The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Half of my mom’s recipes are in short hand. I can’t decipher that mess.. asked her to translate all of them for the future.

The ‘cursive not being taught in schools’ thing makes me feel ancient.

It’s so weird that there’s two complete opposite ends of the spectrum.. a group on one side who starts interviews at preschool.. and then district funded preschools available to all (in some districts or states).. and then you have everyone else in the middle doing more traditional preschools.

I wonder if this will eventually make kindergarten less competitive, or more competitive. I also wonder if eventually all American kids are going to be required to start school at 18 months of age. :(
I hope it gets left to the parents to decide.
I guess with the cursive, some brilliant people decided that everyone will be typing and using compiters for everything, so then why do kids even need to learn cursive. Soon they will stop teaching handwriting altogether. They will just talk into their devices instead and then voila, words will show up on a screen. Progress. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I guess with the cursive, some brilliant people decided that everyone will be typing and using compiters for everything, so then why do kids even need to learn cursive. Soon they will stop teaching handwriting altogether. They will just talk into their devices instead and then voila, words will show up on a screen. Progress. :rolleyes:

I still write notes in cursive. I’ll have to teach my son or he’ll never be able to read his chores list when older.
Oh, wait, maybe we’re supposed to text the kids their chore list?lol.

He came home with another report outline yesterday. This one is actually written, drawn, and using other materials.. not just a computer. It’s an odd week to give a report since they have placement assessments all week.. but still, I’m happy that this one is not in PowerPoint! The teacher does a good job of rotating between computer and written reports.


Well-Known Member
They brought me a car and took mine to replace the windshield and clean the glass, I want to make sure every little piece is out.
It’s a mess, and we’ve had snow all day.. not sticking, but enough to damage my car if it got in. Luckily now it has stopped.

View attachment 268864
The like is for them coming to get your car and give you a replacement while you wait for the repair.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
10 days until Saint Patrick's Day View attachment 268771


Well-Known Member
Me too. It was so dark and snowing last night so I haven’t even checked for scratches, was just worried about covering the window. I’m hoping there aren’t any. I guess I’ll find out later.
The paint is almost impossible to fix.. a window is easy. I’m not going to stress right now.. trying to not think about that.
Lessons learned-
I shouldn’t have left the trash can there.
I shouldn’t use my garage as a storage unit in the winter.
Seriously though, there wasn’t very strong winds in the forecast.. I had no idea that could/would happen!!

Sometimes I think mishaps happen just to keep us on our toes. ;)
Our garage stores a lot of stuff too. We needed a 3 car garage and not a 2. Our cars aren't in the garage either. Our snow blower, bikes, strollers(which I guess we don't need), etc. sure take a lot of room.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I'm sick, but something weird is happening. Instead of running a fever, my temperature went down to 95.6. I checked the thermometer five times, and it ran normal for the kid, but showed me at 95.6. now I'm up to 96.7.

I guess i never realized your temp could go down with a sickness instead of up....
It actually can when your body is overcompensating for something. There are some illnesses that also messes up the brain part that regulates the temps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I bought the car the last week of January, less than 60 days old.. I probably wouldn’t be so upset I know this mishap isn’t really a big deal.
And a new car at that. I would be upset for sure. But yeah, in the whole scheme of things, it isn't the biggest of deals. More of a really bad annoyance. It can easily be fixed at least.


Well-Known Member
I think if the kid goes to the nurse then the parent must be notified. Not sure if that’s for all grades or just the younger ones. I don’t know if it’s a law.. but even in early learning and then preschool and then PreK, I was notified of any incident that happened.
Wow....I have only been notified when a kid needs to be picked up. There was one time that DS just about passed out in class...the teacher said he kind of stumbled, she looked at him and he was whiter than usual, which is saying something, and he said he didn't feel well, he was dizzy. Then he just about collapsed so she called me to come get him...she was terrified. But the only times I've ever been called were when they got so sick that I needed to come pick them up.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
No.. snow and rain. Apparently wind as well.. I left my garbage can sitting behind my car last night.. wind somehow took the lid straight back onto my car.. completely shattered the glass :(. I put an inflatable pool, plastic, and salt bags to try to protect from the snow and rain. I have to drive it like this to the dealer- (with window out.. not with the inflatable pool lol)
Maybe this is a sign that I should clean my garage so I can actually park in there???
View attachment 268804
Cant like that, thats horrible!

Kinda reminds me when I was a kid, there was a huge storm in my hometown.. and our garage collapsed (it was a simple big wooden frame in an inverted V shape with tiles on top. It collapsed and fell right in the back of one of my dad's car's back window.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've had it. My greatest desire is to go home and soak in the bathtub. That is my plan as soon as I get home. I was half hoping it would dump 6 inches of snow on us so I could work from home. No such luck.
Not a drop of snow on the ground. The sun is actually poking through. Got lucky. You should make your dad scrub his hands as soon as he gets into the house to avoid germ spreading. Or wear a mask?;)


Well-Known Member
And a new car at that. I would be upset for sure. But yeah, in the whole scheme of things, it isn't the biggest of deals. More of a really bad annoyance. It can easily be fixed at least.
I’m not worried about the glass.. just the paint. We’ll see later on., hopefully it’s fine. Me and my stupid black cars.. I have to have them.. knowing full well that they show every scratch, never planned on a trash can lid attacking the trunk

Cant like that, thats horrible!

Kinda reminds me when I was a kid, there was a huge storm in my hometown.. and our garage collapsed (it was a simple big wooden frame in an inverted V shape with tiles on top. It collapsed and fell right in the back of one of my dad's car's back window.

Oh no!!!


Well-Known Member
I have the what'sapp app. I just use it to contact my half-brother in Australia. I text everyone else. Unlimited texting here. I guess you don't have that there.
Well, I don't have unlimited texting, no. So I use Facebook and What'sapp for everything. That's actually why I got a smartphone...I was on the board for choir and everyone had whatsapp except me, so I was missing all the important stuff because they would app it through to everyone, and because I didn't have a smartphone, I didn't get it. So, I got a smartphone.

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