The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
The drama...

My 19 year old second cousin eloped with her military boyfriend and up and moved to Colorado. Her parents found out through Facebook.

One of my mom's cousins was thrown off a cruise ship after getting into an altercation with his wife.

And her other cousin (this guy's brother) never appeared for a DUI hearing in PA, so he had a warrant out for his arrest, and then left the country on the cruise, so he ended up getting labeled as a fugitive and got held in New Jersey (where the cruise left from) for five days.

So really, my attention to the stories instead of, well, work, was completely valid.

And that side of the family wonders why we don't have more to do with them...
I'm so sorry I laughed but you win this week;)


Premium Member
Hopefully, they'll get the fire under control soon.

I scrolled down on that site, and saw a bigger news story about darts dying out in Guernsey?! ;) Apparently the interest has waned; and with some pubs that had closed down, there aren't as many dart players. Time for you to step up and join the Darts Association, Mr. Ferret -- keep darts alive in Guernsey! :p
I'm not allowed sharp objects :cautious:
Thank goodness! BTW they're pins not darts


Well-Known Member
Dust plants with Cayenne Pepper, ground with a mix of Cayenne and Hot Red Pepper flakes.
Rodents not a fan of the hot peppers. Next spring consider planting some where the problem wildlife tends to gravitate too.

Wildlife also dislikes the smell of Cider Vinegar. Careful where you use it and what you put it in, it will kill plants.

Thank you! I’ve taken screenshots of everyone’s recommendations, will give them all a try!

I, and a friend of mine, were riding bikes to a mall on a bit of a partial backroad, in north Austin in the summer of ‘78. It was about a 20 mile ride each way. Hey, we were young, strong, and crazy...!!! ;)
As we were on our way back on that stretch of road, a storm blew in. It started to pour buckets, and then about 50 yards in front of us, lightning struck a large oak tree in front of a house, and busted wood flew everywhere...!!!!! :eek:
We dropped our bikes and ran to that house...luckily, there was a family there and they let us little dorks ;) in to ride the storm out...!!!!! :hilarious:
Then, when it was all passed, we got back on our bikes and rode home.
And, yes, we made that ride many times back then, but, that was definitely the most fun one ever...!!!!!!! :joyfull:;)
Oh my gosh! What a crazy day!! We’re all so awesome in our youth .. then we get old.. and unfortunately get a little smarter. ;)

I'm going to nap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as soon as I set up lunch and get some tracing done later

What are these things called “naps” ?!?!


Well-Known Member
Saw this recipe for gluten and sugar free mug bread and thought I should share it.

I’ve done mug cakes before, but never bread.. will try it.

Whenever I read stuff like this I always wonder about something that both T’s pediatrician and GI doctors have told us, in different words, but same meaning...

Both basically said that more people are gluten free than actually need to be. Our GI doc went so far to call it an unnecessary and silly trend...
But so many people say they feel better once taking that road. I wish there was definitive data on it.

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