The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


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I’m hoping that we’ll be down to 6-8 next year. Right now most of the kids in his class do the whole classroom/teammates parties.. although, we’ve been invited to 2 this year who chose to narrow it down now. I know of one party that we weren’t invited to as well, the kid isn’t in kiddo’s class, but they played basketball together. I’m ok with kiddo Not being invited! I feel like there’s one every’s not)

He’s going to be 8. We’ve done glow mini golf and glow mini bowling. I was thinking NERF tag (or whatever it’s called), an indoor sports club, roller skating, or an indoor zip line/rock climbing place.
I’m glad you mentioned an Escape Room.. I think we may have had a ‘family escape room’ open up somewhere in Cincinnati or NKY, I’ll have to look into that. Great idea!

The GPS sounds neat too, but not at my house. We went to one party at someone’s house.. or more accurately..a truck parked in their driveway. It was a semi looking truck full of video games. The kids loved it, but I stay away from the video game stuff for parties right now. I never even let my kid have a party at Chuck E Cheese when he was younger, mean Mom-I know. ;)
Oh, I'm so glad there's no Chuck E Cheese here! We did parties at home the first couple of years, but once DS got out of kindergarten, we couldn't find enough kids who would come to his birthday party. He didn't have 6 friends. Rather than disappoint him by telling kids didn't want to come, we encouraged him to have it at an indoor trampoline place, where we told him he could invite 3 was excited, one was resigned, the other bailed, so we asked someone from his soccer team who was enthusiastic. It worked out great. The next year, the kid who had been resigned the year before told DS they weren't friends. Now that he's at a new school, he had 6 friends and we were so excited that he FINALLY had friends to invite that we let him invite them all to the trampoline place. We may have to think of something different this year. DD always had hers here at home and we did crafts....making jewelry, one year we made our own lipgloss, we decorate cupcakes, and play old fashioned party games...I drew a giant Cinderella one year and we played pin the glass slipper on Cinderella's foot. Now DD is a bit more mature and doesn't like how loud and busy the parties get, so last year she invited 2 friends over to watch Netflix instead of having a party. I'm kind of glad to be past the party stage! But I'd consider doing an escape room or something...just no more at my house!!!


Well-Known Member
I think that year we invited 20 kids. It was her first birthday though so it was mainly our friends who had kids. Last year we did one of those bounce house places and invited 30 kids (again, mostly our friends) but since there rate was the same regardless of the guest count, we wanted to Max out. This year for her third birthday we did a pool party and i had to pay for each kid and each adult, so we only invited 15 kids.

Next year I'm hoping that she'll start having a closer circle of friends so we can invite even fewer. We always send a cake or ice cream to her school so we don't feel entirely pressured to invite everyone from her class.
Ah....ok! We always did 2 for our family and friends, and one for their school friends. Obviously, the school friends parties didn't start until they were in 5 years old, because they start school on their 4th birthday here, and obviously they didn't know anyone yet to invite. So 5th birthday was the first kid party. With the family/friends party, we just invited people to come over, let the kids play in the sand box and slide in our back yard if it was nice weather, toys inside if not...and we adults just sat around talking. I make up a big pot of chilli, and sometimes potato soup, make a cake, and a cheesecake, and some snacks....pretty low-key. We're not party people.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree.. I’ve looked at doing all of the cute Pinterest decorations and food at home.. the cost would be around the same.. but the stress and prep time commitment would be a lot worse. Not worth it to me at all.

If you do GWL, definitely look at the Suite options when they’re running a special.. even if you just invite people for the day. The have rooms that allow you to have 8 bracelets. The bday party is ridiculous $50pp, 15 guest minimum, and it’s only a couple of hours.

As you know, I surprised T with a birthday weekend there over his bday/Easter last year.. one of the days I allowed him to invite a friend to spend the day with us. We had the birthday package for our room. They had so much fun, ate cake and ice cream, got to hang out for several hours, then the kid went home. It was perfect.

***edit*** I was wrong, bday party is 10 person minimum, not 15. 1 adult per every 4 kids. I guess that’s a little better. :cautious:
Compared to what you get with spending the night- pj story time and morning dance/yoga..more hours in the water park, there’s just no way that I can justify the “party” there vs staying overnight. It’s popular though.
I've never heard of GWL, so no idea what that is, but man that's expensive!!

The amount of work involved is why we don't do home parties anymore. It was crazy....having to deep clean the house twice basically because kids all have activities on weekends, so the kids party had to be during the week, after school, but the family/friend parties had to be on the weekend because everyone works during the week. So you have to make food for 2 parties, do the cleaning twice....and party protocol is different over here, and I really hate how it's done here, so we always did it the American way, much to my MIL's chagrin. Over here, there's generally no set just say between 11 and 6 or whatever, and people come when they feel like it, which means you can't do a blowing out the candles and then serve the are expected to serve cake or pie to people as they come in. They hand the birthday person the present, which is opened immediately, you congratulate every person in the room on their friend's/sister's/child's birthday, you are offered cake and coffee. So the host spends the entire time running between the front door to greet the new guests, and the kitchen to get coffee and cake as the guests take their seats. I want to have pictures of my kids blowing out the candles and opening presents, and I want to be able to TALK to my we always set everything out on the table, except the cake, people were welcome to help themselves, and then at a certain point we lit candles and sang Happy Birthday and served the cake. My MIL wants her cake with her coffee when she arrives, so she would make little comments about how she'd really like coffee, but she'll wait until there's cake. I finally started making a no-bake cheesecake just so I could serve her cake with coffee and we did the birthday cake later because she wouldn't eat that anyway...American desserts are much too sweet. It's just not worth the time and the now we just go to dinner with the family for the birthdays instead of hosting a party.
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Well-Known Member
I've never heard of GWL, so no idea what that is, but man that's expensive!!

The amount of work involved is why we don't do home parties anymore. It was crazy....having to deep clean the house twice basically because kids all have activities on weekends, so the kids party had to be during the week, after school, but the family/friend parties had to be on the weekend because everyone works during the week. So you have to make food for 2 parties, do the cleaning twice....and party protocol is different over here, and I really hate how it's done here, so we always did it the American way, much to my MIL's chagrin. Over here, there's generally no set just say between 11 and 6
GWL is Great Wolf Lodge. It is an indoor waterpark resort. There are a whole bunch throughout the country.


Premium Member
Ah....ok! We always did 2 for our family and friends, and one for their school friends. Obviously, the school friends parties didn't start until they were in 5 years old, because they start school on their 4th birthday here, and obviously they didn't know anyone yet to invite. So 5th birthday was the first kid party. With the family/friends party, we just invited people to come over, let the kids play in the sand box and slide in our back yard if it was nice weather, toys inside if not...and we adults just sat around talking. I make up a big pot of chilli, and sometimes potato soup, make a cake, and a cheesecake, and some snacks....pretty low-key. We're not party people.

My daughter's school is really just a glorified daycare. She learns so much there, and they call it a school, so we call it a school as well. She's three, so with the age cutoff for public Kindergarten here, she won't be going to a traditional school until she's 5.5 years old.


Well-Known Member
Well don't i feel dumb... I just now realized that Diagon Alley was likely coined from diagonally, which makes total sense with it's placement with the muggle world.... Because i was reading your post while too tired and thought i read Diagon Alley :hilarious::hilarious:
Have you read the books? There are a lot of things like that....knockturn Alley=nocturnally. Grimauld Place=Grim Old Place, etc.


Well-Known Member
My DD and I were out but on our way back when she received a text. One of her lifeguards passed away unexpectedly. It is going to be a long week as most of her guard staff is 16 to 22 years old. Blah!!!!
Oh my!! What happened? It wasn't a workplace accident, right? The place where your DD works is only open in the Summer, isn't it? Condolences to your daughter!!


Well-Known Member
It was so hard no matter when or why those days were given. A chunk of parents were always trying to find a place Junior while Mom and Dad were at work. In the month of November there wasn't one week where the kids went to school a full week. March was usually the same way if Easter fell away from Spring Break. And even if it was an institute day and staff was there students in sports, music and activities were to arrive for those practices or games scheduled after school hours. Yep, excuse me while I leave early again 'cause I got to go home, get Junior and take him to school at 330 pm for Practice! :cautious:

Teacher in service days are the worst for me.. at least on holidays kiddo can attend a camp.. but the random off days? Most of the time he comes to work with me now that he’s old enough to sit by himself.
The principal awarded the school with a No School Day! on the day after the Super Bowl, from surpassing the goals of one of our September fund raisers.. Kiddo came to work with me on that day too.

The practices.. oh my gosh, this is the first year that we don’t have any practice or games at 4-5 pm on a Weekday. Almost all of his baseball games were on Friday’s between 4-5, practices at 4:30. I know someone has to play at those times, but wow was it tough.

This year all of our practices will start at on Saturdays and Sundays.. it will be much easier.


Well-Known Member
My DD and I were out but on our way back when she received a text. One of her lifeguards passed away unexpectedly. It is going to be a long week as most of her guard staff is 16 to 22 years old. Blah!!!!
My hubs just got some bad news too. One of his close friends who recently was re-diagnosed last week with cancer died tonight. It is a shock. :coldfeet::(

I’m so sorry, my condolences to both of your families.
The friend who just got the apartment and I went shopping today. Got her a bunch of stuff for her apartment. Stuff she neededb a couple of thing I had her buy because I know my parents keep them around and they're useful. A couple of things she protested, but she's got a very bossy, strong willed friend. 😂 Then a couple of things she wanted me to tell her if she should buy or mot, and I said, "Up to you" and she wasn't sure what to do with me at that point.

She bought a TV stand, so we ordered pizza and set that up. Now I understand why my parents have always bought furniture preassembled. My goodness.

This is why I have never purchased anything at IKEA. I would never put the item together, I know it.

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