The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I can't recall seeing this store but I probably have and never cared to go in.

Blame it on the millennials. Everyone else does. For the record, I don't consider myself one even-though I was born in the 80s.
They would sell the coolest gadgets and gizmos. It was awesome when it opened in the 80's. Maybe it was around before then, but I just remember seeing them in the malls in the 80's. Of course malls are dying and that has a lot to do with mall stores folding. People just buy online a lot. I am one of those people.:oops:


Well-Known Member
That's why I decided to stay home mostly full time and join local activities with the boys.
I offered the same to dh. I had worked with the 2 older and then stayed home when the 3rd one came around. I said I would go back to work and he said that paying for daycare would eat what I would make anyway. The kids were thriving at home. We do lots of activities to make up for not being in a "school" environment.


Well-Known Member
When dh and I were dating we drove up to Vernon. He lived in Clifton so not a terribly long drive. We were just driving around when a snowstorm started. Big deal, right? Within a half hour the roads were covered. He had a Pontiac Grand Am. Not a great car for snow. We had started driving up a hill on a 2 lane road. There was a lake on our right. We didn't get half way up it and then the car started to go backwards.:eek: Then it started to head towards the lake. :eek::eek:Somehow, he managed to do the most amazing nonstop K turn and got the car turned so we were going down the hill on the road and didn't end up in the lake. Never forgot that.:oops:
23 is fun in snow NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have family friends that frequently take their kids out of school for vacations. It helps that their kids are at the tops in their classes. They are given the work they'll be missing so they work on it during vacation.
That’s my only complaint about our school, we don’t have restrictions on vacations.. however, we don’t get the work ahead of time.

@21stamps if you're looking for meatless options I have a few suggestions if you're interested.
Yes, please! I’m not a vegetarian, but I eat a lot of meatless meals.


Well-Known Member
Oh no. Are you expecting more flooding?

No.. snow and rain. Apparently wind as well.. I left my garbage can sitting behind my car last night.. wind somehow took the lid straight back onto my car.. completely shattered the glass :(. I put an inflatable pool, plastic, and salt bags to try to protect from the snow and rain. I have to drive it like this to the dealer- (with window out.. not with the inflatable pool lol)
Maybe this is a sign that I should clean my garage so I can actually park in there???
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