The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Hey, I just have the system worked. :p Pass only cost $550, hotel is free since I stay with my parents, and my airfare is usually about $100 each way thanks to living in Baltimore and having Southwest. Disneyland, we did the same thing. APs, went twice in one year, and the airfare still wasn't bad. I'm not drowning in money; I'm just smart.
Still lucky lol, airfares for me for example.. are on average 600 USD.. sometimes in specified dates goes to 350 USD (lowest).

I get small discount on tickets, but not so much (thanks to my job). But the hotel is the issue, I usually prefer to buy points, which is cheaper.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member

And if that doesn't work, it should have created a restore point to before the update, so he can try reverting back and then reinstalling the update.
Some Windows updates actually do not do a restore point.
If I remember correctly, the infamous falls creators update.. f**ked this badly and many machinesd couldn't go back and got bricked.. requiring full reinstalls.


Well-Known Member
Still lucky lol, airfares for me for example.. are on average 600 USD.. sometimes in specified dates goes to 350 USD (lowest).

I get small discount on tickets, but not so much (thanks to my job). But the hotel is the issue, I usually prefer to buy points, which is cheaper.
My airfare to get to California, then to Orlando, then back to Baltimore didn't cost that much. I don't think the whole thing even cost $500.

San Diego to Orlando was $123, which was insane. Then I had the whole row to myself. Even better.


Well-Known Member
Glad my post made you feel better. Sometimes it is nice to get a break from news. Watching just makes you feel brow beaten when most of what they report is bad news. They get ratings based on reporting negativity. Seems like they thrive on it actually. I find just avoiding news for a couple of days makes me happier. There should be a news program that only reports good news so that people realize there is some humanity left in the world.

I agree. I realize news, good, bad, or otherwise needs to be reported, but, there is also so much good news out there that seems to be neglected so much of the time for "If it bleeds, it leads". And, the other thing I've noticed in recent years is news "reporters" aren't so much reporters anymore as editorialists. I don't care what your leanings are "reporter" person, just give me the news and keep your pie whole about your personal opinion out of it, that too much to ask news reader person...?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
My kids are older but I didn't see too much loss for them at Toys R Us because of video games or computer games, with my kids in the era of their childhood we had new companies come into our area called Target and Walmart. Neither were in my area when the first one was born but we had similar box store called Venture and KMart but Target really ramp'd up a softer feel to Box Stores that I saw earlier in my life. Me, its likely been 15 years since I have shopped at a KMart and can't even tell ya where one is in this area.
I actually bought a rug for DS's dorm at a KMart this past August. That store is also closed, now.


Well-Known Member
I think "just do your best" is good, but I also think kids need to understand that they have the power to do better. Disappointed that kid won and you didn't? "It's okay, you did your best" isn't as effective as "It's okay, you did your best, and if you keep practicing those footwork drills, then next time you'll do better". Just my two cents.
Absolutely agree. We talk about that stuff with the kids, you have to keep practicing to get better. That sometimes things are hard, but we practice and they get easier. When DD and I are baking or crafting, there are a lot of things that she isn't as good at yet, so when she sees me do it, she says "How did you do that???" and I then I tell her, it's just a matter of experience. Someday you'll be just as good at it at I am. And I always give her the opportunity to practice, and I tell her what works best for me, or how I've seen other people do it, so she knows that she can do what works best for her. It's a matter of finding out what works for you and practicing it.


Well-Known Member
I make my boys do all their own work. That being said if they don't understand something I will help them and give them other examples but I will not work on the actual question at hand. Yes I'm the mean mommy that sends my kids in with hand made posters that are obviously done totally by them and that has not hurt their grades. I believe most teachers at least here are hip to which kids do their own work. I may have mentioned this before but one of my older ds' teachers had the entire class read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by themselves out loud in class because it was the book voted on in the class. They made it through the whole book. This in a class where most of them Dr Seuss was about all they had read before. That being said it took forever but they were rewarded with a Harry Potter party day where they she made "butter beer" and the parents supplied some of the food from the book. They also got to watch the movie.
My kids have never had to do posters or anything....all school work is done AT school. The only thing they've ever brought home is spelling lists, or review sheets to study for topography or history. And then in 5th and 6th grades they had to do a report and PowerPoint presentation They had to do it themselves, but DH taught them how to do the commands for PP....BUT, they had to type it all in themselves, and then if they wanted a similar thing on a different slide, they had to go look how they did it before and apply it to the new slide. But as that's the only thing they've ever had to bring home, the teachers know what kind of work they normally produce. The teachers never have to question if a parent helped...they know they didn't because there was no opportunity to.

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