Thanks!! Luckily I didn’t jinx us!! Rain started heavy at the very end of the game.
For those of you who have already lived thru the first year of kid pitch- Be Thankful You Are Done!!
Holy cow that game was lonnnnnnngggg
3 of our kids got hit by the pitcher.. most walked, a few struck out.. I think there was maybe 4 base hits all game- between both teams!!!
T is a monster hitter, he was thrilled that they don’t have to stop at second base this year.. and he didn’t even hit!! Struck out once, walked 3 times (once after getting hit by the ball).
Crazy how big the strike zone is! I’m going to have to adjust my instruction with him, I told him not to swing if above shoulders..but the ump was calling strikes at eye
What was the score?
When myself and my 2 younger bros started playing Little League, there were 4 different levels in both organizations we played in (the league in our first neighborhood, and then the league in our second neighborhood)...T League, C League, Minor League, and Major League.
My pop had us all up to speed at an early age, so we all started out in C league where you were pitched to by kiddos from the opposing team. I'll never forget the first home run I hit over the flags in left-center field...!!!!!
Here are myself and my 2 younger bros (l-r) in our respective uniforms...Major League, Minor League, and C Leauge...!!!!!
I'll never forget, when I was in the Majors
, there was a kid on one of our opponents teams, the Giants, that was, literally, a 12-year-old giant...!!!!!
He was huge (and, I still remember his name was Vince McLaughlin - no worries, there are probably 20,000 of them in No Cal alone
) and he was also a very unpredictable pitcher. He was either spot on or wild as heck...and, he threw VERY fast and hard. So many would just barely be in the batters box, for fear of getting beaned
, and never swinging near his pitches for a strikeout. I was beaned by him a coupla' times, and it wasn't fun...!!!
But, finally, our coaches had an idea for us to crowd the plate...and whdayya' know, totally threw him off. Ya' still might get beaned (no biggie), but he just didn't throw nearly as many strikes, and when he did, if we were able to connect on one of those fastballs, they usually went to far away places...!!!!!!!
And yes, what is with the choppin' wood strike zone...?! Have they also extended it to golfing low...?!