The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I don't consider All Ears to be a mommy blogger website. I find it is quite honest, and I love how there are real reviews of resorts and restaurants by real people. I would sit and just read reviews of resorts to pass the time between trips before I found this site. I also miss that one of their bloggers, Jack Spence, left. He had so many interesting articles on the parks and Disney history. Love the food blog too. So jealous of AJ. Best job ever!

I just do not find it to be appropriate to build slang words around motherhood that belittle woman. My question is more how do these people who freely use helicopter moms and mommy bloggers insult the Daddy's with? You just don't see Daddy's little *snowflake* Why adults need to refer to a child as a *snowflake* in the first place? And how it has became Mommy's *snowflake* ??? It is Women's History Month. And this is still the branding young mothers receive. I just don't care for how freely people use those slang terms. Parents have it hard enough raising kids without coming up with crud like this.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We went to Barnes and Noble yesterday, mostly because of this conversation. A bought two books and a small toy with her money, and I bought her one book and me one book with mine. We had a lot of fun playing around the store and reading through the different stories to see which ones we'd like. Plus they have the Thomas the Train table there for her, and the Starbucks for me.

I will sorely miss B&N when they inevitably close up shop :(
Well if more people do as you, maybe they won’t. :)

I hope B&N does not leave us either. We can spend hours in there. We also have Anderson Book Stores here that have a nice following, lots of book signings in those and people do come out for them.

But also with the sadness of places like Borders going away there is new evolution happening too. Amazon has been expanding their Brick and Mortar Book Stores. One in Chicago cool! The upside for me as a Prime member is I get a discount off their regular book prices. Bonus too this one is in Wrigleyville. Such a fun area.





Well-Known Member
Thanks to ALL of you who reassured me that the colonoscopy test was no big deal. I went through with it on Friday, and seriously, the only bad part about it was the worrying. The fasting and the purging was no fun either, but even that wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

I almost chickened out about 30 times, even up to the second I walked into the doctor's office. But that would have been really stupid - chickening out after a 24 hour fast. So on I went.

Oh yeah....the getting stuck with an IV was not a lot of fun either, but hey, a minute after it was in, the doctor asked me what I did for a living and then I think I gave half an answer and passed out, and all of a sudden, the nurse was rubbing my shoulder and telling me to wake up.

It was OVER!

I didn't even have the slightest idea that it had happened.

And I guess the good (and bad?) news is that they found and removed three polyps, and one was supposedly huge. Had I delayed this any longer, any one of them could have turned cancerous.

The moral of this story is - get your colonoscopy once you turn 50. It is nothing to be afraid of and it can save your life. If I can do it, anyone can.

Thanks again for the reassurances that you gave me last week, everyone. It really helped me go through with this.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
She's not using the actual jar piece or lid piece, @Gabe1 , she's just using the mason jar to shape the wire.

Perfect! Thank you. That was my DD guess actually as she tried to analyze them. (she makes some of her Minnie Ears) If I may ask does she attach the wire circles to the headband. Inquiring Daughter has to know :inlove:


Well-Known Member
Please, no, on all of the above. :banghead:

There are all kinds of business cost vs. perceived benefit X-type charts/graphs out there, and too many of them are all fancy-schmancy like.
It's real simple, when the cost starts to get higher than your percieved benefit, just X ;)that particular experience off your list and move on to other experiences.
There's a WHOLE OTHER WORLD out there with so much more than any of us could ever experience in 100+ 100 year lifetimes...
I was kinda' bummed when we weren't gonna' go to WDW again for a while, but, our first cruise this past December changed all that.
New experiences, new fun, new scenery, new cherished family memories, etc.
Again, no cut against anyone that sticks with Disney for all, or the vast majority, of their major vacations, at all, but, we just found something that was every bit as enjoyable, if not more, and was also much less expensive for the 6 of us for a week-long vacation.
I have Disney artwork, many books, etc., and will always love Disney...heck, I, literally still have my room card from our July of '07 WDW trip in my wallet...!!!!!!!
Cheers to all of us....!!!!!!! :joyfull:

I forgot to post the image of my room card from '07 :facepalm:, plus I still have the ones from '08, '12, and '13 in my wallet, as well. We finally had Magjc bands for the Princess 5K trip from Feb. of '16...!!! :)

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Well-Known Member
Thanks to ALL of you who reassured me that the colonoscopy test was no big deal. I went through with it on Friday, and seriously, the only bad part about it was the worrying. The fasting and the purging was no fun either, but even that wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

I almost chickened out about 30 times, even up to the second I walked into the doctor's office. But that would have been really stupid - chickening out after a 24 hour fast. So on I went.

Oh yeah....the getting stuck with an IV was not a lot of fun either, but hey, a minute after it was in, the doctor asked me what I did for a living and then I think I gave half an answer and passed out, and all of a sudden, the nurse was rubbing my shoulder and telling me to wake up.

It was OVER!

I didn't even have the slightest idea that it had happened.

And I guess the good (and bad?) news is that they found and removed three polyps, and one was supposedly huge. Had I delayed this any longer, any one of them could have turned cancerous.

The moral of this story is - get your colonoscopy once you turn 50. It is nothing to be afraid of and it can save your life. If I can do it, anyone can.

Thanks again for the reassurances that you gave me last week, everyone. It really helped me go through with this.

You're most welcome, Buddy!!!
So very happy to hear it was all caught I posted before, it's better than the alternative, and even if you do survive and it's caught late, it can lead to some very not fun routines for the rest of your life.
I had my first one at 45 and was completely clear. Had my last one almost two years ago and the doc also removed three polyps. I asked him in recovery what the odds were any of them could be bad news and he said a million to one. Sure enough, all benign. But, he said I'd be surprised at how many patients he has to to give really bad news to when it is all really so treatable before it gets to far along if people are just timely about it.
As I believe I've posted before, my grandfather on my pops side was one of those people. My grandmother finally tricked him into going with her to the doc by claiming it was her appointment. By that time, it was too late, and he was gone within the year. A farmer, and a hardworking healthy man, otherwise, and we all loved him very much.
Wish he would have gone to the doc when he first started having systems.

Again, glad all is well in that regard, and that is one less thing to worry about!!!
Don't forget to get your behind (literally ;)) back in no more than about 5-ish years.
I've got about 2.5 years to go, but you can bet I won't forget...!!! :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Thanks and we had our picture taken with Donald at the Studios and when we were done I asked if I could get a picture of him alone. I heard they were getting rid of the talking Mickey too but he talked to us. It was kind of creepy but cool at the same time.
Can you imagine when they finally develop an intelligent voice emulation system?
Adding it on the character with some full AI system that will translate everything very quickly?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Bet every waterpark is inquiring into what system they had and likely when they find out the cause of the failure they all will be having inspections for similar designs.
Makes you wonder, was it a design failure? or a maintenance failure?

Those tubes do not seem that strong. I bet they had some kind of metal wire suspension system that held them inplace. And either someone forgot to set and lock the wire suspension again after maintenance or these metal suspenders failed.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
There are all kinds of business cost vs. perceived benefit X-type charts/graphs out there, and too many of them are all fancy-schmancy like.
It's real simple, when the cost starts to get higher than your percieved benefit, just X ;)that particular experience off your list and move on to other experiences.
There's a WHOLE OTHER WORLD out there with so much more than any of us could ever experience in 100+ 100 year lifetimes...
I was kinda' bummed when we weren't gonna' go to WDW again for a while, but, our first cruise this past December changed all that.
New experiences, new fun, new scenery, new cherished family memories, etc.
Again, no cut against anyone that sticks with Disney for all, or the vast majority, of their major vacations, at all, but, we just found something that was every bit as enjoyable, if not more, and was also much less expensive for the 6 of us for a week-long vacation.
I have Disney artwork, many books, etc., and will always love Disney...heck, I, literally still have my room card from our July of '07 WDW trip in my wallet...!!!!!!!
Cheers to all of us....!!!!!!! :joyfull:

I forgot to post the image of my room card from '07 :facepalm:, plus I still have the ones from '08, '12, and '13 in my wallet, as well. We finally had Magjc bands for the Princess 5K trip from Feb. of '16...!!! :)

View attachment 269962
I should have kept my cards too, I think the only card I have still (because I used magicbands since my second trip).. was my Disney Cruise Line card.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Makes you wonder, was it a design failure? or a maintenance failure?

Those tubes do not seem that strong. I bet they had some kind of metal wire suspension system that held them inplace. And either someone forgot to set and lock the wire suspension again after maintenance or these metal suspenders failed.

Duct work nowhere just falls out of the sky. It should be a no maintenance system. While the HVAC could fail for a multitude of reasons the infrastructure should live on. When they HVAC fails those tubes deflate. They droop. They usually close the water areas as there isn't ventilation. It is generally an easy fix to re-inflate for the HVAC people.
This is different for Aquatics for the tubes to break loose. It isn't a thing to be maintained anymore than vents falling out of the ceiling in your home or store. Both my kids knew about this story before it hit the news. We are all waiting to see what the inspectors have to say. I have no doubt the cause will surface soon if they haven't already found what went wrong, they are a strong corporation that needs to fix this and fix it well along with quickly. There are so many similar facilities, they will all be watching and waiting for answers.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks to ALL of you who reassured me that the colonoscopy test was no big deal. I went through with it on Friday, and seriously, the only bad part about it was the worrying. The fasting and the purging was no fun either, but even that wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

I almost chickened out about 30 times, even up to the second I walked into the doctor's office. But that would have been really stupid - chickening out after a 24 hour fast. So on I went.

Oh yeah....the getting stuck with an IV was not a lot of fun either, but hey, a minute after it was in, the doctor asked me what I did for a living and then I think I gave half an answer and passed out, and all of a sudden, the nurse was rubbing my shoulder and telling me to wake up.

It was OVER!

I didn't even have the slightest idea that it had happened.

And I guess the good (and bad?) news is that they found and removed three polyps, and one was supposedly huge. Had I delayed this any longer, any one of them could have turned cancerous.

The moral of this story is - get your colonoscopy once you turn 50. It is nothing to be afraid of and it can save your life. If I can do it, anyone can.

Thanks again for the reassurances that you gave me last week, everyone. It really helped me go through with this.

Glad it went well. I was thinking of you and that needle. :inlove:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
When they HVAC fails those tubes deflate.
It depends on the material, I've seen A/C and ventilation systems that are actually made out of PVC or other plastics in big stores. Not all of them are "inflatable". They still need the "wiring" or the system that holds them either to the pillars or to the ceiling.

Also.... no maintenance? what? thats silly, every system that moves air, gas or water requires maintenance in some way (to remove fungus, patch holes, check for debris..etc..).
The only real infrastructure that requires almost zero maintenance is actually cabling and networking.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The ones that spirit always mentioned. Lou Mongello I think and others.
Pure chills.

Still, I dont think there is an identical equivalent unless Disney starts coining the "Daddy bloggers" for a PR stunt group similar to the mommy ones.

My point exactly. I can't say I have every seen Disney refer to Mothers as Disney Bloggers or Helicopter Moms let alone referring to their children as Snowflakes. I can't imagine Disney being that stupid. There isn't the slamming of Daddies with Slang titles to belittle them. This is what I can't comprehend. The need in the 21st century to belittle woman with such phrases.

Lou is a figure in WDW greater picture. He doesn't need money. He was incredibly wealthy long before he wrote his first Disney book. He was a very successful attorney and wrote college curriculum long before he professionally wrote anything about Disney. His curriculum is still used today in the tech legal field. While many do not realize he is a member of this site before he launched his own and posted after. Many of his former forum members are members here too. Many were here first and also joined there and remain here. But like Lou or not I've never seen the man make fun of woman or use slang to depict women in a negative light. So my question remains for those who use those terms freely, what do you put down the Dad's with in the same vein? Or are men off limits for this type of belittlement as parents. Lord knows I've seen my share of Dad's go off at sporting events for their kids. But it is the Mom's that are Soccer Mom's. I'm all Ears.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It depends on the material, I've seen A/C and ventilation systems that are actually made out of PVC or other plastics in big stores. Not all of them are "inflatable". They still need the "wiring" or the system that holds them either to the pillars or to the ceiling.

Also.... no maintenance? what? thats silly, every system that moves air, gas or water requires maintenance in some way (to remove fungus, patch holes, check for debris..etc..).
The only real infrastructure that requires almost zero maintenance is actually cabling and networking.

I am doubting fungus is the cause of these tubes falling. I'm talking physical structure of installation not filters or dust removal. If one of these tubes gets a hole, though I can't imagine how they'd need to be replaced not patched.
Something made these tubes detach from the beams they were installed to. That is what I am curious about not their air quality control of dust and debris collected. That building is only 13 years old. The infrastructure shouldn't be falling from the ceiling. I lived in a very old home and zero of my duct work every fell to the floor, ever. Yes we cleaned the vents but we never had home inspectors maintain how the vents in the ceilings or walls stayed attached. 70 years later they showed zero indication that it would fall to the floor. This is strange. I've lived over 20 years in the world of aquatics with my kids, my entire childhood. Never seen this happen at a huge amount of aquatic facilities I swam in and my kids in the midwest states.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The "mommy blogger" is a very small category that does not fit all women or mothers.

But I don't understand. What makes people go there with woman and not men? It is OK to use slang like that if one is talking about a woman, a mother? What makes that acceptable?

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