The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
See, I put you tall for a woman at 5'10" I can see why she is on the upper end of the growth chart. My DD only came in half way between me and her Dad. So I still remain the shortest as I was in my immediate family. If only a few more inches I wouldn't be dragging a stool around the kitchen. :joyfull:
Sympathy like. I'm extremely tall compared to one side of my family and average for the other. The only thing in my house I need a stool for are the top shelves in the pantry and when I clean the ceiling fans. Grocery stores are where I have issues.:banghead:


Premium Member
Yeah disunplugged is direct alright. On a whole I find them floating to the darkside more often than not. That is why I like AJ's DFB I don't mind her being polite, as long as she tells me you must eat this or this cupcake is dry I don't need her to be harsh.

I grow tired of the other groups this is carp and that is carp type podcast. When you are attempting to be a professional blogger you take the time to write, think about it before you post it. Also what wantabe bloggers have yet to learn.

However there is another podcast I use to listen to that I originally loved. Now it is a podcast of how great he is and his following is almost cult adoration. Everything that comes out of his mouth is so glowing that one would think he was the son of Walt Disney. Bluck. I came to the conclusion a few years ago I couldn't trust his reviews because everything was awesome.
The one guy is from north Jersey and has similar tastes to what I grew up with and there's usually 4 of them reviewing food and they all have different tastes. The duo that covers UNI is funny. Between DFB and Did I have a good idea of what to expect:joyfull:
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Premium Member
Scratches head. And I am sorry.

But how the heck do you get invited to family events and be the caterer? And this is why my family meets at a nice restaurant for most events. While I do enjoying cooking and am good at it nobody best volunteer me to caterer family events let alone multiple ones in a weekend.
Because my dh must like to sleep in an unheated garage???? One was for my mom so I don't mind doing that one most of the time and everybody chips in to cover my expenses. A restaurant would be nice but between allergies and some medical issues finding one can be a bit of a carpshoot.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I disagree. Very Prominent is from what I've seen in the USA a great exaggeration given the abundance of children in sports and arts. In other cultures possibly. Where are you pulling those statistics from. USA or Mexico. It happens but I've not seen that to be the prominent factor in either the sports or arts here.
Maybe not, but sure it is pushed a lot in movies and series.
as for "prominent" as in bigger concentrations compared to other groups.
Just like the church pedophilia cases have higher concentrations than compared to school, at least in reported cases. Still lower than.. let's say, hollywood's dark side.

As a parent do you sit your child in front of a TV or play video games because you might think marching band camp is too much for them to handle? What would you allow your child to participate in or would they be confined to their homes out of fear of the unknown?
No, I'm talking when your entire life revolves in your son/daughter fulfill the goal that you set for yourself.
Including even going to vengeful actions or "no friends" because they are all "competitors".
Watching march band or things like that is not harmful. I'm talking the extremes here. While the statistics might not appear big, still happen.

Again, where is the the source for parents expecting A's from their Children? I have the data for SAT and achievement test scores.
Are you telling me that the media, tv, parents and education groups do not want the children to have A's ? do these people say "B's are enough" ?
Because they sure as hell (in all private schools I have been, what I heard from friends in other countries, including the USA) is the "ALWAYS WIN" mentality.

As for tests, we're talking EXPECTATIONS not SAT or achievement test scores on average.
Expectations vs reality, as they are whole different animals.

I never found it to be political here. There was a system to move them quickly elsewhere and often out of the country or often to another state.
Thats actually political in a way. At least in Mexico, were they acted like they did nothing wrong. Claimed immunity while moving affected priests to other congregations where the abuse continued. Paid bribes to officials.
No different from politicians trying to hush a scandal.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Going to see my doc today, hope things are better.. I'm still groggy and foggy so excuse my writing mistakes.

On the good side, I slept almost all day today (yesterday). so recovered some of the sleep I lost.
I still feel a bit uneasy right now.

At least not much coughing, and most of the bone pain is gone.

hopefully I'm also out of the contagious timeframes.

Speaking of illness.. my boss surely loves to sneak and find ways to make me work even when ill :|


Premium Member
Going to see my doc today, hope things are better.. I'm still groggy and foggy so excuse my writing mistakes.

On the good side, I slept almost all day today (yesterday). so recovered some of the sleep I lost.
I still feel a bit uneasy right now.

At least not much coughing, and most of the bone pain is gone.

hopefully I'm also out of the contagious timeframes.

Speaking of illness.. my boss surely loves to sneak and find ways to make me work even when ill :|
Sending more pixie dust your way


Premium Member
Hey everyone........ doctor has been insisting that I have a colonoscopy for like a year, and the inevitable has finally arrived. I have to have the procedure a week from tomorrow (March 9).

I'm totally freaking out and could use some reassurance that (hopefully) it's not that bad from people who have had it done.

I hear the prep where you have to fast for 24 hours is worse than the procedure.

Any comments are welcome, although I don't know why I have to do this anyway. All they are going to find in there is vodka. ;)

Had two of those over the past 15 years. The only thing I hated was the gross stuff you have to drink the day prior to the procedure, and the fact that you can't really eat anything. But the day of the procedure was a breeze. They either fully, or semi-knock you out (either way, you don't have a clue what's going on and don't feel any discomfort), and before you know it--you're awake and ready to leave--and then EAT like a pig! HA!


Premium Member
Honestly, the goal is simple- what makes him happy.
That said, I did start him in sports at age 3, which at that time was strictly my decision. I’m a huge fan of sports, I played indoor soccer and sand volleyball until age 36 (I’d still play indoor if I had the time) I’ve had a wonderful experience with sports throughout my life, and I come from a very sports oriented immediate and extended family. Some of my first memories include playing in the dirt at my dad’s baseball games when I was a little kid. Ha ha.
It was important to my parents for myself and my siblings to play sports as well.. we could choose what we wanted to play, or dance or dive.. but they highly encouraged us to do something in school or out of school (we’re all athletic so it wasn’t a bad “forced”). Both of them ended up being our coaches at a few of our different school sports, each until we finished 8th grade.
I think that sports teach great life lessons from a young age.
To be clear- I don’t think sports are the only way, I’m just saying my view for my family.

From a very young age in sports I had to deal with hard work, setting goals, time management, commitment, team work, individual responsibility and accountability to myself, my coaches, and my team.. and sometimes- great disappointment, but other times- great reward. During it all, and as I continued to grow, I made wonderful relationships within my school, as everyone does, but also a closeness with kids and families outside of my school with the select soccer and diving. My diving coach was like a 3rd parent to me. My dad was my soccer coach, so he was my actual parent. ;)
I know that my sister felt the same about her gymnastic coach. My sister is now 34 and my dad still played golf with her old gymnastic coach up until last year when he passed away. My sister and I both had to travel for our main sport. Being in those intense situations, traveling with teammates and their families, made us all form a bond that has lasted even til today.

Regarding club sports - I would love for my child to have the same experience as myself and my sister had as I mentioned above. I would accept if he didn’t want to make that kind of commitment though, and I would never force him. I did let him tryout for baseball last year, but I did not let him tryout for soccer until this past October...even though he asked repeatedly.

So far he hasn’t met a sport that he doesn’t like, although I, as the mean Mom, have said “No” to hockey, and that will not change. He’s been begging for lacrosse for 2 years.. I have said “maybe later” to that. We’re a lacrosse family, at least the men, but logistically I can’t add that sport with 2 other spring sports right now.

Would I like him to get a college scholarship? Of course. But that’s not my motivation for sports. I believe in being well rounded, in formal education, sports, volunteering, other extracurricular activities. We aren’t a family who has much downtime, and I’m sure my kid may appear ‘over scheduled’ to strangers, but I’ve been overscheduled my whole life, so it’s just how I’m wired, and so far he thrives the same way I did.

Again, I’m not saying sports are the end all be all. I was also a Girl Scout (until 6th or 7th grade) and from 7th grade on I volunteered at local places a few hours per week(mandatory in high school), I was and still am an insatiable reader, and I try to push my son towards that more than I’ve ever had to push him in

So I guess this whole story of my background is just saying that- my parents never had dreams or goals of any of us becoming pro athletes or even getting college sports scholarships. My sister was on the national team, but they did not force her, and she retired at 17. They just wanted us to have fun, be active, and have as many experiences as possible.
That’s how I was raised, and that’s what I want for my son.

Interestingly, and I may have mentioned his before, my sister turned down a full ride (for soccer) to a Division 1 State university.. Although I think my dad almost had a heart attack after her reaction, he agreed and supported her with what she wanted for her future, and that school wouldn’t set her up the best way for her career goals. So she declined, and accepted entry into a school which doesn’t allow any academic scholarships for their athletes. Luckily she received a few scholarships thru her high school for college, at least that was some consolation. :hilarious:

I would do the same as my dad if I was ever in that position with my own son.

Being a good human, acadademics, and future career come first, but you can do that while playing sports, and/or any other extracurricular activities. :) The main thing that I want for him, is to never look back on his life and think “I wish I would have done.. or tried.. or experienced...”
With the exception of travel hockey, he’ll never experience that. :joyfull:

When the kid expresses interest in something that comes with the social and structural development benefits sports and music does, we jump on it. Especially only having one kid, we only get one shot at creating a healthy, well adjusted adult. Any time we can reinforce foundational learning AND the kid has fun seems worthy of the sacrifice of our time.

I can't say I have been exposed to many parents that raise their kids to fulfill their own dreams. It is a concept that is lost on me. I think more of us parents just want our kids to have the life they lived or hopefully even better opportunities in life.

But OK, first we have to keep this in context. The question posed to @21stamps was But, what is the ultimate goal of all of this for your child? Keep in mind the goals question were directed at a young parent of a younger child. In fairness when I put my kids in sports as elementary school kids or my DD in Piano and Guitar lessons if I was questioned as to what what the ultimate goals for my child was I'd have to write a story like @21stamps needed too when questioned about her choices. It is an easier question for an AARP person to ask of a young parent than an young parent to defend to an AARP questioning their goals of their very young children. Heck I was dodging the Stay at Home Moms vs Career/Day Care Mom great controversy of my era. Can't tell you how many AARPs questioned me as a Mom for daring to put my kid in preschool. Why have them if someone else is raising them questions. Not once their Dad for not giving up his career but me the Mom questioned about having children and putting my kids into daycare. So I tread carefully when questioning young Mothers on their parenting goals. A few weeks ago @dryerlintfan shared she was placing her child in a drama class. I never considered questioning what the end goal was. Sometimes it is just a freak'n activity at least to start with until the passions are unveiled. If children are not introduced to all sorts of cultures when young what then is the appropriate age? Put them on a little league team when they are 21 years old? Teach them to ski when they are 18?

So while Penn State and Michigan come quickly to our minds of Universities where sports go badly that is a giant leap if we are going to bring young children into the discussion and exposure to pedophiles. Lord knows it happens but seriously their is 3400 cases of pedophile offenses of priests that the Vatican has received that they admit to, who knows how many more are swept under the rug. Nobody asks the Catholic parishioner what the parents goals are of sending their young children to religious ed or allows them to serve at the alter right? But sports is fair game. Pedophiles are everywhere. There have been teachers arrested for such offensives but nobody questions the goals of enrolling their kids in first grade right?

We must also remember that after Penn State and the young boys abused new laws were put in place to keep this from happenning again. It did not change what had previously happened but it did put in place markers that reports needed to be investigated. Months ago these laws were repealed and gave discression to governing law enforcement if they choose to follow up on such reports. Now not being from the USA you might not realize that University Police are separate from local police. University Police are governed by the University themselves. The Police and Police Chiefs are governed by the University employees and boards and are AT WILL employees. If the Board decides they do not like the Police for investigating they can simply fire them. A reason why I am not a fan of AT WILL employees. Repealing the required investigation is certainly not going to diminish the pedophile count. While both of our countries have many things in common some things are very different but in fairness being intimidated by YOUR FIRED and your career going down the toilet isn't something most of us embrace no matter what country we hail from.

We put A into gymnastics when she was a year and a half old. There was a noticeable difference in her ability to take turns, sit and listen to directions, then follow directions. We stopped going when got a pool membership over the summer last year and never went back. She still does soccer through the school though which she's been doing since around the same age.

I still think it's a valid question to ask "what's the point??!?" though. If we're able to answer that question to our own satisfaction, continue the activity. If not, don't.


Premium Member
Can I stay home from work! Really don't want to cross the bridges in the rain and wind. I curse people driving on a good day....never mind a rain/wind storm. I have a jingle that I say to a lot of the cars out there but it's not for a family site.

Hee hee . . . it's not as bad as what I'm facing when I walk from the train to work--across areas between tall buildings. The wind whips around on a "calm" day, let alone today--with projected winds up to 65 in gusts in the city. :cautious: The last time this happened, I was crossing a street and nearly fell--a guy nearby, grabbed my arm and sort of pulled me across the street with him! :eek:


Premium Member
Yikes you are tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sympathy like. I'm extremely tall compared to one side of my family and average for the other. The only thing in my house I need a stool for are the top shelves in the pantry and when I clean the ceiling fans. Grocery stores are where I have issues.:banghead:

Hey! I'm average height!!

of an American male :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

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