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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The Mag Mile in downtown Chicago where my DD and I often stay has locked down the famous Water Tower at this time and closed Michigan Ave.

Reports of an armed person in Watertower Place. Getting to the point where nobody can even catch their breath.


Well-Known Member
Well, good that you got home. Do you keep a stash of clothes and a toothbrush in your car in case you need to stay with a friend? We used to have kits in our trunk with water, sleeping bags, kitty litter, extra scarves, hats, and gloves, and a buddy burner (coffee can turned over onto a tuna can filled with strips of newspaper and then poured wax over it to radiate heat without turning the engine on, in case you get stuck in a blizzard.) But I'm betting you don't need that there as the distances are not huge. In Wyoming, if you land in a snow drift, it might be days before anyone can get to you to rescue you (or even knows you are missing), so you have to be prepared. But you might consider a few basic necessities if you can't get home...put some clothes in a plastic bag and a few non-perishable snacks?
I did when I was in college so that I could bunk there if I ever needed to. Never needed to, but it was an option. I haven't worried about it now that I'm working because I'm only 15 minutes from home and the worst case scenario would be getting home very late. I also pay close attention to the weather and work from home if it's going to be bad. Today, I didn't see a need, but I still figured the worst case scenario was to get stuck at my friend's place for a while.


Well-Known Member
Ugh. Your DD is very similar to my DD and @StarWarsGirl Smart and driven. There is the reason they and your DD hate any type of group projects. My DD still has group projects in her group. Worse is your DD age group. I know lots of boys at that age are beyond awkward and say the most mind boggling things. The upside is eventually she will be in an environment where she is with her peers with the same intellect and drive which should help. It did help when my DD went to high school. She was in AP classes and most of those students were also driven and were trying to have the grades to get into good universities. Most times that helped. So the big picture might help her if that is what is frustrating her. I found it unnerving when my DD would on occasions burst into tears too. Actually I found it with her more a stress release. The cork popped, relieved the tension and she bounced back pretty quickly. Yeah she'd wait to clue me in also. It is frustrating but part of the growing up process. It is hard not knowing though and guessing. My diversion for her at times like this was to plan a real fun Girls Outing for a few hours. I never tied it to how she was feeling more just wanta go do this....I need to do something fun!!!

{{{HUGS}}} and *pixie dust* to both of ya. :inlove:
I really don't miss those days. I read 13 books last month becausd I had so much time and inclination. Glorious.


Well-Known Member
Ugh. Your DD is very similar to my DD and @StarWarsGirl Smart and driven. There is the reason they and your DD hate any type of group projects. My DD still has group projects in her group. Worse is your DD age group. I know lots of boys at that age are beyond awkward and say the most mind boggling things. The upside is eventually she will be in an environment where she is with her peers with the same intellect and drive which should help. It did help when my DD went to high school. She was in AP classes and most of those students were also driven and were trying to have the grades to get into good universities. Most times that helped. So the big picture might help her if that is what is frustrating her. I found it unnerving when my DD would on occasions burst into tears too. Actually I found it with her more a stress release. The cork popped, relieved the tension and she bounced back pretty quickly. Yeah she'd wait to clue me in also. It is frustrating but part of the growing up process. It is hard not knowing though and guessing. My diversion for her at times like this was to plan a real fun Girls Outing for a few hours. I never tied it to how she was feeling more just wanta go do this....I need to do something fun!!!

{{{HUGS}}} and *pixie dust* to both of ya. :inlove:
Thank you...girls day is a great suggestion. We'll try that. She loves to watch Gilmore Girls with me....perhaps that's a good activity. She's one of those people who bottles everything up until she gets so overwhelmed that she "pops" as you say. Most of the time, she's a pretty smiley, happy girl, so when she's not, we know the pot is bubbling under the surface. It's kind of kids are kind of polar opposites that way. She bottles it up and simmers for a long time before it overwhelms her. DS pops at almost nothing at all...he's so easily overwhelmed. And sometimes you have no idea what he's upset about, but it's a huge deal to him. Every week, he gets a report from his teacher and every 5 weeks they get a new goal to work on...his goal this time is "Give your comments in a calm manner" because he keeps blowing up about things like...he had his hand up and the teacher didn't call on him. Or, they were doing a sudoku puzzle and he knew an answer, but couldn't explain how he knew it, so the teacher wouldn't fill it in. That's the kind of thing that sets him off, whereas DD would be more self-conscious about not being able to explain it, and she would be more likely to wait until she got home and cry quietly in her room about being embarrassed. Polar opposites.


Well-Known Member
Well sure, not good right before you sing, but at the time, I was only 2 or 3 and my doctor recommended giving us koolaid instead.....oviously THAT's outdated advice.:rolleyes:
True, you need the calcium at that age unless you have an allergy to it.

I cut it out because it supposedly makes asthma worse. It has helped a lot, and I've had fewer sinus infections and not a single case of laryngitis. So there is some truth to it and is good to try for some people, but a lousy suggestion for someone who's still growing.

Although I do miss my morning bowl of Cinamon Toast Crunch, and substitutes just aren't the same.


Premium Member
After numerous panic attacks, I am finally home!!!! They were like you can leave early. It's like I'll leave now but I don't want to seem to greedy.

First picture is the bridge I travel everyday. Picture not taken by me and bridge was closed. And second is my alternate route which I was stuck on the bridge freaking out for a good ten minutes waiting to get by. Might have been shorter but it felt longer. I need a drink. I only have beer....need something stronger.

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Yeesh, that looks icky. I'm glad you made it home safe.

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