@ajrwdwgirl Do you do IOWA Assessments and CogAT tests at your school?
Any parents here have kids who take them? The results look like Greek to me.
T scored in the 99th percentile in Computation, but 85th percentile in Mathmatics. I’m not even sure how that works??
His reading and language arts were only on the high 70-low 80s percentiles. (Which is surprising to me I thought it would be higher based on his grades and reading level)
For the CogAT
Quantitive and Nonverbal were in the 88th and 82nd percentile, but Verbal was 70th percentile. (Listening problem?)
Do schools place more focus on the cognitive portion of these tests, or the subjects themselves? I’m thrilled with the 99th percentile in math computation especially, but I requested a meeting with his principal and teacher to discuss the cognitive. I’m not really sure how any of this impacts class selection or what I need to work on with him.
I’m going to be spending a lot of time searching the Internet today.