The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We'll likely do that when she's older too. I hadn't thought about that. Right now all of her friends have zoo passes and she's perfectly content just going with me. I keep forgetting that a time will come when she'll rather hang out with her friends :cry::cry:

It’s so hard!! You sound like a super fun mom though, so I’m sure she’ll want to hang out with her friends AND you, together. :)


Premium Member
I'm feeling a bit better now. I ended up having to grab my portable nebulizer out of my car and use it, but now I'm no longer dizzy, which was the worst. My cubicle has a door, so I can put my head down on the desk for a few minutes if I need to. Normally I leave the door open in case one of the guys from our team needs something. Not today.
Enjoy some kitty cuddle time and a Chris Pine movie tonight.


Premium Member
It's spring cleaning day. The fun one where all the kitchen appliances get moved so I can clean behind and under them. My dh got home claiming to be very tired and went straight to bed:cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious: Anyhoo my kitchen and dining room have been sterilized:inlove: if only they'd stay that way. Maybe I should put a tent in the yard for the boys:angelic:


Well-Known Member
Didn’t she just deliver? They kick you out quick in those UK hospitals, although I am guessing she probably has the best care at home. The car seat looks different than the ones here. That looks like a bed on a car seat . Sweet looking baby.
Over here, they kick you out almost immediately. I did have to stay with DD, because she was such a big baby and she was born in the evening after all the pediatritians had gone home and they needed to check her for diabetes. We were released the next morning as soon as that was done. With DS, he was born at 6:08 a.m and we were released as soon as they cleaned him up and I nursed him. And he was born with the cord around his neck and was completely blue when he was born.100_0284.jpg

That's DH's hand (with the wedding ring) over mine and then if you look just above my other hand, you can see DS's blue hand. But even after all that, they sent us right home. His hands stayed blue for a couple of days, but he was fine. I was expecting them to wheel him off to NICU, but he was breathing and he did eventually turn pink, so they let us go.


His little hands and his forehead are still blue, but the rest was a nice healthy pink. Do they not send you home right away in the US? I guess I never thought anything of it, having never delivered there. But then, over here, you get a nurse for about a week at home to teach you to change diapers, do baths, etc, and to check you and the baby to make sure you are healthy. So you are still cared for, even when you are released. The nurse was waiting at our door when we got home.


Well-Known Member
Over here, they kick you out almost immediately. I did have to stay with DD, because she was such a big baby and she was born in the evening after all the pediatritians had gone home and they needed to check her for diabetes. We were released the next morning as soon as that was done. With DS, he was born at 6:08 a.m and we were released as soon as they cleaned him up and I nursed him. And he was born with the cord around his neck and was completely blue when he was born.View attachment 280244

That's DH's hand (with the wedding ring) over mine and then if you look just above my other hand, you can see DS's blue hand. But even after all that, they sent us right home. His hands stayed blue for a couple of days, but he was fine. I was expecting them to wheel him off to NICU, but he was breathing and he did eventually turn pink, so they let us go.

View attachment 280248

His little hands and his forehead are still blue, but the rest was a nice healthy pink. Do they not send you home right away in the US? I guess I never thought anything of it, having never delivered there. But then, over here, you get a nurse for about a week at home to teach you to change diapers, do baths, etc, and to check you and the baby to make sure you are healthy. So you are still cared for, even when you are released. The nurse was waiting at our door when we got home.

LOL in the US you are basically required to stay 48 hours (as long as you have insurance) and during your stay they charge you an ungodly amount of money for everything. Soggy grilled cheese sandwich? $18! Two motrin and a tylenol? $63. They make so much money keeping you in the hospital.

Then when they release you they give you almost no support. You get a check up from the nurse a couple days after delivery, but it's up to you to call your doctor and set appointments for anything else. There's a phone number they give you where you can call for basic health and breastfeeding support, but that's about it. You walk away from it feeling grateful for having insurance, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
I see T’s homeroom teacher at conferences a couple of times per year, but I never see his other teachers after orientation I always ask the school secretary, (who always gives a “they’ll like whatever you get!” non-answer) ...I should probably just email the teachers themselves!
I usually give gift cards to a store where a lot of teachers buy supplies. Some people suggest giving a starbucks gift card (not here, as we don't have that), but as I am not a coffee or tea drinker, it's not a gift I would use myself, and I can't be the only one. I'd rather get them something I know they'll use. So I get a decorative pail or glass or basket, and fill it with things they can use to spoil themselves and supply their classrooms. It's not as bad over here with teachers needing to pay for supplies out of pocket, but still nice to give a little something they can use, should they choose to. Other things I've done are lotions, soaps, and candles, baked goods, stickers, picture frames. When I was teaching, I got a potted plant from a student whose mother ran a floral shop. If you know a favorite restaurant, you can give a certificate for that. I think even fast food places mostly have gift cards now, don't they?


Well-Known Member
@21stamps the kid on the free dining page looks a bit like T!!
I’ll check it out!

Question for you all.. I haven’t heard back from T’s soccer coach. Would you be a bit annoyed? Again, I’m not trying to be a jerk.. but I mean seriously.. if practice hadn’t been cancelled then I wouldn’t be bothered. I’d think he would have a chance to respond by now. I’m running out of time to sign T up for SAY, and potentially tryouts for a different club. Or maybe we don’t try out for a soccer club at all and we focus on soccer at home and in SAY until he outgrows this new self doubt stage.. I’d let him try out for club baseball if we weren’t doing spring soccer.

They have practice tomorrow, so I know he’ll be busy then. I’m hoping to hear back from him before then.. I’m really not trying to be a nagging parent, but I really need his input!


Well-Known Member
I’ll check it out!

Question for you all.. I haven’t heard back from T’s soccer coach. Would you be a bit annoyed? Again, I’m not trying to be a jerk.. but I mean seriously.. if practice hadn’t been cancelled then I wouldn’t be bothered. I’d think he would have a chance to respond by now. I’m running out of time to sign T up for SAY, and potentially tryouts for a different club. Or maybe we don’t try out for a club at all and we focus on soccer at home and in SAY until he outgrows this new self doubt stage.. I’d let him try out for club baseball if we weren’t doing spring soccer.

They have practice tomorrow, so I know he’ll be busy then. I’m hoping to hear back from him before then.. I’m really not trying to be a nagging parent, but I really need his input!

Honestly, it feels like that coach has checked out, or was never really checked in. My daughter is three. But when her soccer is rained out we get a note from her coach that says make ups will be such and such a day, and in the meantime we're working on this skill so maybe you can practice at home, see you next week! So like.... I would expect the communications from the coach in your case to be similar. I'm so sorry the games are cancelled, it's out of my control, here's a few youtube videos I pulled up with skill drills to work on so we don't lose any momentum going into next week.

I hate to say it, but I think this one was just a waste of money.

To answer about the self doubt.... we're never going to doubt ourselves less by not playing. Pulling him out until he is more confident will likely make it so he's never more confident. I vote sign him up for the league, and just see what happens. It's his first year with older kids and I would expect him to be shy for a while going into it. Maybe just say to yourself, this year is a growth year, next year can be a shine year. And just take some pressure off you both.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it feels like that coach has checked out, or was never really checked in. My daughter is three. But when her soccer is rained out we get a note from her coach that says make ups will be such and such a day, and in the meantime we're working on this skill so maybe you can practice at home, see you next week! So like.... I would expect the communications from the coach in your case to be similar. I'm so sorry the games are cancelled, it's out of my control, here's a few youtube videos I pulled up with skill drills to work on so we don't lose any momentum going into next week.

I hate to say it, but I think this one was just a waste of money.

To answer about the self doubt.... we're never going to doubt ourselves less by not playing. Pulling him out until he is more confident will likely make it so he's never more confident. I vote sign him up for the league, and just see what happens. It's his first year with older kids and I would expect him to be shy for a while going into it. Maybe just say to yourself, this year is a growth year, next year can be a shine year. And just take some pressure off you both.

The club keeps the coaches completely protected from the parents. Probably with good We have a very specific code of conduct and procedures to follow if we want to speak directly with the coach. Everything goes thru our team administrator before being passed to the coach.
We’re not allowed to approach them before or after games either.

The communication on practice and games is there,from the administrator and then emails from the cloud director, and yesterday from the coach himself which makes me think that he knows how frustrated the parents are. I know that everyone is frustrated, I’m sure the coaches are too. In his defense, he did record 5 videos of himself last week.. uploaded to YouTube, and sent them to us for the boys to do.
That’s great, and I’m not doubting his commitment.. (although we can do YouTube videos for free) I’m annoyed that we cant reschedule, but I’m also understanding that this is a large club and the field time may not be there.. BUT it does bother me that I haven’t received any reply to that email.. the administrator said she would pass it to him right away.
I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. lol


Well-Known Member
The club keeps the coaches completely protected from the parents. Probably with good We have a very specific code of conduct and procedures to follow if we want to speak directly with the coach. Everything goes thru our team administrator before being passed to the coach.
We’re not allowed to approach them before or after games either.

The communication on practice and games is there,from the administrator and then emails from the cloud director, and yesterday from the coach himself which makes me think that he knows how frustrated the parents are. I know that everyone is frustrated, I’m sure the coaches are too. In his defense, he did record 5 videos of himself last week.. uploaded to YouTube, and sent them to us for the boys to do.
That’s great, and I’m not doubting his commitment.. (although we can do YouTube videos for free) I’m annoyed that we cant reschedule, but I’m also understanding that this is a large club and the field time may not be there.. BUT it does bother me that I haven’t received any reply to that email.. the administrator said she would pass it to him right away.
I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. lol

It's not that you're overreacting... because you aren't... it's rude for them not to get back to you... but I think you might have unrealistic expectations. You can expect that T will exit the league better than when he started. I think that's a reasonable expectation. And you can expect that the coach and administration will do everything in their power to hold practices and games. That's totally reasonable. But I feel like you're expecting for T to become more confident and play in a way that guarantees him a spot in the team he'll have to try out for, and that might not be reasonable.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize at the time but I also got to pick out 2 sewing patterns. Today has not been as much fun!
I'm sorry! I concur. The weather wasn't nice today, it was another busy busy day, and I'm so so so fed up with the bike store. We ordered DS's bike on good Friday, DH asked when we would get it..if we'd have it by the next Friday. The guy said that, well, maybe, but to allow till the next tuesday because of the Easter weekend. So we waited, and heard nothing, but we had just gotten DD's bike through them 2 weeks before, and something had supposedly gone wrong with the call to tell us it was ready, so we thought maybe the same thing happened with DS's, and I decided to just go by. So we went by on the Wednesday and they said it had just come in the day before, so they hadn't had time to put it together yet. It was in a wouldn't be done before the next day. So I waited until Friday....still nothing. So I called before I left work to pick up DS....figured we could stop on our way home. The guy says that he doesn't really know anything...he can have his colleague call me when he's available in about 30 minutes. But by that time, it would be too late. I'd be on my bike and not able to answer the phone. So then we called again, the next Monday...they are closed on Mondays. So we called Tuesday, and DH was told this guy didn't have access into the files to look up if it was done or not. DH asked for the other guy to call him back. No one called. Friday, DH went by on his way home from picking DS up from chess. The guy says "Oh, we just got this one part in today, so it's not installed yet. DH said they should have at least called us to let us know what was going on! He says "Well, hasn't there been any contact?" DH says, "Not from YOU guys!" and then the other guy that we kept getting on the phone looks all sheepish...he was apparently supposed to call us about the part, but didn't....but then, did he never relay the message for the other guy to call us the week before? So then the guy called on Saturday and asked if we were home, but we were in Eindhoven, an hour and a half away. So he promised to deliver the bike late this afternoon. I worked until 2:30, picked DS up at 3, ran by the doctor's office to get the referral for the autism organization, then went grocery shopping and rushed home so I'd be there when the bike got there. I didn't dare cook, because I can't hear the door if I'm in the kitchen. So I waited and waited...DH got home, still hadn't heard anything. So he calls, they hang up on him "accidentally", he calls back and they say they'll be here in 10 minutes....20 minutes later, they finally bring the bike....and they didn't install the lock we paid for. So now I have to go by tomorrow after work on my way home from picking DS up to have them install this stupid lock that they've had 3 and a half weeks to install, and I don't buy the "It just got here yesterday" excuse. That's nothing but an "Oh, are the people and we should have had this done.....tell them it just came in". and it's a bit too coincidental that they used that excuse twice, and they couldn't call us to let us know....why? What, your phone only works on incoming calls?? If DS didn't need the bike so desperately, I'd tell them to stuff it and I'd go buy one somewhere else.
Rant over. Thank you for listening.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry! I concur. The weather wasn't nice today, it was another busy busy day, and I'm so so so fed up with the bike store. We ordered DS's bike on good Friday, DH asked when we would get it..if we'd have it by the next Friday. The guy said that, well, maybe, but to allow till the next tuesday because of the Easter weekend. So we waited, and heard nothing, but we had just gotten DD's bike through them 2 weeks before, and something had supposedly gone wrong with the call to tell us it was ready, so we thought maybe the same thing happened with DS's, and I decided to just go by. So we went by on the Wednesday and they said it had just come in the day before, so they hadn't had time to put it together yet. It was in a wouldn't be done before the next day. So I waited until Friday....still nothing. So I called before I left work to pick up DS....figured we could stop on our way home. The guy says that he doesn't really know anything...he can have his colleague call me when he's available in about 30 minutes. But by that time, it would be too late. I'd be on my bike and not able to answer the phone. So then we called again, the next Monday...they are closed on Mondays. So we called Tuesday, and DH was told this guy didn't have access into the files to look up if it was done or not. DH asked for the other guy to call him back. No one called. Friday, DH went by on his way home from picking DS up from chess. The guy says "Oh, we just got this one part in today, so it's not installed yet. DH said they should have at least called us to let us know what was going on! He says "Well, hasn't there been any contact?" DH says, "Not from YOU guys!" and then the other guy that we kept getting on the phone looks all sheepish...he was apparently supposed to call us about the part, but didn't....but then, did he never relay the message for the other guy to call us the week before? So then the guy called on Saturday and asked if we were home, but we were in Eindhoven, an hour and a half away. So he promised to deliver the bike late this afternoon. I worked until 2:30, picked DS up at 3, ran by the doctor's office to get the referral for the autism organization, then went grocery shopping and rushed home so I'd be there when the bike got there. I didn't dare cook, because I can't hear the door if I'm in the kitchen. So I waited and waited...DH got home, still hadn't heard anything. So he calls, they hang up on him "accidentally", he calls back and they say they'll be here in 10 minutes....20 minutes later, they finally bring the bike....and they didn't install the lock we paid for. So now I have to go by tomorrow after work on my way home from picking DS up to have them install this stupid lock that they've had 3 and a half weeks to install, and I don't buy the "It just got here yesterday" excuse. That's nothing but an "Oh, are the people and we should have had this done.....tell them it just came in". and it's a bit too coincidental that they used that excuse twice, and they couldn't call us to let us know....why? What, your phone only works on incoming calls?? If DS didn't need the bike so desperately, I'd tell them to stuff it and I'd go buy one somewhere else.
Rant over. Thank you for listening.

Oh wow that's a lot to go through for a bike!!


Well-Known Member
LOL in the US you are basically required to stay 48 hours (as long as you have insurance) and during your stay they charge you an ungodly amount of money for everything. Soggy grilled cheese sandwich? $18! Two motrin and a tylenol? $63. They make so much money keeping you in the hospital.

Then when they release you they give you almost no support. You get a check up from the nurse a couple days after delivery, but it's up to you to call your doctor and set appointments for anything else. There's a phone number they give you where you can call for basic health and breastfeeding support, but that's about it. You walk away from it feeling grateful for having insurance, that's for sure.
Wow....crazy. They taught me to breastfeed, and the nurse you get at home keeps that up, making sure it goes smoothly. They check your stitches if you have any, check your temperature, make you snacks, check baby's temp, teach you how to bathe, dress baby, and how to change diapers. They will do laundry, clean your bathroom, and even peel potatoes if they have time. When DS was born, since we already knew how to do everything, she spent a lot of time playing with DD so we could bond with DS. But you get something like....6 hours a day for 8 days? Unless you were in the hospital, then that time is reduced because all that stuff would be taken care of there. I think we were on our way home less than 4 hours after delivery with DS, and the nurse was there waiting when we got there and started right away with cutting up some fruit for me.


Well-Known Member
It's not that you're overreacting... because you aren't... it's rude for them not to get back to you... but I think you might have unrealistic expectations. You can expect that T will exit the league better than when he started. I think that's a reasonable expectation. And you can expect that the coach and administration will do everything in their power to hold practices and games. That's totally reasonable. But I feel like you're expecting for T to become more confident and play in a way that guarantees him a spot in the team he'll have to try out for, and that might not be reasonable.

I don’t know if he’s actually getting better, or worse... only because of the nerves, I’m only talking about game play when I say “worse”. He made the team even with being nervous at tryouts, and he’s great in practice. But I think my main concern after seeing the change in him during the indoor session, is IF I want to make this kind of financial investment, as well as time investment, going forward.

There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll recieve an offer after tryouts again, I know he will.. I’m not saying this as a parent, but he does have great soccer skills. This is why I want him to have a great team and great coaching. However, we’re talking several thousand dollars per year.. especially next year when travel is required more often. I’d like input from the coach on why he thinks T gets nervous in games now, and how we can correct it. I do believe that playing thru it is the most important part.. but with this season almost over and only 1 game played as far before I register to try out for next season., I just don’t know what to do!! Me and T are the only ones who can make that decision, but I’d like to hear from a professional, which is what the coach is.. he knows more than me and I’m sure he’s seen kids go thru this before.

There’s so many pros and cons to playing with a large club in the first place.. I know some parents who have regretted it in the end... but to spend that money/stress/time and have a kid who gets nervous in games? I don’t think I’ll allow it.. so either I help T figure it out, or I need to stop this before the investment becomes something that we both regret. We could just go back to outing and out of town trips that are going to become few and far between as he gets older and has more and more tournaments.

I don’t know... I think right now I just wish someone else could make this decision for me.
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