Well-Known Member
That’s so horrible. I’m glad that nothing went any more scary than what you described, what you described is bad enough.Yes, I've heard that about Turkey...and Egypt I think it was. Someone told me that men will follow women into public restrooms. Or grope them on public transportation. I'm glad the hotel manager was so helpful for you! I don't know that I would have dared to even tell him, being male. When you are harassed like that, it kind of makes you wary of anyone you don't know. Or at least that's what it did to me. And it's happened so often, I can't really even count all the times. There was a computer lab assistant who paid attention to which labs I showed up in and when and tried to get shifts in those labs and those times, and he'd come sit next to me and read over my shoulder. (I found out he was keeping track when he saw me once and said "Where have you been? You always used to be here on Wednesdays at 3:00.") There was a kid in my high school who would snap my bra (and I was that girl who wore baggy sweatshirts so no one could see I had any sort of feminine body underneath) and told me he wouldn't stop unless I let him do "upper body lifts" ( wink wink, nudge nudge) . When I visited my DH before we were married, we went out with a group of his friends....I needed to go to the bathroom and I had to go and get DH because the bathrooms were down this hall parallel to the bar and 2 random guys at the bar leaned their bar chairs back against the wall as I approached so I couldn't get to the bathrooms. There was a guy in my dorm who sent me dirty emails when he saw me in the computer room one night and I tried to be polite when he said hello. From then on, he'd stop me in the halls every time he saw me. I would see him and turn around and walk a different way. So many instances come to mind, and not ONE of them where I was wearing anything even remotely revealing, which shouldn't matter anyway, but somehow does to some people. And it doesn't matter if you say you are married, or in a relationship, etc....if your boyfriend isn't standing there next to you, you are fair game. And I know exactly what you mean, you don't want to throw men under the bus....it's not even a majority of guys....but you can't tell just by looking at a guy if he's going to be that one who won't take no for an answer, and you can't lock yourself in your house so that you don't encounter creeps. I had a male friend who was in choir with me who used to walk me back to my dorm after choir rehearsal because it was dark when we got done and the dorms were right next to the frat houses, which were notoriously dangerous places for women after dark. There were 3 of us girls who he escorted back home every Monday and Wednesday night. For 3 years, until I moved out of the dorms.

Cheers to hoping that over time, people will wisen up, and stop harassing other people.

Ok, I sorry but you are all going to jealous now.....currently in a blizzard warning!. I have to laugh about it otherwise I might go crazy.
Wow. I would be full on crazy by now. Do you have wine?
Drink wine, take a bubble bath..don’t even look outside!