The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm not a purse person (I think I've had the same for ten years!) but my daughter has always liked little ones to play with. They turned into a collection which needed to be downsized. Then when she came home from spending a month with my ex's family in Indiana this summer she was happy to tell me "Auntie was downsizing her closet and sent me home with four more purses!" :facepalm: Four COACH purses. :jawdrop: I said yep, those are keepers!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I was born when I was. I got to be a kid. No stress or worries, just play with my friends. Use my red wagon like it was a car and made roads that I would drive across country in. Play baseball with my friends in the field next door. Float around in the little wading pool my parents bought, watch the Mickey Mouse Club with my early love, Annette singing for me and then watching Superman save the world while munching on a fluffernutter. Of course, before that I would sit at the table and use my coloring book while listening to the Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet on the radio. Go outside and with a couple of wooden planks and a small sawhorse create my own store complete with cash register. In other words I had a childhood not an adult competition to have the smartest child ever. Will today's kids end up more successful financially then I ever did? Chances are pretty good that they will. It's to bad they missed out on all the joys of being a kid for awhile before being thrust into competition and pressure to learn everything.

I have no way of knowing which was the best way to go and that will probably not show up until after I am taking that dirt nap, but, I still am glad that I got to be that kid. I loved the 50's. They were, in spite of being the cold war time, very fun for me.
A lot of things you listed I did with my daughter and it wasn't that long ago. Maybe I'm raising her old school. Full day Kindergarten is mandatory in our district, no testing or prerequirements, and preschool (which is free through our district) is optional. My daughter did a summer of preschool before kindergarten because she had a speech EIP. She talked so fast (like a 5 year old on speed) that they had to teach her to slow down. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
I taught my daughter cursive. A lot of her grandma and great grandma's recipes are in cursive and she was adamant about learning to read it. 😁
Half of my mom’s recipes are in short hand. I can’t decipher that mess.. asked her to translate all of them for the future.

The ‘cursive not being taught in schools’ thing makes me feel ancient.

A lot of things you listed I did with my daughter and it wasn't that long ago. Maybe I'm raising her old school. Full day Kindergarten is mandatory in our district, no testing or prerequirements, and preschool (which is free through our district) is optional. My daughter did a summer of preschool before kindergarten because she had a speech EIP. She talked so fast (like a 5 year old on speed) that they had to teach her to slow down. :joyfull:

It’s so weird that there’s two complete opposite ends of the spectrum.. a group on one side who starts interviews at preschool.. and then district funded preschools available to all (in some districts or states).. and then you have everyone else in the middle doing more traditional preschools.

I wonder if this will eventually make kindergarten less competitive, or more competitive. I also wonder if eventually all American kids are going to be required to start school at 18 months of age. :(
I hope it gets left to the parents to decide.


Well-Known Member
I have a rental car now.. hopefully the shop will get all of the glass out of my car.

I have a bathroom guy coming in 20 minutes T has a dentist appointment directly after school, afterwards we have just enough time to run home and get him changed into his soccer uniform, and drive 35 minutes to practice. I should probably also find a spare minute to feed him.
Fun day ahead.. wish I wouldn’t have been up all night.


Well-Known Member
I still miss MySpace :hilarious:

I’ve been on FB since late 2008.
Everyone in my “friends list” is friends, family, past or present coworkers, former classmates.. I’m not one to have 897,452,681.7 ‘friends’ whom I’ve never met.. I do have 2 people from this site..those are the only ones who I don’t know personally, but Disney Friends almost count as personal, right? ;)

I’ve been on Instagram for the past couple of years, but only relatively recently have I started to use it regularly.

Pinterest is a given.

I’ve been on Twitter for the past year or so.. However, with Twitter it’s not at all like my other social media accounts.. I don’t know anyone that I I’m just on there to read some info and laugh ;)

I did join Snapchat last summer, still have no idea how to use it. So why did I join? Because friends of mine were going to Disney, and they Snap instead of FB.. so of course I had to follow along on their trip. :)
Oh my Gosh! Yes! I just started Snap Chat, thanks to someone I follow headed to WDW, and mentioned he would be posting there. Imagine my DD's surprise, when she got a friend request from her Mom. :p I have been on FB for years, but I have to say, I can't stand Snap Chat! I think I am going to delete it, after I torment my DD for a bit. And then, I think I should try Instagram. She will be so pleases to get another friend request from me.:inlove:


Well-Known Member
Neither did our Weather people. We have received pellets, snow, ice and rain. This morning before more pellets, rain and more snow we had ice cone plopping from the sky. When it hit the ground it froze in place in mounds.

So they couldn't predict this time and instead we got it all.
And this morning, sunshine and dancing little snowflakes. I think it has finally stopped, now.


Well-Known Member
I'm sick, but something weird is happening. Instead of running a fever, my temperature went down to 95.6. I checked the thermometer five times, and it ran normal for the kid, but showed me at 95.6. now I'm up to 96.7.

I guess i never realized your temp could go down with a sickness instead of up....
That usually happens to me,
right before stomach flu hits.


Well-Known Member
Oh my Gosh! Yes! I just started Snap Chat, thanks to someone I follow headed to WDW, and mentioned he would be posting there. Imagine my DD's surprise, when she got a friend request from her Mom. :p I have been on FB for years, but I have to say, I can't stand Snap Chat! I think I am going to delete it, after I torment my DD for a bit. And then, I think I should try Instagram. She will be so pleases to get another friend request from me.:inlove:

Without Facebook how else could I look back on my documented craziness? :hilarious:

Here’s today ‘on this day’, the follow up to yesterday’s 2am I remember why the 3rd tier failed.. by the end of all of this it was down to one.
Such crazy stress over a party that my son has absolutely ZERO recognition of.


I am completely Snapchat illiterate. I think we did one on 4th of July. I don’t even look at the notifications, I should probably delete the app.
My mom is on Facebook, but she hasn’t been on Instagram.. I don’t know if I could handle the calls for help if she does.. hopefully she stays away and stick to FB only. ;)


Well-Known Member
No.. snow and rain. Apparently wind as well.. I left my garbage can sitting behind my car last night.. wind somehow took the lid straight back onto my car.. completely shattered the glass :(. I put an inflatable pool, plastic, and salt bags to try to protect from the snow and rain. I have to drive it like this to the dealer- (with window out.. not with the inflatable pool lol)
Maybe this is a sign that I should clean my garage so I can actually park in there???
View attachment 268804
Oh carp! Be careful getting that to the dealer. Here, we have businesses that will come to your car to replace glass.


Well-Known Member
No.. snow and rain. Apparently wind as well.. I left my garbage can sitting behind my car last night.. wind somehow took the lid straight back onto my car.. completely shattered the glass :(. I put an inflatable pool, plastic, and salt bags to try to protect from the snow and rain. I have to drive it like this to the dealer- (with window out.. not with the inflatable pool lol)
Maybe this is a sign that I should clean my garage so I can actually park in there???
View attachment 268804
Oh no!!!! That is awful. Will they give you a loaner?


Well-Known Member
Oh carp! Be careful getting that to the dealer. Here, we have businesses that will come to your car to replace glass.

They brought me a car and took mine to replace the windshield and clean the glass, I want to make sure every little piece is out.
It’s a mess, and we’ve had snow all day.. not sticking, but enough to damage my car if it got in. Luckily now it has stopped.



Well-Known Member
A lot of things you listed I did with my daughter and it wasn't that long ago. Maybe I'm raising her old school. Full day Kindergarten is mandatory in our district, no testing or prerequirements, and preschool (which is free through our district) is optional. My daughter did a summer of preschool before kindergarten because she had a speech EIP. She talked so fast (like a 5 year old on speed) that they had to teach her to slow down. :joyfull:
Five year old on speed made me chuckle. Would have loved to hear her.


Well-Known Member
Glad that you didn't have to try and drive it like that.
Me too. It was so dark and snowing last night so I haven’t even checked for scratches, was just worried about covering the window. I’m hoping there aren’t any. I guess I’ll find out later.
The paint is almost impossible to fix.. a window is easy. I’m not going to stress right now.. trying to not think about that.
Lessons learned-
I shouldn’t have left the trash can there.
I shouldn’t use my garage as a storage unit in the winter.
Seriously though, there wasn’t very strong winds in the forecast.. I had no idea that could/would happen!!

Sometimes I think mishaps happen just to keep us on our toes. ;)
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