The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
The more I read this stuff about plastic statues, their locations, that kind of stuff, the more I realize that I probably shouldn't be on the boards. I am not the caliber of fan that so many of you are.

I have never gone to WDW, Disneyland or Disneyland Paris, with any awareness of how one differed from the other. I have never made a mental note or even accidentally remembered the minute details of an attraction. Heck, they could probably change 70% of them and I wouldn't notice, and If I did notice, I wouldn't have been the least bit concerned about it, as long as I still enjoyed it.

I have gone to WDW year after year because of the atmosphere not the physical appearance. I have noticed appearance, but, all I have ever noticed over 35 years is that in my eye, it has improved in aesthetics, colors and quantity of extras. I have never given one seconds thought to things like the alleged 80's color scheme at TTC. I always thought of it as just bright and fun. Coincidentally, that fun aspect was my motivation for being there.

I have never had any concern if some spot or paint chip existed, because, in spite of Disney being a fantasy location, it was still smack dab* in the middle of the world we live in which is far from perfect and impossible to make that way. If I saw the same glaring problem on my next visit, I might have been concerned. Never did though. It never occurred to me that if a ride stopped to call it a "breakdown". It always wasn't, it was long enough to help someone with mobility difficulties to board and we were on our way again. I have never had to walk off a ride, in fact I have prayed to have SSE stop right on the top, but, it never has.

I haven't seen the complaint much lately, but, not all that long ago there was a constant uproar if someone saw a lightbulb out. I would see one and think, heck, that might have burnt out just before I looked up. Some would say that they came back a few days later and it was still out. My thought was if out of all the thousands of lightbulbs that there are just on Main St. alone, someone took the time to memorize which one was out a couple of days later, then their attention was misdirected. Then they were just looking for something to complain about.

So, I really don't feel that I am the right fit for Disney. There was a time that I lived, worked and breathed Disney with what my children looked at as an obsession. I would usually reply with the question, would you rather I spent my time in bars? I tried to think of ways to move to Florida and work for Disney. I even got my CDL to drive buses so that I could eventually work for the mouse. The more I read the stuff on the other areas of massive obsession and people that seemed to go to a Disney Park just to find something wrong so that they could fabricate a yarn about how the place was a wreck. They complained when Disney did nothing, they complained when they changed anything, they complained if even Disney does something different then the Disney Bible, that they seem to have the only copies of, sitting in the drawer of their bedside stands.

That along with the happenings in the country and the world have left me depressed and angry, like I have never been depressed and angry in my entire life. I feel everything is hopeless. Even if I could afford to go to WDW or any other quality theme park, I feel that this constant negative exposure would affect me drastically. I long for the days before social media took over our/my life.

Sorry for the rant, but, my thoughts on this Memorial Day weekend are continuously wandering to the black granite wall in DC, that contains all those names of young men and women that never got the chance to ever see the marvel that I got to witness for 48 years since my time in that awful country. I feel guilty about being able to return home, marry, raise a family, spend time with my children and grandchildren at the same time listening to a bunch of people that feel the need to just put everything down. They don't realize just how lucky they are to just be able to enjoy this stuff as opposed to all those that only wanted to live and not be in an organized line at Arlington.
Would be a great name for a Grunge Band
Thank you for your service


Premium Member
I'm sorry. I did catch a glimmer of that age cut off thing. We have it here too for at least 25 years. The ying yang. We went with age long ago over grade for all sports. An example a student held back a year in school now should be in 3rd grade in contact sports like soccer and football against a 1st grade student. They went back and forth and body development ultimately ruled over social aspects of grade. Ours are k-2, 3-4. So a kid that should be academically in 3rd but held in 2nd had too much of a physical advantage over the smaller elementary students. My kids were competitive swimmers, they went by birth date cut offs their entire life, still holds true. My son always was a year behind his classmates every other year. He was fine with it. It was a shock to some parents more than the kids. Pixie Dust. It gets better, the kids adjust and make new friends and teammates. Our local and USA Clubs went by age also. Here the curse of summer birthdates.
Just to add another monkey wrench into the age/grade issue some football leagues are going by size now:banghead:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. I did catch a glimmer of that age cut off thing. We have it here too for at least 25 years. The ying yang. We went with age long ago over grade for all sports. An example a student held back a year in school now should be in 3rd grade in contact sports like soccer and football against a 1st grade student. They went back and forth and body development ultimately ruled over social aspects of grade. Ours are k-2, 3-4. So a kid that should be academically in 3rd but held in 2nd had too much of a physical advantage over the smaller elementary students. My kids were competitive swimmers, they went by birth date cut offs their entire life, still holds true. My son always was a year behind his classmates every other year. He was fine with it. It was a shock to some parents more than the kids. Pixie Dust. It gets better, the kids adjust and make new friends and teammates. Our local and USA Clubs went by age also. Here the curse of summer birthdates.

The cut off now (per USSF) is Jan 1 to December 31st. Previously the rules always had a cut off, but it favored the school year.. usually August 1st. Baseball switched last year to a May cut off.. but allowed kids to play up.

My Brother and I both have summer birthdays, my sister has a late September (youngest in her grade), and none of us ever played below our grade level. But, I can understand the “late birthdays” having a choice.

My son’s birthday is mid April. So he will be one of the oldest “2010” kids, and be playing with the youngest 2011 kids (1st graders). Not allowing them to play up, forcing 3rd graders to repeat a 3rd year of an intro level, is nothing short of a horrible mistake.

It works in Club soccer because they are in single birth years.. not 2 combined.

I’m leaving the decision up to him, but we may withdraw from the team.. something I never thought would happen.
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John park hopper

Well-Known Member
The more I read this stuff about plastic statues, their locations, that kind of stuff, the more I realize that I probably shouldn't be on the boards. I am not the caliber of fan that so many of you are.

I have never gone to WDW, Disneyland or Disneyland Paris, with any awareness of how one differed from the other. I have never made a mental note or even accidentally remembered the minute details of an attraction. Heck, they could probably change 70% of them and I wouldn't notice, and If I did notice, I wouldn't have been the least bit concerned about it, as long as I still enjoyed it.

I have gone to WDW year after year because of the atmosphere not the physical appearance. I have noticed appearance, but, all I have ever noticed over 35 years is that in my eye, it has improved in aesthetics, colors and quantity of extras. I have never given one seconds thought to things like the alleged 80's color scheme at TTC. I always thought of it as just bright and fun. Coincidentally, that fun aspect was my motivation for being there.

I have never had any concern if some spot or paint chip existed, because, in spite of Disney being a fantasy location, it was still smack dab* in the middle of the world we live in which is far from perfect and impossible to make that way. If I saw the same glaring problem on my next visit, I might have been concerned. Never did though. It never occurred to me that if a ride stopped to call it a "breakdown". It always wasn't, it was long enough to help someone with mobility difficulties to board and we were on our way again. I have never had to walk off a ride, in fact I have prayed to have SSE stop right on the top, but, it never has.

I haven't seen the complaint much lately, but, not all that long ago there was a constant uproar if someone saw a lightbulb out. I would see one and think, heck, that might have burnt out just before I looked up. Some would say that they came back a few days later and it was still out. My thought was if out of all the thousands of lightbulbs that there are just on Main St. alone, someone took the time to memorize which one was out a couple of days later, then their attention was misdirected. Then they were just looking for something to complain about.

So, I really don't feel that I am the right fit for Disney. There was a time that I lived, worked and breathed Disney with what my children looked at as an obsession. I would usually reply with the question, would you rather I spent my time in bars? I tried to think of ways to move to Florida and work for Disney. I even got my CDL to drive buses so that I could eventually work for the mouse. The more I read the stuff on the other areas of massive obsession and people that seemed to go to a Disney Park just to find something wrong so that they could fabricate a yarn about how the place was a wreck. They complained when Disney did nothing, they complained when they changed anything, they complained if even Disney does something different then the Disney Bible, that they seem to have the only copies of, sitting in the drawer of their bedside stands.

That along with the happenings in the country and the world have left me depressed and angry, like I have never been depressed and angry in my entire life. I feel everything is hopeless. Even if I could afford to go to WDW or any other quality theme park, I feel that this constant negative exposure would affect me drastically. I long for the days before social media took over our/my life.

Sorry for the rant, but, my thoughts on this Memorial Day weekend are continuously wandering to the black granite wall in DC, that contains all those names of young men and women that never got the chance to ever see the marvel that I got to witness for 48 years since my time in that awful country. I feel guilty about being able to return home, marry, raise a family, spend time with my children and grandchildren at the same time listening to a bunch of people that feel the need to just put everything down. They don't realize just how lucky they are to just be able to enjoy this stuff as opposed to all those that only wanted to live and not be in an organized line at Arlington.
Would be a great name for a Grunge Band

Like you I was caught up in the Vietnam war and it took many years before I could visit the wall and see names I knew. The best we can do to honor those who did not return is live our lives and remember our brothers in arms and not just on Memorial Day. It does make me sad to see how commercilized Memorial Day has become and few people seem to know the true meaning. Unfortunately wars are fought by the young run by the old and forgotten by the many


Premium Member
@Goofyernmost i too get tired of the negativity on the internet about Disney. While I like keeping up to date on the Disney news I go for fun. I do like to learn about Disney history and enjoy comparing parks and attractions but the comparisons I make is mostly about if I enjoyed it or not.

Disney has always been a part of my life since I can remember, books, movies, toys parks, my mom’s stories about watch the Mickey Mouse Club and Davy Crockett. All bright spots for me. In fact a few years ago when I took my first solo trip I was going through a lot of depressing stuff in my life that had been going on for awhile and kept compounding. when I first suggested that I take a trip alone to Disney World I thought my husband would be against it instead he had me booking within minutes of talking about it. When I returned from my trip my head was clear and my husband was happy to have his wife back to normal. I learned that positivity is the way to go. And as long as I enjoy Disney I will remain a fan and student of it.

As you reflected on what Memorial Day brings up to you I can see how you would be irritated with the fluff of people complaining about a theme park. There are bigger things in this world and perhaps those people are lucky and a chip of paint is the “worst” thing in their world and if that is the cause hopefully one day they do realize how lucky they are.

I am thankful for the sacrifices people have made for me personally and in the larger world. I appreciate the fact I can enjoy what I do because of what others have done. When my husband and I visiting Normandy we were on one of the beaches on which so many young men died and we were looking at a memorial statue. There were many people playing and relaxing at the beach and children were playing on and near the memorial and my husband said something to the effect that it was terrible to see all the people having fun at a place where all the people died. And I replied to him, “well if they weren’t then those men would have died for nothing.” Anyway sorry to ramble too that was just what I thought about when I read your post.


Premium Member
@MinnieM123 look at the fun mug m
I'm a sun person. I'd even be happy on Moana's little island:inlove: That being said even if I had the money I'd never rent one of those suckers, in fact our pool has a few for free first come first served and I have never used one! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm usually one of the first at the pool when it opens

We got a cabana when we went to Castaway Cay. That was worth it to us, we had our own little "house" at the beach for the day. All the cabanas had foliage to separate each one so it felt private we never saw or heard our neighbors. That was nice, and I could have shade, sun, a variety of chairs. But most cabanas I see at pool areas don't offer much privacy or luxury as we had so it wouldn't be worth it for me to pay for the typical pool cabana either.


Well-Known Member
@MinnieM123 look at the fun mug m

We got a cabana when we went to Castaway Cay. That was worth it to us, we had our own little "house" at the beach for the day. All the cabanas had foliage to separate each one so it felt private we never saw or heard our neighbors. That was nice, and I could have shade, sun, a variety of chairs. But most cabanas I see at pool areas don't offer much privacy or luxury as we had so it wouldn't be worth it for me to pay for the typical pool cabana either.

Our waterpark has 2 options.. 1 is larger, a little more comfortable, has a fridge with soda, water, juice, and fruit. The other option doesn’t have a fridge or a tv, smaller, without plush chairs. (I only care about a tv if a game is on, otherwise it’s off)... both do have drink/food service and a safe.
I don’t think the cabanas without a fridge are worth it, but the other ones are. It’s nice to not have to stake out a spot, or worry about your “stuff”, nice to have shade when needed, and great to have food and drinks brought to you without standing in a long line.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well if Stitch is back up at the other entrance, that JUST happened. Might have been Tuesday afternoon when I was there at WOD, and that other main entrance was covered up. Figures, I just missed it by days then. I like Stitch on top of that entrance--really fun! :)
May 26fh Stitch was posted on Chip & Co website.

Chipandco .com

And he isn’t spitting yet


Well-Known Member
I believe it's so a tough 50 pounder doesn't get plowed by a 100+ pounder. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen
This is why T quit football after one season a few years ago. He was a short, super skinny kindergartener.. but he never gave up against the big 1st graders. However, in the last game of the season.. he got PLOWED by a huge kid, 2 heads taller than T and about twice his width.
T went flying in the air and landed on his back.. had to be carried off the field. They determined that he didn’t have a concussion and he eventually went back in the game.

Afterwards he said- “Did you see the GIANT take me out?! I’m going to only play soccer next year.”

I was sad at the time and didn’t want him to quit football because of one incident in the last game, but I didn’t sign him up again. He still loves playing football with friends and watching football games.. and he actually asked to return to his school team last year.. but this time I wouldn’t allow him to play both. He chose soccer.

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