I may have said this before, but in preschool, the first time we received a Shutterfly valentine with kids picture on it , I was SHOCKED. I sent T to school with store bought valentines and mini play doh containers.. I couldn’t believe what he came home with! That’s when I realized that things are very different today.
I can’t blame anyone but myself for the Pinterest inspired bento box lunches, smile face post its inside, and sandwiches cut into shapes with PBK sand which cutters.

(I stopped that in K..now his boxes are not photo worthy, and I haven’t put in a post it note except for special test days, who knows where my sandwhich and fruit cutters are now

My mom stayed home with us and didn’t even do that. I don’t know who decided to start this trend, but everything you said is spot on. Pinterest is the best and worst thing to happen to parents!
I know you work outside of the home too, so I think you can relate to the weird “competition” thing of stressing over what our kid brings on holidays etc. It’s not even that I want to be in competition with the army of SAHM’s...I just don’t want my kid to stick out or feel bad that his mom can’t find the time to do the same for gifts etc... if that makes sense?