The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yikes! Sure hope your Public Works Dept will at least come and clear the trunk out of the middle of the road.
Thank goodness a car or a person wasn't in the road when that one came down, roots and all.
Here's the kicker: the people in that house just moved. They settled two days ago, although the new people haven't moved in yet. So congratulations, here's your house! :cyclops:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well they confirmed what we've been hearing. Northern IL lost another Police Officer today. :grumpy:
Worse apparently by his own teen sons hand. :grumpy:


Well-Known Member
Good for you. And it goes to show ya that you don't have pressure kids. I find it beyond awesome what your daughter has achieved is the perfect example. *happy dance*
Thank you! I do worry, though as she puts an INCREDIBLE amount of pressure on herself. She burst into tears yesterday because she's feeling overwhelmed, but doesn't want to talk about it yet. She usually does eventually, so I think she WILL, but for now, I just have to kind of try to guess at what MIGHT be causing it and try to assure her that she's doing a great job. They've got their CITO-eindtoets in April...that's the one that's basically like a 6th grade level SAT, and it USED to be the deciding factor in what level school you could go to. They changed that law a couple of years ago and now the teacher's advice is the deciding factor, but they still have to take the test, and her teacher told her he thinks she should shoot for a perfect score on it. I told her it doesn't matter anymore...they can't lower your advice, so you've got the highest level, no matter how the test goes, and who cares about getting a perfect score....just do the best you can. But she said that's not what's bothering her. DH thinks it might be the group project she has to do about s e x....she got really bad luck. She had chosen her group members and then the teacher didn't like that 3 boys had decided to work together, because they goof off, so he split them up and put one of them in DD's group and she doesn't get along with him. He asks her stupid questions like "Why do you walk like a penguin?" and when she ignores him, he says " Why won't you answer me? I thought you were supposed to be smart!" And if that wasn't bad enough, when they drew their topic, her group got "the most embarrassing subject" (her words) and this kid can't seem to stay serious and actually work on the project. So DH thinks maybe that's what she's stressing about. Her last group, when it came time for the presentation of their topic, one girl was sick, and another said she couldn't remember anything, so DD had to do 3/4 of the presentation herself. I think she might be worried that she's going to have to do more than her share again because this kid is goofing off. She's a perfectionist and is terrified of failure. Her teacher is on top of it....recognized that while she did the most work, she really DID try to get the other group members to do their share, but she couldn't help it that the one girl was sick for more than a week, and as DD had been helping that girl, she was the one who knew the girl's part the best. So the teacher mentioned to the class at large that this time, they should strive for an equal work load...that if you didn't do much last time, maybe you want to step up this time, and if you did a lot last time, maybe you want to take a back seat this time. And her group this time is WAY better than for the last one, with the exception of this one boy. Who knows...she'll probably tell me eventually...hopefully while I can still help her feel better about it. I don't want her having anxiety about it, especially when there is stuff she has no control over. But I worry that my anxiety has kind of trickled down to her...that she's picking up that vibe from me. I don't know where else she could be getting it because dh and I have both told the kids that we'd be proud of them even if they got D's if that was the best they could do. It's the work they put into it that we are proud of, not the grade.


Well-Known Member
There are some mighty tall trees in your neighborhood. Did they clear your road?
Enough so people can get by. They moved the debris into the yards. Not that I can blame them; there's so much damage around here. Speaking of which, I'm hearing the siren at the fire station go off now.

I might just sleep on the main floor. Not as vulnerable as the upstairs bedrooms, and I won't have to sleep on the floor (the only option for sleeping in the basement with all of us). My dad considered getting a hotel room for the night, but only looked at one, which had no availability. There's so many hotels, some even closer than what he was looking at online, with availability.

Too bad my friend who just moved to the apartment works Friday nights, or else I might've called her and been like, " me."


Well-Known Member
Thankfully, I was able to get home. My plan was to go to the library for a while, and then if it still wasn't clear, go to my friend's since she's near work and has an apartment.

My mom called 911 because no emergency vehicles could get to at least half a dozen houses, including ours, with that tree down, so they acted pretty quickly. She's shaken up. My mother and bad weather do not go together.
Well, good that you got home. Do you keep a stash of clothes and a toothbrush in your car in case you need to stay with a friend? We used to have kits in our trunk with water, sleeping bags, kitty litter, extra scarves, hats, and gloves, and a buddy burner (coffee can turned over onto a tuna can filled with strips of newspaper and then poured wax over it to radiate heat without turning the engine on, in case you get stuck in a blizzard.) But I'm betting you don't need that there as the distances are not huge. In Wyoming, if you land in a snow drift, it might be days before anyone can get to you to rescue you (or even knows you are missing), so you have to be prepared. But you might consider a few basic necessities if you can't get home...put some clothes in a plastic bag and a few non-perishable snacks?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thank you! I do worry, though as she puts an INCREDIBLE amount of pressure on herself. She burst into tears yesterday because she's feeling overwhelmed, but doesn't want to talk about it yet. She usually does eventually, so I think she WILL, but for now, I just have to kind of try to guess at what MIGHT be causing it and try to assure her that she's doing a great job. They've got their CITO-eindtoets in April...that's the one that's basically like a 6th grade level SAT, and it USED to be the deciding factor in what level school you could go to. They changed that law a couple of years ago and now the teacher's advice is the deciding factor, but they still have to take the test, and her teacher told her he thinks she should shoot for a perfect score on it. I told her it doesn't matter anymore...they can't lower your advice, so you've got the highest level, no matter how the test goes, and who cares about getting a perfect score....just do the best you can. But she said that's not what's bothering her. DH thinks it might be the group project she has to do about s e x....she got really bad luck. She had chosen her group members and then the teacher didn't like that 3 boys had decided to work together, because they goof off, so he split them up and put one of them in DD's group and she doesn't get along with him. He asks her stupid questions like "Why do you walk like a penguin?" and when she ignores him, he says " Why won't you answer me? I thought you were supposed to be smart!" And if that wasn't bad enough, when they drew their topic, her group got "the most embarrassing subject" (her words) and this kid can't seem to stay serious and actually work on the project. So DH thinks maybe that's what she's stressing about. Her last group, when it came time for the presentation of their topic, one girl was sick, and another said she couldn't remember anything, so DD had to do 3/4 of the presentation herself. I think she might be worried that she's going to have to do more than her share again because this kid is goofing off. She's a perfectionist and is terrified of failure. Her teacher is on top of it....recognized that while she did the most work, she really DID try to get the other group members to do their share, but she couldn't help it that the one girl was sick for more than a week, and as DD had been helping that girl, she was the one who knew the girl's part the best. So the teacher mentioned to the class at large that this time, they should strive for an equal work load...that if you didn't do much last time, maybe you want to step up this time, and if you did a lot last time, maybe you want to take a back seat this time. And her group this time is WAY better than for the last one, with the exception of this one boy. Who knows...she'll probably tell me eventually...hopefully while I can still help her feel better about it. I don't want her having anxiety about it, especially when there is stuff she has no control over. But I worry that my anxiety has kind of trickled down to her...that she's picking up that vibe from me. I don't know where else she could be getting it because dh and I have both told the kids that we'd be proud of them even if they got D's if that was the best they could do. It's the work they put into it that we are proud of, not the grade.

Ugh. Your DD is very similar to my DD and @StarWarsGirl Smart and driven. There is the reason they and your DD hate any type of group projects. My DD still has group projects in her group. Worse is your DD age group. I know lots of boys at that age are beyond awkward and say the most mind boggling things. The upside is eventually she will be in an environment where she is with her peers with the same intellect and drive which should help. It did help when my DD went to high school. She was in AP classes and most of those students were also driven and were trying to have the grades to get into good universities. Most times that helped. So the big picture might help her if that is what is frustrating her. I found it unnerving when my DD would on occasions burst into tears too. Actually I found it with her more a stress release. The cork popped, relieved the tension and she bounced back pretty quickly. Yeah she'd wait to clue me in also. It is frustrating but part of the growing up process. It is hard not knowing though and guessing. My diversion for her at times like this was to plan a real fun Girls Outing for a few hours. I never tied it to how she was feeling more just wanta go do this....I need to do something fun!!!

{{{HUGS}}} and *pixie dust* to both of ya. :inlove:


Well-Known Member
argh.. just returned from the doc... and guess what?

I also have localized chickenpox flareup (the adult version) on my neck... x_x
Like shingles? Those are miserable!!! Feel better!!! Are you taking any sort of pain reliever? I was told when one of the kids had chicken pox to give pain relievers because itching is a form of's an irritation of the nerves, so pain relievers actually work against the itch as well.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Enough so people can get by. They moved the debris into the yards. Not that I can blame them; there's so much damage around here. Speaking of which, I'm hearing the siren at the fire station go off now.

I might just sleep on the main floor. Not as vulnerable as the upstairs bedrooms, and I won't have to sleep on the floor (the only option for sleeping in the basement with all of us). My dad considered getting a hotel room for the night, but only looked at one, which had no availability. There's so many hotels, some even closer than what he was looking at online, with availability.

Too bad my friend who just moved to the apartment works Friday nights, or else I might've called her and been like, " me."

Ugh. You are in for a long night one way or the other. Sorry. Yep, we went to a hotel when our town was being flattened over the summer.

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