The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
I think I'm channeling @figmentfan423 today. I have a hectic week with parent-teacher conferences so I don't want to cook the rest of the week so today I made a pan of lasagna, a pan of buffalo chicken mac & cheese, and some Irish sausages & potatoes for meals for the week. And I made an egg bake for breakfasts. So now it will just be reheating and eating! The only problem was I burned my arm on the oven door, it popped back up as I was putting a pan in. Ouch!

The like is for the meals that will last you through the week. Sorry to hear about the burn on your arm.


Premium Member
HeeHeeHee. ;)

I miss Spirit too. I'd read while he was doing an info dump for a day or two, ignore thread and then come back again when he had info to dump again. While disgruntled might describe him he was spot on most times. Given how often pulls or changes a project nobody is going to be right all the time.

Any insight a to what happened...I could tell something came down but ya can't go back in his threads and find anything, pages multiply by the minute on his threads.

No, I don't know what made him step away from posting, for the most part. Heard at one point that he might do a blog or something, but no news on that at all either. Not being an insider, I have no scoop on what went down with him. I do check his thread a few times a week with the all new crowd in there, hoping he'll pop in again at some point. I also miss PhotoDave up in N&R. Think those guys and a few others have just moved on .


Premium Member
I think I'm channeling @figmentfan423 today. I have a hectic week with parent-teacher conferences so I don't want to cook the rest of the week so today I made a pan of lasagna, a pan of buffalo chicken mac & cheese, and some Irish sausages & potatoes for meals for the week. And I made an egg bake for breakfasts. So now it will just be reheating and eating! The only problem was I burned my arm on the oven door, it popped back up as I was putting a pan in. Ouch!
Sorry about your arm. I think that earned you an extra beer xoxo


Premium Member
OMG, I am so excited. I had posted a throwback picture of our family at the Harry Potter exhibition last summer, saying now I needed to get them to the Wizarding World in Orlando. A friend told me it was great and I explained that I'd been there, but it was when it first opened and it wasn't a great experience. My cousin said she's looking at going this summer, could I give her tips. I told her I really couldn't, because we didn't get to do anything last time because it was so busy, but that we were looking at going in 2019 at the same time as Disney. She wrote back saying her dad is wanting to take the whole family to Disney in 2019 and we should coordinate! This is the same cousin we went to South Dakota with, with my brother's family in 2016, and her daughter and my niece are close in age and hit it off. So if they all go and we can coordinate, she's going to work on my brother and see if we can get the whole family to go at the same will be a huge reunion. How AMAZING would that be? How could my brother say no to that??
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Pixie dust


Well-Known Member
I'm betting you guys do stay joined at the hip. Your DD seems to lean to your type of personality and genuinely seem to enjoy each others company. I've said it many times it is like my DD was born an adult. She is very calm and problematic. As a child or as an adult you'll never see her 'go off' the deep end especially about the petty things in life. She has more maturity and common sense than many adults only wish they had. I see that in your DD, I see that in our beloved @StarWarsGirl remembering @MouseDreaming also saying the same thing about her son also being so focused that he never was really a child either and likely why he too adjusted to college so well. My son took longer. His first college was a great acidemic fit but it was not a good fit for his personality.
He enjoyed his life a great deal as a child and when he transferred Universities he got his degree and
HAD SO SO MUCH FUN too. Unlike my DD who had the goal to pull two degrees by double majoring for the price of one degree lol. Her kind of goal her kind of fun.
It would be really nice if we keep that bond. I didn't really have that with my mom. I was always mature for my age, but I did things differently than my mom, and she didn't approve of most of what I did because it wasn't HER way. She didn't approve of me dating at all, even in college. She didn't approve of me looking for a different church. I'm so set on letting my kids make their own choices because I didn't have that freedom. I don't want to stifle them, and I hope that we'll be able to keep the bond if I allow them enough space to do their own thing. DS is getting to be a bit more driven now. His new school doesn't give homework, because they explained to us that a kid with autism separates home and for my son, there's a home kid and there's a school home, he's home kid....he doesn't understand why home kid has to do school work....he was just at school....why didn't he do the school work when he was there? So they don't give homework because they find that the kids can't line that up and become the school kid at home. Once they are home, they have to shift gears, and they can't shift back to school gear easily. So they don't ask that of them. At the old school, they had to do things like, study for a geography test. DS wouldn't do it...he couldn't shift gears once he was home, so he was getting lower grades than he should have been...if we forced him to study even just 10 minutes one day, he'd get a 9 or 10. If we didn't, sometimes he'd get a 7 or 8, but other times he'd get a 6..just barely passing. He was always content with that as long as he didn't have to do the work at home. Now, here he is at the new school, and he gets a week report every week and he's upset this week, because for the first time, he missed the bonus question on the spelling and only got a 10 instead of a 10+. His LOWEST grade was an 8, for neatness in his work, because he has horrible handwriting. But he's angry that he didn't get a + on his spelling. 10 is the highest grade...he only gets the plus because of a bonus question and there's no way to give higher than a 10. So I see him being more driven now with his work, so that's good. But he doesn't have the maturity that DD has. She seems older than her age, he seems younger than his. I hope that at some point, he and I will be able to bond more, too...we don't have a "thing" like DD and I do. There's not a tv show we both love, or a game we both love to play...his attention span for most things is limited...I hope we'll find something, but at least I hope he knows I love him, no matter how different he is.


Well-Known Member
I don't entirely dislike the set up or clean up at the house, but last time we had a party at our house, the kids somehow broke a wooden train that my husband's grandfather made for him when he was a baby, too a screw out of the window we were using to keep it shut, broke dishes, somehow got food behind the couch which we didn't find until the smell tipped us off, and got mud on our bed even though we never saw kids go upstairs OR outside.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Never again.

Omg. That’s horrible!

Yeah, I don’t think I want to have an indoor party at my house with 18-20 boys in attendance. I’d be more inclined if his bday was in the summer and it could be held outside. I am hosting a Cub Scout meeting here in June- in the backyard (and at least one parent per kid will be there). .

As it stands for bdays, I like the convenience of a Party Host to direct the kids, cut and serve the cake, and write down the gift list. And.. saving my house from being destroyed, and to save my dog from being stressed out from the commotion ;)


Well-Known Member
I never paid extra for the Shark Reef at Typhoon Lagoon. It is closed now but I wonder when they started that???

I'm always annoyed when I have to pay extra for sauces anywhere. In December the Hot Pretzel came with Hot Cheese included in the price. I would have been happier with a Tub of Mustard though over Hot cheese.
I recently bought those frozen donut holes at the grocery, they were pretty tasty. I bought a jar of hot fudge and a can of whipped cream. We pretended we were at Via Napoli. :hungry::hungry::hungry:
That's the crazy thing...I asked as we left the park, when did they start charging for that, and the gal told me they had ALWAYS charged for it. I went back and scoured the books and internet and NO WHERE was there a mention of a charge...every place said it was included in the price. Maybe someone was doing some creative accounting and lining their own pockets...I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm channeling @figmentfan423 today. I have a hectic week with parent-teacher conferences so I don't want to cook the rest of the week so today I made a pan of lasagna, a pan of buffalo chicken mac & cheese, and some Irish sausages & potatoes for meals for the week. And I made an egg bake for breakfasts. So now it will just be reheating and eating! The only problem was I burned my arm on the oven door, it popped back up as I was putting a pan in. Ouch!
Ow!!! Does your husband not ever cook? I think you should turn it over to him while you recover from your burn!


Well-Known Member
I don't entirely dislike the set up or clean up at the house, but last time we had a party at our house, the kids somehow broke a wooden train that my husband's grandfather made for him when he was a baby, too a screw out of the window we were using to keep it shut, broke dishes, somehow got food behind the couch which we didn't find until the smell tipped us off, and got mud on our bed even though we never saw kids go upstairs OR outside.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Never again.
Goodness, how many children did you invite to that party?? I would never do a party again!!


Well-Known Member
Too cold and windy to play outside here. Two kids were out before and lasted about 10 minutes. The winds are still gusting here 15-22 mph and it is 44.:coldfeet:

It’s only 48 here, but the wind is not blowing.. and the sun is out!! T’s nose started running and my ears were starting to hurt though, I think we lasted an hour. The yard is too muddy so we went to a school parking lot, we used a little bit of the field as well..still muddy, but not as bad as the mess of my yard.


Well-Known Member
Goodness, how many children did you invite to that party?? I would never do a party again!!

We usually invite 25-30, but I always hope that a few will RSVP
Good thing I’ve been in luck with that, I’ve never booked a party larger than 22 kids (have to choose at time of booking)..and I don’t want to pay the per person fee above that. 😂

I think we will start cutting down the list in the next year or so, down to close friends only. Right now it’s his class, friends in the other classroom, cub scouts, sports teams, lego club.. but a lot of those kids overlap, so that sounds like more than it is.

Age 3-5 we invited the whole class, girls and boys.. last year we changed to just the boys.

@dryerlintfan has solidified and validated my fear of home parties.
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