The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Now that the DP include liquor so many people are crying fowl. Many calling for a under 21 year old price since the 9 year old to 20 year olds are paying Adult pricing but obviously are not being served adult beverages. I get that. I also have a DD that hasn't had a dozen drinks in her lifetime and none of which has she ever finished.
Seems like indeed a dirty move. To charge for something that is not offered.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And, there again goes the ballistic over a simple question, and answering for another member. I wasn't asking for your opinion there, Gabby. I was asking for hers. If she wants to read me the riot act, fine. Again, I didn't ask for any of your cents. Get a grip, already. Geez.
Again, I can't stress enough that this had nothing WHATSOEVER to do about you and your family!!!!!!!!!!! It was an honest, straight-up question to @21stamps.
Why you felt the need to, yet again, insert yourself here, I have no clue...?!?!?!?!
Take a sedative, and drink some more wine, already. Geez... :cyclops:
Did I miss something? your post appears with no quote. Did someone delete the post?


Well-Known Member
Your welcome.

And yes I would have likely been a better diver than competitive swimmer however when I miss stepped I landed on a mat not a steel board. My DS & DD had the same high school coach for swimming. He actively recruited gymnasts to dive for the team.

I’m sure! Gymnasts already have the trick down, they just need to work on entry.
I wore uniforms in grade school and high school..and luckily my teachers and principal knew my parents, or else someone may have reported them for child abuse.
There was a time in 5th grade where my legs were bruised for more than a month straight.
Happened again my freshman year of high school... but that time wearing wet suits to practice was more common.. so that I started, and that saved me. We did use a trampoline and foam pit as well, through all of my years.
The board is worse, but the water can hurt too!!!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Agree, there needs to be some balance. For example, I've seen many times how parents want to fulfill their own dreams of being a sports by shoving the responsibility on their children.

The way the US sometimes is portrayed as holy in terms of sports (specially NFL and Soccer) is disturbing.
Specially when they actively refuse to punish or get these "stars" under control when they do bad things. Even the police refusing to intervene because "oh wow, he's our own superstar!". Same with coaches, even after countless of news about sexual harassment.. they still keep them protected and glorified.

I can't say I have been exposed to many parents that raise their kids to fulfill their own dreams. It is a concept that is lost on me. I think more of us parents just want our kids to have the life they lived or hopefully even better opportunities in life.

But OK, first we have to keep this in context. The question posed to @21stamps was But, what is the ultimate goal of all of this for your child? Keep in mind the goals question were directed at a young parent of a younger child. In fairness when I put my kids in sports as elementary school kids or my DD in Piano and Guitar lessons if I was questioned as to what what the ultimate goals for my child was I'd have to write a story like @21stamps needed too when questioned about her choices. It is an easier question for an AARP person to ask of a young parent than an young parent to defend to an AARP questioning their goals of their very young children. Heck I was dodging the Stay at Home Moms vs Career/Day Care Mom great controversy of my era. Can't tell you how many AARPs questioned me as a Mom for daring to put my kid in preschool. Why have them if someone else is raising them questions. Not once their Dad for not giving up his career but me the Mom questioned about having children and putting my kids into daycare. So I tread carefully when questioning young Mothers on their parenting goals. A few weeks ago @dryerlintfan shared she was placing her child in a drama class. I never considered questioning what the end goal was. Sometimes it is just a freak'n activity at least to start with until the passions are unveiled. If children are not introduced to all sorts of cultures when young what then is the appropriate age? Put them on a little league team when they are 21 years old? Teach them to ski when they are 18?

So while Penn State and Michigan come quickly to our minds of Universities where sports go badly that is a giant leap if we are going to bring young children into the discussion and exposure to pedophiles. Lord knows it happens but seriously their is 3400 cases of pedophile offenses of priests that the Vatican has received that they admit to, who knows how many more are swept under the rug. Nobody asks the Catholic parishioner what the parents goals are of sending their young children to religious ed or allows them to serve at the alter right? But sports is fair game. Pedophiles are everywhere. There have been teachers arrested for such offensives but nobody questions the goals of enrolling their kids in first grade right?

We must also remember that after Penn State and the young boys abused new laws were put in place to keep this from happenning again. It did not change what had previously happened but it did put in place markers that reports needed to be investigated. Months ago these laws were repealed and gave discression to governing law enforcement if they choose to follow up on such reports. Now not being from the USA you might not realize that University Police are separate from local police. University Police are governed by the University themselves. The Police and Police Chiefs are governed by the University employees and boards and are AT WILL employees. If the Board decides they do not like the Police for investigating they can simply fire them. A reason why I am not a fan of AT WILL employees. Repealing the required investigation is certainly not going to diminish the pedophile count. While both of our countries have many things in common some things are very different but in fairness being intimidated by YOUR FIRED and your career going down the toilet isn't something most of us embrace no matter what country we hail from.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I’m sure! Gymnasts already have the trick down, they just need to work on entry.
I wore uniforms in grade school and high school..and luckily my teachers and principal knew my parents, or else someone may have reported them for child abuse.
There was a time in 5th grade where my legs were bruised for more than a month straight.
Happened again my freshman year of high school... but that time wearing wet suits to practice was more common.. so that I started, and that saved me. We did use a trampoline and foam pit as well, through all of my years.
The board is worse, but the water can hurt too!!!

Both of my kids were frequent fliers to the ER room. Fortunately 95% of the time while was they were in the custody of school or sports. That 5% was my DD tripping over the Puppies paw and breaking her leg.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I can't say I have been exposed to many parents that raise their kids to fulfill their own dreams. It is a concept that is lost on me.

Exactly, unfortunately they do exist. They are very prominent in ARTS or SPORTS.
Where they failed, they force their child into that even if they arent that fond of doing that.
I think more of us parents just want our kids to have the life they lived or hopefully even better opportunities in life.
I do agree, but when it stops being a real push for better opportunities and the obsession and overbearing pressure starts?
Remember that deaths by suicide have been on the rise worldwide. And that is with the increased expectations.

Workers are more productive than ever ,but the bosses expect more for less.
Parents expect most of their children to always be A's.. Media, TV, entertainment, etc.. enforce that unless you're a damn nice sportstar or an incredible musician, or a A+ all grade student. You're ordinary and a "commoner".

But OK, first we have to keep this in context. The question posed to @21stamps was But, what is the ultimate goal of all of this for your child? Keep in mind the goals question were directed at a young parent of a younger child.
Absolutely no issue with that, my reply was an addendum and and agreeing that things DO happen. My reply wasn't int he explicitly directed at @21stamps .

Lord knows it happens but seriously their is 3400 cases of pedophile offenses of priests that the Vatican has received that they admit to, who knows how many more are swept under the rug.
Whats baffling is that so many managed to keep their jobs and not get punishment and the top church leaders (both in Mexico and the USA) who were protecting them actively.. refused to sit down and are pretty much free thanks to political influence.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Seems like indeed a dirty move. To charge for something that is not offered.

Yeah. Some parents have asked for the 4 adult beverages and pay out of pocket for the juice box. The answer has been no most of the time. So it is a profit calculation to this new DP. There at the moment seems to be a couple loop holes. Signatures that don't want to risk their tips and unofficially comply and mobile ordering seems to be another bypass. As only one adult needs to pick up a mobile order with adult beverages. Certainly the loop holes will likely be closed. I can't blame the parents, if your dining plan allows for 3 or 4 adult beverages saying sorry too bad is as you say a dirty move to decline. Adjustments in the the age categories is for under 21 is only fair. I also have empathy for those who do not indulge in adult beverages and yet are charged at that rate. Me I love wine with a fine meal. My dining plan allowed in the past a coke etc., if I didn't order the Coke that was something I pre-paid and didn't receive. If I did order it just because I was entitled I needed to tip on what I didn't want. No matter how you look at the liquids it isn't set up in guests favor, it is certain slanted to profit Disney.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Exactly, unfortunately they do exist. They are very prominent in ARTS or SPORTS.
Where they failed, they force their child into that even if they arent that fond of doing that.

I disagree. Very Prominent is from what I've seen in the USA a great exaggeration given the abundance of children in sports and arts. In other cultures possibly. Where are you pulling those statistics from. USA or Mexico. It happens but I've not seen that to be the prominent factor in either the sports or arts here.

I do agree, but when it stops being a real push for better opportunities and the obsession and overbearing pressure starts?
Remember that deaths by suicide have been on the rise worldwide. And that is with the increased expectations.

Again, what percentages are you speaking to? 1 in 100, 1 in a 1000, 1 in 10,000? As a parent do you sit your child in front of a TV or play video games because you might think marching band camp is too much for them to handle? What would you allow your child to participate in or would they be confined to their homes out of fear of the unknown?

Workers are more productive than ever ,but the bosses expect more for less.
Parents expect most of their children to always be A's.. Media, TV, entertainment, etc.. enforce that unless you're a damn nice sportstar or an incredible musician, or a A+ all grade student. You're ordinary and a "commoner".

Again, where is the the source for parents expecting A's from their Children? Here or in Mexico? I have the data for SAT and achievement test scores. Are you saying that every band parent or every parent of an athlete demands those grades the exception is only if they are a brilliant musician or athlete? If that is the rubric for students in Mexico I am sad for your children. If you are saying that is the overall expectation for American parents I really want to know where that data is coming from.

Absolutely no issue with that, my reply was an addendum and and agreeing that things DO happen. My reply wasn't int he explicitly directed at @21stamps .

Fair enough. That was what started all this, her parenting choices being questioned as to her goals for her child. @21stamps did do an excellent job defending herself and why she is choosing to expose her child to athletics.
Sometimes we need to be far more careful than just couching with it isn't judgmental when it can be taken that way especially when requesting an explanation to other parents goals for their children. When you need an explanation it gets dicey especially with very young children.

Whats baffling is that so many managed to keep their jobs and not get punishment and the top church leaders (both in Mexico and the USA) who were protecting them actively.. refused to sit down and are pretty much free thanks to political influence.

I never found it to be political here. There was a system to move them quickly elsewhere and often out of the country or often to another state. Didn't help they gave them new names that were hard to trace. That wasn't happening here because of our politics right or left it was was in house dodging the bullet. Mexico I have no background to even comment on how that all happened there. Other than an acceptable offense. Makes me sick.
Still the overwhelming greatest source of creeps in my lifetime from one given group of humans. Makes the University scandals tiny in comparisons. Not any less horrid but certainly the lion share isn't coming from the Universities. But I do agree that politics has thwarted the investigations and follow ups by law enforcement. Can't wrap my brain around that.
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Premium Member
Did anyone watch the US Women’s Team?

They played horrible, but I also feel bad for them for a. Playing in the snow. And B. Most fans leaving because of the snow.

Has to be disappointing to play in an almost empty stadium.. but snow in Columbus, in March! Can’t say I blame the attendees too much.

@dryerlintfan , please make sure it goes North and not South!
Which team? What did I miss?


Premium Member
It is improving today thanks. Weird flu type indicators but none of them full blown. Weird. Betting there was a low grade fever and why I was feeling off and oogie.

And on that note: Anyone have any specific recommendations on the new fangled thermometers? I went and started reading reviews and it made my head hurt more. :facepalm: Bring back the days of glass and mercury. :p
We just have a couple of cheapies from Target. That way in case the boys(all 3 of them) misplace one I don't get upset


Premium Member
Well my end of the season bargain shopping quest started community days for Carson's also named, Bergners, Boston, Elder-Beerman, Herberger, and Younkers and so today we made a $5 donation to Carson's Community Foundation (the recipients of the funds sold these booklets)

So Carson's yellow dot clearance was today set at 75% off lowest mark down. And with a community coupon that you can continue to use over the next 2 days....30% off after that. So a pair of very nice leather B.O.C. shoes I've been eye'n started at $91, early this month reduced to $71. So today it had a yellow dot so 75% off the $71 and then another 30% off that. My lovely new shoes that were $91 when I first fell in love with cost me $19 with tax.
Proud of me @figmentfan423 ???
Very but there should not be tax on shoes. Not a political statement just sayin. Shoes are as important as air or water!


Premium Member
Hey everyone........ doctor has been insisting that I have a colonoscopy for like a year, and the inevitable has finally arrived. I have to have the procedure a week from tomorrow (March 9).

I'm totally freaking out and could use some reassurance that (hopefully) it's not that bad from people who have had it done.

I hear the prep where you have to fast for 24 hours is worse than the procedure.

Any comments are welcome, although I don't know why I have to do this anyway. All they are going to find in there is vodka. ;)
Sympathy like. As for advice all I can say is as soon as it's over go and get a few of these 1519982015415.png I'm sure that would be considered a medical write off:angelic:

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