The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
You didn't ask me but I'm going to add my 2 cents. Be online at 6:59 and be ready to jump. Do FOP, RNJ, FEA and & 7DMT in that order. If you're a rope drop person do fps starting at 10 am except for FOP get whatever time you can get. If only one AK day get FOP and ROPE DROP RNJ and by rope drop I mean be at the park an hour before opening. Good luck!
We are early arrivals at the park....but not rope droppers. I'm good with the meaning of FOP
Please explain RNJ, FEA and 7DMT
.............thanks!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
How many Fast Passes per person, per day?
Do I use "My Disney Experience Planning" website to accomplish this?
Assume I know nothing.
Thank you everyone? :)
Unlimited once you use your first 3. It’s much easier now because you can do it all thru your phone!

So let’s say you just used your last prebooked FP on Space Mountain.. you can immediately check to see what’s available. Let’s say Buzz.. you do that.. then you look for another.. the cars are available.. so you do that. Rinse, repeat. Some are harder than others, and may have different times. This is why I don’t plan our park days minute by minute.. I let the available Fast Passes/wait times guide us. :) All wait times are listed on the app.


Well-Known Member
Unlimited once you use your first 3. It’s much easier now because you can do it all thru your phone!

So let’s say you just used your last prebooked FP on Space Mountain.. you can immediately check to see what’s available. Let’s say Buzz.. you do that.. then you look for another.. the cars are available.. so you do that. Rinse, repeat. Some are harder than others, and may have different times. This is why I don’t plan our park days minute by minute.. I let the available Fast Passes/wait times guide us. :) All wait times are listed on the app.
So for starters....for the 60 day prior thing....I select 3 per day?


Well-Known Member
Did you know that you can modify them at any time? Sometimes when in the park you can get ones that weren’t available before. I’m constantly modifying and adding FPs.. but with FoP that’s probably near impossible.. we weren’t able to get one either. I think the best way for FoP is rope drop if a FP can’t be found.
I had gone to WDW at least three times after 7DMT opened and was never able to get a FP for it. I don't have to tell you how long those lines were (and maybe still are). Finally, one evening as the parade was starting. (yes, I know they have no evening parade right now, but they do have castle projections) Anyway, I went to the entrance and the wait time was published as 90 minutes. I decided to bite the bullet and get in line because I figured the only way to see it was to stand the line. I entered the queue at 8 pm and got through the queue, rode it and was walking out the exit at 8:20 pm. Sometimes you just have to take a calculated chance.


Well-Known Member
Today is my colleague's turn to conduct some school concerts. He does the chorus.
So, I'm free right now because my band students will be in the audience rather then at their band lesson.
Later I'll let them come for lunch with me....we'll eat fast fast fast and then they can still play their clarinets.
Anyway.....I just when on my Disney app and saw the Park opening times for today;
MK is 8AM
Epcot is 9AM
Hollyw. St. is 9AM
Anim. K. is 8AM
In Nov.(when we go) it will probably vary like that as well? Never do they ALL open at 8AM???....and all of them open by 9AM, never later than that, correct?


Well-Known Member
Another thing that happened a couple of years ago was when I had chosen 3 fp's for Epcot, used them up and then searched for a FP in MK, where I was headed. To my amazement 7DMT came up so I reserved it. I had lunch and got on the Monorail headed for MK. On the way over I checked my phone and my 7DMT had disappeared completely. As I walked into MK I immediately headed for Guest Services in City Hall. Instead of getting all nasty about it, I just quietly and politely asked the CM what had happened to it. It was there and I had confirmed it and now it was gone. My question was "Did I do something wrong?" The young lady looked on the computer and the history of my day and apparently it showed that I did indeed have it scheduled for that day. She looked up and asked how many were in my party, I told her and she handed me a "whatever time" FP and apologized for the "glitch". I told her no need to apologize, stuff happens, but, it is all fixed now thanks to you. I waved and walked out the door.

Sometimes you get more with honey then with vinegar.
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Well-Known Member
I had gone to WDW at least three times after 7DMT opened and was never able to get a FP for it. I don't have to tell you how long those lines were (and maybe still are). Finally, one evening as the parade was starting. (yes, I know they have no evening parade right now, but they do have castle projections) Anyway, I went to the entrance and the wait time was published as 90 minutes. I decided to bite the bullet and get in line because I figured the only way to see it was to stand the line. I entered the queue at 8 pm and got through the queue, rode it and was walking out the exit at 8:20 pm. Sometimes you just have to take a calculated chance.

I’ve haven’t been able to do 60 day FPs on our last two trips.. Couldn’t get a 7DMT FP, so I purchased Early Morning Magic.. then, a day or two before, I was able to obtain 7DMT for a different day. I was thrilled.

We never did get Frozen though.. and I wasn’t willing to do Rope Drop to ride it.


Well-Known Member
The more I read this stuff about plastic statues, their locations, that kind of stuff, the more I realize that I probably shouldn't be on the boards. I am not the caliber of fan that so many of you are.

I have never gone to WDW, Disneyland or Disneyland Paris, with any awareness of how one differed from the other. I have never made a mental note or even accidentally remembered the minute details of an attraction. Heck, they could probably change 70% of them and I wouldn't notice, and If I did notice, I wouldn't have been the least bit concerned about it, as long as I still enjoyed it.

I have gone to WDW year after year because of the atmosphere not the physical appearance. I have noticed appearance, but, all I have ever noticed over 35 years is that in my eye, it has improved in aesthetics, colors and quantity of extras. I have never given one seconds thought to things like the alleged 80's color scheme at TTC. I always thought of it as just bright and fun. Coincidentally, that fun aspect was my motivation for being there.

I have never had any concern if some spot or paint chip existed, because, in spite of Disney being a fantasy location, it was still smack dab* in the middle of the world we live in which is far from perfect and impossible to make that way. If I saw the same glaring problem on my next visit, I might have been concerned. Never did though. It never occurred to me that if a ride stopped to call it a "breakdown". It always wasn't, it was long enough to help someone with mobility difficulties to board and we were on our way again. I have never had to walk off a ride, in fact I have prayed to have SSE stop right on the top, but, it never has.

I haven't seen the complaint much lately, but, not all that long ago there was a constant uproar if someone saw a lightbulb out. I would see one and think, heck, that might have burnt out just before I looked up. Some would say that they came back a few days later and it was still out. My thought was if out of all the thousands of lightbulbs that there are just on Main St. alone, someone took the time to memorize which one was out a couple of days later, then their attention was misdirected. Then they were just looking for something to complain about.

So, I really don't feel that I am the right fit for Disney. There was a time that I lived, worked and breathed Disney with what my children looked at as an obsession. I would usually reply with the question, would you rather I spent my time in bars? I tried to think of ways to move to Florida and work for Disney. I even got my CDL to drive buses so that I could eventually work for the mouse. The more I read the stuff on the other areas of massive obsession and people that seemed to go to a Disney Park just to find something wrong so that they could fabricate a yarn about how the place was a wreck. They complained when Disney did nothing, they complained when they changed anything, they complained if even Disney does something different then the Disney Bible, that they seem to have the only copies of, sitting in the drawer of their bedside stands.

That along with the happenings in the country and the world have left me depressed and angry, like I have never been depressed and angry in my entire life. I feel everything is hopeless. Even if I could afford to go to WDW or any other quality theme park, I feel that this constant negative exposure would affect me drastically. I long for the days before social media took over our/my life.

Sorry for the rant, but, my thoughts on this Memorial Day weekend are continuously wandering to the black granite wall in DC, that contains all those names of young men and women that never got the chance to ever see the marvel that I got to witness for 48 years since my time in that awful country. I feel guilty about being able to return home, marry, raise a family, spend time with my children and grandchildren at the same time listening to a bunch of people that feel the need to just put everything down. They don't realize just how lucky they are to just be able to enjoy this stuff as opposed to all those that only wanted to live and not be in an organized line at Arlington.
Would be a great name for a Grunge Band
Like you I was caught up in the Vietnam war and it took many years before I could visit the wall and see names I knew. The best we can do to honor those who did not return is live our lives and remember our brothers in arms and not just on Memorial Day. It does make me sad to see how commercilized Memorial Day has become and few people seem to know the true meaning. Unfortunately wars are fought by the young run by the old and forgotten by the many

Very well said, both of you.


Well-Known Member
@Goofyernmost i too get tired of the negativity on the internet about Disney. While I like keeping up to date on the Disney news I go for fun. I do like to learn about Disney history and enjoy comparing parks and attractions but the comparisons I make is mostly about if I enjoyed it or not.

Disney has always been a part of my life since I can remember, books, movies, toys parks, my mom’s stories about watch the Mickey Mouse Club and Davy Crockett. All bright spots for me. In fact a few years ago when I took my first solo trip I was going through a lot of depressing stuff in my life that had been going on for awhile and kept compounding. when I first suggested that I take a trip alone to Disney World I thought my husband would be against it instead he had me booking within minutes of talking about it. When I returned from my trip my head was clear and my husband was happy to have his wife back to normal. I learned that positivity is the way to go. And as long as I enjoy Disney I will remain a fan and student of it.

As you reflected on what Memorial Day brings up to you I can see how you would be irritated with the fluff of people complaining about a theme park. There are bigger things in this world and perhaps those people are lucky and a chip of paint is the “worst” thing in their world and if that is the cause hopefully one day they do realize how lucky they are.

I am thankful for the sacrifices people have made for me personally and in the larger world. I appreciate the fact I can enjoy what I do because of what others have done. When my husband and I visiting Normandy we were on one of the beaches on which so many young men died and we were looking at a memorial statue. There were many people playing and relaxing at the beach and children were playing on and near the memorial and my husband said something to the effect that it was terrible to see all the people having fun at a place where all the people died. And I replied to him, “well if they weren’t then those men would have died for nothing.” Anyway sorry to ramble too that was just what I thought about when I read your post.

This is a good perspective, that people having a good weekend and having a cookout is what it's all about. It's what we were all fighting for. But as a service member, it's impossible to just look at it in that simple way. You know some of the men and women who didn't make it home. You visit their graves. You bring their mom flowers. You knew what their hopes and their dreams were. To you, the very act of living is heavier; because this very real person who had a very real family and very real future plans, was doing exactly what you were doing and in the same amount of risk you were in, and they didn't come home but you did. Why them? Why not you? Why any of you?

It's.... different. Memorial Day weekend is just different for those who served. It's hard to be happy seeing those families and kids being happy, because we're thinking of our brothers and sisters who aren't out there having a good life too.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I’ve haven’t been able to do 60 day FPs on our last two trips.. Couldn’t get a 7DMT FP, so I purchased Early Morning Magic.. then, a day or two before, I was able to obtain 7DMT for a different day. I was thrilled.

We never did get Frozen though.. and I wasn’t willing to do Rope Drop to ride it.
I lucked out on Frozen last trip. My brother and I were over in MK (prepare yourself, this is a very long story). We had gotten a fourth FP for Winnie the Pooh. We had plans to go over to Epcot, so I was checking out what FPs were available. Two Frozen FPs popped up out of the blue. I grabbed them.

Then Pooh broke down. We were escorted off.

Then we somehow ended up on BTM three times in a row. I don't remember how that happened.

I'm either very lucky or very unlucky, and I'm not sure which it is.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I lucked out on Frozen last trip. My brother and I were over in MK (prepare yourself, this is a very long story). We had gotten a fourth FP for Winnie the Pooh. We had plans to go over to Epcot, so I was checking out what FPs were available. Two Frozen FPs popped up out of the blue. I grabbed them.

Then Pooh broke down. We were escorted off.

Then we somehow ended up on BTM three times in a row. I don't remember how that happened.

I'm either very lucky or very unlucky, and I'm not sure which it is.
Id say very lucky :P


Well-Known Member
This is a good perspective, that people having a good weekend and having a cookout is what it's all about. It's what we were all fighting for. But as a service member, it's impossible to just look at it in that simple way. You know some of the men and women who didn't make it home. You visit their graves. You bring their mom flowers. You knew what their hopes and their dreams were. To you, the very act of living is heavier; because this very real person who had a very real family and very real future plans, was doing exactly what you were doing and in the same amount of risk you were in, and they didn't come home but you did. Why them? Why not you? Why any of you?

It's.... different. Memorial Day weekend is just different for those who served. It's hard to be happy seeing those families and kids being happy, because we're thinking of our brothers and sisters who aren't out there having a good life too.

I think doing both is important.. to celebrate life with friends and fam.. but also to remember.
I’m from a large military family..past and present, definitely more people in the past though. Both of my grandfather’s received a Purple Heart.. one went on to live a long and full life. The other died long before I was ever born, due to an infection caused by a piece of shrapnel that was missed during a prior surgery.
One of my cousins, currently serving, is now on his 6th tour in the Middle East.. Another cousin, similar age, died on his first tour in Iraq.
We use Memorial Day to share and listen to stories, to look at old photos.. and also to swim, eat, laugh, and have fun... knowing that this is possible because of those who died.

T and I visited a Veterans Park yesterday., we talked about the history, and then we went on a hike and played on a playground. It’s a small park.. but they have a tower that says “Take time to remember”. I think those words are so important.
Thank you to all who have served! And trust me, we do appreciate it. :)
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Well-Known Member
Here’s some photos of the park yesterday.. nowhere near as cool as the new one in Columbus will be.. but I love the clock tower!

(I didn’t tell T to salute.. but was proud and a little amused With him doing so, his face is so serious)

I made him promise that he would attend the capsule opening.. I will probably be dead by then, he will be 66 years old.


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