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No, these aren't really high mountains. But I'm not sure if where we were was actually considered in the Harz range or not. And the white is the plaster stone....or maybe it's chalk? Limestone? I can't find one difinitive answer. Marc called it "Gips steen"...gips is what you call a cast when you break a bone. It's made of plaster, I looked up plaster, and it says it could be lime, gypsum, or cement. So I'm not really sure what kind of stone it is. We brought a few small pieces home. It's a very powdery rock. But that's what the white is. I should have taken a picture of the ground up at the top of the hill. It's a farm there, and you could see exactly where the land had been plowed, it was peppered with this little white pebbles everywhere. It makes me wonder how anything grows there!! It's not soil at all, it's rock!Its gorgeous!
Interesting that the mountains do not seem very high and the soil seems so white!