Well, it wasn't HER that gave me the good advice...it was her friend. She told the friend about me and the friend sought me out to talk to me and give me advice. No, looking back there was always a jealousy there. She was always trying to get attention from guys and was very upset if they paid attention to me instead of her. And I think part of the reason she liked being my friend was that I was no competition. I was taken, so I wasn't receptive to the attention, which meant that she could have it all. And when I called off the one engagement, I told my husband when he asked that I didn't want a serious relationship right away...that I was interested in him, but that I couldn't commit right then, and I'd like to date a bit first and I'd let him know when I wanted something more. I went to visit my friend in Canada and there was a guy I was interested in. We hung out the three of us, but I kept being left out, so I figured he wasn't into me, and she seemed to like him, so I told her if she was interested, to go for it as she lived there and had way more chance of it working out than I did. She said no, she wasn't attracted to him, had no interest in him whatsoever, but they continued to leave me out and flirt with each other...and then she slept with him. That should have told me all I needed to know. But I was 22 at the time, and very naive and....inexperienced, having resolved to wait until marriage. So now I realize that my judgement in my early twenties was TERRIBLE when it came to relationships...I chose all the wrong people. I still have her on my facebook and I'm friendly with her, but we're certainly not close. I don't wish her ill or anything...we had some great fun together, laughing...she was the person who got me drunk at 22 because I'd never had alcohol and she thought I should experience it at least once. And I love her dad...he is the kindest, sweetest guy and kind of "adopted" me as a daughter because at the time, I didn't get along well with my own dad. He treated me like I was his 2nd daughter, and I went to Canadian Thanksgiving at his parents' house one trip. So I still have love for them, and my wedding turned out to be exactly the way it was supposed to be, so I don't regret any of what happened. I think I probably needed the wake-up call. I can appreciate everything I learned from that, and love the good that came from it. I still love her, and I think in her own way, she loves me....she just wasn't the best friend and I should never have asked her to be my maid of honor and she should never have agreed to do it. We're better as casual friends...I don't think of her as a sister anymore, but I still love her.