAL onion rings), but not the mushrooms, and the corn was just ok. I was worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat, so I let her try my steak....and she loved it. So I ended up giving her most of my steak and I ate the corn and the mushrooms. And we got cheesecake and something else to share for dessert...I don't remember what, but it was good! We were glad the other place was closed because we really enjoyed our meal here!
Then we stopped at a McDonalds for DS, and then continued to Frankfort. Germans....let me tell you...they are not very wise about their construction of roads. So many of the roads are really bad, so they are fixing them up. But they aren't doing small bits at a time...they are doing everything all at once. So it takes you a LOT longer to get where you need to go. We pulled into our hotel at like....Midnight, I think. We checked in...the guy who checked us in was really nice and gave the kids candy. DD and I took the elevator while DH took DS with the stairs because DS is terrified of elevators. The room was TINY, BUT it had air conditioning AND Wifi!!!! Woohoo! And everything was clean and not broken. SO nice.

We got free breakfast in the morning. The kids were enamored with the pancake press a button, it squirts the batter onto a conveyor belt thing and it cooks as it moves can watch it, and then it flops the pancakes onto your plate at the other end. There was a group of Asian tourists who apparently couldn't see the milk dispensors by the cereal...they all took their bowls across the room to the coffee machine with the hot milk. :cyclops: Whatever floats your boat. It was not a very large spread, but I was able to get my yogurt with oats.

This day was not a mission day for Ingress, but the van was in Frankfort, so DH had planned to do Ingress anyway. We were going to go see a bunch of the sites in Frankfurt and he asked if I minded if he did a short mission on the way...I said sure, go ahead...and then we walked and walked and walked for over an hour. We did see some pretty things:
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Finally, DH realized that this was taking longer than he had thought it would and he'd better either let us go on without him while he played, or he would need to play later. So we crossed a bridge over to the main city.

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I really wish I knew what this is....this old building in the amongst all the newer ones. But it was to the left as we came off the bridge, and we were going right. :(
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DD photobombed me. (Can you see the shirt she's wearing, @Cesar R M ?)
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We went into a cute little teddybear shop...they had some Disney things, but I had forgotten my camera at the hotel since we were staying one more night, and I was trying not to take TOO many pictures on my phone. I did love this though.
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Even if you thing you're hydrated drink more. We want you healthy. Cool dragon


Premium Member
I love all the old buildings there....we basically just walked into the city, had a drink on a terrace there, then walked in a bit further. They had a Five Guys, and DD and I were going to eat there, but she's never been to one and she felt more comfortable with Burger king, and of course DS will only eat at Mc Donalds, so DH took him there. We met back up and went to Primark to see if they had any Disney or Harry Potter stuff we didn't already have. DD got a Ravenclaw Pin set, and I got a decorative sign/ direction sign that has like...Honeydukes, zonkos, shrieking shack, etc.
As we were walking around, there was a very fake-looking Mickey Mouse with a was kind of creepy. We just walked past. We also saw an ambulance pull up and there was a woman passed out on the street. We were going to do a bus tour or a boat tour, but they were like 60 bucks for the whole family. No thank you. So we just walked back the way we came and there was a church I had seen that I wanted to explore.

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You can see the woman there in front of the doors...she was asking everyone who went in or out for money. A woman stopped, gave her a coin, and the woman had the audacity to tell this woman that it wasn't enough, she needed to give more. Really? She got nothing from me. I DID, however, put a few Euros into the offering for the poor inside the church.
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After this, we decided to go search for food. We didn't want to have to walk all the way back into the center of town, and there was a nice-looking place right around the corner. They had steaks and pasta and stuff....we sat down, looked at the menu, and then realized it was Halal. Not a problem, per se....we don't have anything against Halal food, but they had Halal versions of sodas that were really not good, and DD ordered ribs, but of course they were beef, not pork, and you couldn't even cut through them or find anything but fat. So she didn't eat them. My pasta was pretty much nothing but was so strong. We had thought we might luck into another great meal like we had the night before, but nope. I'm sure it's a great place for Muslim's because they know they don't have to worry about it, and to be fair, I think we just ordered the wrong things. DH had some sort of schnitzel thing and he said it was good. If we'd have ordered steak, it probably would have been great.
We headed back to the hotel for the evening so DH could get to the van, and finish the mission he had started that morning while we stayed in and took advantage of FINALLY having internet.

The next stop for the van was a couple of days later, in Munich...would we go there? What would we do tomorrow?? We had ZERO plans.
Thnx for sharing now I want to go to Europe. The plan first stop Goinsey to drop the boys


Well-Known Member
There was another double bed in the room, too, but I figured one picture would suffice.

Bathroom 1:

There was a 2nd toilet in the room, but it wasn't a full bathroom, so I didn't actually take a picture of that one as this was the main one. Everything seemed brand new..I don't know how old it is, but it was immaculate, and the whole area was so serene. I just wanted to grab my book and go lie on that hill and was so peaceful and beautiful. Even the view out of our We wanted to stay longer, but the room was already booked up for the next few days, so we only had the one night to enjoy it. But we decided we'll go back in a couple of years and book a whole week there. I didn't realize there are actually a couple more castles built by the same King, and a lot of history, so we'll go back and see the rest and have time to enjoy that gorgeous view. AND eat at this fabulous restaurant!!

A little back story:
DH and I came to Füssen back in 2009 for our anniversary. I had always dreamed of seeing Neuschwanstein castle, having seen pictures of it. So DH brought me for a long weekend. We stayed at a vacation house, which was also really nice, but we couldn't remember the name of any case, it wasn't nearly as nice as the one this time, so it's ok. Back then, we asked the guy who did our checkin if he had any recommendations for restaurants....something nice, but not too fancy and expensive. He suggested Il Pescatore in Füssen (there are a few little towns around there) if we liked Italian food, which we do. So we went there....and fell in love with it. So good! We came back every night to eat there that weekend.
Back to 2018, we thought we'd see if it was still there, and still as good. It is!!! We were lucky with our timing....we got the last table and they were turning people away. There was a nice English family sitting next to us who were struggling to get a picture, so I offered to take one of them, and they returned the favor. As they left, they asked if we had seen the castles, we said not yet, but we would the next day. He said we'd really enjoy it and boy was that king an absolute nutter!
The menu:

DD and I decided to share 2 dishes. We do this often so it's easier to choose. So we chose the Tagliatella al Contadino and the Calzone. Now, in 2009, you got to choose the kind of pasta you wanted, or you could choose gnochi...there was no more gnochi on the menu and you didn't get a choice, but that's was still fantastic. The Pasta al Contadino was what I had loved the last time.


Premium Member
Finally the thunderstorms are at a decent hour. I don't mind them this afternoon as it's a cooking day. Pork with daikon and mushrooms, cauliflower with a miso mustard sauce, a noodle/veggie dish with ramen flavor profile and rice. the cukes have been marinating since yesterday. Now why do I think there was something else besides the salad with carrot ginger dressing.


Well-Known Member
Dinner, continued....

DH chose a pasta....I THINK the amatriciana...He LOVED it. It was really good, I tasted it, but I liked mine better. The only thing I missed was grated parmesan.


We had already gone to McDonald's for DS, but we did do dessert.

DD had the Panna cotta with Strawberries. I think she'd have eaten the bowl if she could have chewed it.

DH had the's one of his favorites, but he rarely gets authentic Tiramisu, so he wasn't going to pass it up now.


And DS and I both ordered the Chocolate soufflé with vanilla sauce, but DS didn't like it, so DD and I got to share his and we went back to McDonalds to get a Sunday for him. It was such a huge sacrifice to have to eat his dessert, but...he's my son, so sacrifice I did.

Dinner was soooo sooo good. We made plans to come back the next night after we saw the castles, before heading to the next hotel in Neu Ulm, which was close to Legoland.

Up next: Castles!!!!


Well-Known Member
I’m so happy that he decided not to play with school.. I’ll happily throw that money away. There’s no way we could have juggled it.

Some of these days have 2 games, can’t be seen due to how I had to crop. August 18-19 are a minimum of 4 games, could be more if we make it past the group stage.., same with October 13-15th. The September 30th games are at 2 different venues, not close to each

Time for me to buckle up!! I’m already dizzy.

One of T’s teammates is one of 4 siblings who plays travel soccer., I have no idea how his parents do it.

Here’s T’s Fall game schedule -

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Those are a heck of a lot of games in just 2 and a half months. I got youngest dd's cheer competition schedule 2 weeks ago and there are only 7 from December through May. Much more manageable and only 2 practices a week.


Well-Known Member
What hotel is this? Planning on taking my daughter at some point in the next couple of years and she'll want to see the "Disney castle"
Seehotel and Apartments Schnöller in Rieden There are a ton of little towns and you kind of go from one to the next without knowing which one you are in. And there are A TON of these little hotels there. They rely heavily on tourism, so any of them are bound to be pretty good because they couldn't compete if they weren't. But if you go to google maps, put in Neuschwanstein Castle, and then click on hotels nearby, it will show you pictures and you can look at them and price them out. If I were going to pick up and move somewhere, it would be to this area...I would LOVE to retire here!!! It's kind of my dream place....mountains and lakes, castles, history, peaceful and serene. I want to go back!!!!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This shower curtain would make me smile everyday.


Well-Known Member
I don't even remember if we had wifi here because we didn't bother with was beautiful weather, gorgeous surroundings...who wants to be glued to an electronic device?
Public Service Announcement: If you ever want to visit this area, BUY YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE!!!
You guys know I'm a planner. I don't usually do the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants thing. When we decided to visit the castles, I was in luck in that we had internet in Frankfurt, so I spent the evening looking things up while DH was out playing Ingress. The website for the castles said you could only buy tickets at the ticket center in the village of Hohenschwangau, and only on the day of your visit. BUT, if you scroll down, there IS a way to buy tickets 2 days in advance. There's a form to fill out, but then you can show up at the will call window and don't have to stand in line the day of. I had looked up the opening time for the ticket office..7:30am. So we planned to be waiting outside at 7 before they opened to be the first in line for tickets. We would get the ticket that was good for a tour of both Neuschwanstein AND Hohenschwangau castles. The kids were free. I woke up early and the kids were still sleeping. We tried to wake them up, but it wasn't happening, so DH decided to go by himself so they didn't have to get up. DH was in line BEFORE they opened. It took him an HOUR to get through the line that was already there, and it was backed up way out the door behind him. So much for being first!! But he got us tickets.

I got the kids up and ready and DH came and picked us up for breakfast.
If you get the tickets for both castles, it's cheaper per castle, and you start with Hohenschwangau. You have to pay for parking, but you only pay once for the whole can come and go as you please and not have to pay again.
A panorama of the whole area.

So you park right there at the base of Hohenschwangau...but you have to hike up the hill and it's steep. It only takes about 10 minutes, but it's good exercise!

Climbing up the hill, if you look to the left, this is the view.

A fountain at the top.

Another fountain...there was a girl who actually drank from this....I don't think it's meant for that purpose. Hopefully she didn't get sick.


Ok, I think this is so's an outdoor bath. If I remember correctly, it's fed by a natural hot spring, but this wasn't mentioned on our tour, so I don't know for sure. DSC00369.JPGDSC00366.JPG

The view of Neuschwanstein from Hohenschwangau:


Well-Known Member
Those are a heck of a lot of games in just 2 and a half months. I got youngest dd's cheer competition schedule 2 weeks ago and there are only 7 from December through May. Much more manageable and only 2 practices a week.

Yeah, I don’t want to complain, especially because we had so many cancelled games in the Spring season, and I did complain about that.. but wow, I keep staring at the schedule and bracing myself. It’s brutal. We will be eating and breathing soccer for sure.
I can’t imagine if we would have stayed on the school team. I guess things work out for a reason. :)

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but T is doing goal keeper training this year, which adds another 90 minute practice.. but luckily it’s on the same night as a regular practice. He’ll be at the fields for 3.5 hours that night, but it means that we only have practices on 3 nights of the week. We’ll have 2 days per week off, more than we had in the Spring!

Is your daughter excited for the cheer season to start up again?


Well-Known Member
You aren't allowed to take pictures inside either of the castles. I saw a giftshop worker telling someone they couldn't even take pictures in the gift shop. That seemed a bit odd to me. But whatever. So all the pictures I have are from outside.


DD loved the details on the port.

They didn't allow pictures inside, with the exception of certain rooms where you were allowed to take a picture out the window.

Just for background, this was the castle that King Ludwig II's father, King Maximillian built, where Ludwig and his younger brother Otto spent their summers. It was basically considered a hunting lodge. It had belonged to the Knights of Schwangau, but had been in ruins and Maximillian bought it and rebuilt it. Ludwig lived here after his father's death, and had Neuschwanstein built on the hill nearby. There were plans for another castle, just a bit further, that would have been even more fantastical than Neuschwanstein, but Ludwig died before construction began, and as there was no money, the plans were scrapped. He DID rebuild 2 other structures nearby: Linderhof and Herenchiemsee, I didn't know about these 2 until I bought a book in the giftshop at Hohenschwangau. So we will see those next time we go.

The tour was....dry. We had a young gal who looked to be college age, and she knew her facts, but it was like reading from a textbook. "And here, you will see a gift to the Prince Regent from ....." I got so tired of seeing gifts to the Prince Regent from this official or that king. There was very little color in the was all very technical. It was hard to get a sense of what anyone was like. Ludwig loved operas, especially Wagner, who stayed with him for quite a while there in the castle. But really there was not much information other than where furniture came from and what the paintings depicted. Otto was apparently declared insane and incompetent to rule, so when Ludwig died, a cousin took the throne, but after reading more about it, it seems like Otto maybe had PTSD. He had fought in wars in Bavaria and he was traumatized by what he saw...he was 24 I think, when he was declared insane.

That's about it for Hohenschwangau.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
We really hadn't made a whole lot of plans....just kind of an outline. We knew we wanted to go to Legoland, but that was a couple of hours from Frankfurt. After having arrived an hour late to Phantasialand opening, we didn't want to make the same mistake for Legoland. And Munich is in the South, but the van wasn't there for a couple more days. I knew DD wanted to see Neuschwanstein, and it's only an hour from Munich, so we decided to go to Füssen and go see the castles. DH booked a hotel. It was pretty expensive, but it was the cheapest one in the area. And it was close to the castles.
I want to say it was supposed to be a 4 hour drive? We slept in a bit because we didn't have any set time to be somewhere. We figured we'd get there early afternoon and maybe get to see one of the castles before going for dinner. We got onto the highway and we were immediately delayed 30 mins due to construction...oh biggie. 30 minutes isn't that big of a deal. There were a couple more slow patches, and we decided to stop and get some lunch and go to the bathroom since there was a McDonalds right off the highway and DS had just informed us he needed to GO. We got back on the road. Then we hit a complete standstill. Our GPS was trying to reroute us off the next exit, 4 km away. It took us an HOUR to make that exit. As we approached, we saw the problem. The entire highway was closed. EVERYONE had to take that same exit and take a detour...3 lanes worth of traffic all had to exit into one lane, and turn LEFT with no stoplight. We ended up being delayed by more than 2 hours.
I took a few pictures as we headed South:

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By the time we got to our hotel, the reception desk was closed, but they had left the key for us in the mailbox. We got out to unload the car and stretch our legs. It was way too late for the castles that day, but we had the whole day tomorrow.

The hotel sits on a hill, and down the hill is a lake, and across the lake are the mountains. So these are taken from the hotel.
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You can see both castles from our hotel.
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The hotel, taken from the beach.
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Our room:

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I took this from the window in our ROOM. We had a view of the castles from our ROOM!
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