The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
There is a rumor that Pinocchios is going to become a Italian buffet for dinner.

It baffles me at every Italian restaurant, you can easily get a box of pasta on sale for $1 (.81 Euros) but they charge crazy amounts for it especially Disney. Of course other ingredients go in it (like seafood) but it cost enough where waiters shouldn't have to rely on tips.


Premium Member
Well you can now have a table service/buffet at Pinocchio! :rolleyes:
There is a rumor that Pinocchios is going to become a Italian buffet for dinner.
I don’t like that rumor. They already have plenty of overpriced buffets or prix fix restaurants in MK.
Yep, now that BOG is going to be a signature for dinner Disney had to come up with a replacement. That will be Pinocchio's Buffet table service for dinner only. QS for breakfast and lunch

Ugh. :facepalm: No, just no!!


Well-Known Member
My daughter's school is actually having a Dr. Suess week!! Just like you all said would happen! Yesterday they listed out who does and who does not like green eggs and ham (i removed the names, but A was on the no list!)
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On our cruise they had a Dr. Seuss character breakfast and I ordered green eggs and ham. :) We're doing it on this year's cruise too.


Well-Known Member
Not really, Disneyland Paris is expensive and just didn't deliver the magic for me the one time I went. I might go in the future and hopefully have a better experience.
I wouldn't count on it. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time there in October, but I can't really justify that amount of money for what you get. Food there is hit and miss...most of it miss, and there aren't that many attractions. We loved Carrots (of the Pirabbean) , but that was really the only one we loved. It's just not the same magical atmosphere as WDW. It was a fun vacation for a few days, but I don't really need to do it again. I'd rather save a bit longer and go to WDW or go to a non-Disney place on my bucket list, like Italy. I don't think the lack of pixie dust feel was just you.


Premium Member
Add one for no
On our cruise they had a Dr. Seuss character breakfast and I ordered green eggs and ham. :) We're doing it on this year's cruise too.

When I was around 8 years old, my mom had her friend babysit us. She made us green eggs and ham, but without food coloring. Like she just added whatever spices and things she could think of to turn it all green. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever had and we all refused to eat it. So she pulled the "you cannot get up from this table until you eat your breakfast" so all three of us ended up just sitting there. All day. Until my mom came home just before dinner time.

I'm on the no column too!


Well-Known Member
She was involved. I did leave certain things alone, like there was a cabinet with spices and all that was fine, and the she had her lunch boxes stored in a cabinet, so I moved her tupperware with the lunch boxes. But she had dishes just stored in the dishwasher. I'm like, "No, the dishwasher is for washing dishes, not for storing things". And then she had food under the sink, and I'm like, "No, not sanitary, not doing this." So she would tell me, "I want food to go here" and then it would go where she wanted, and then I would find a place for other things. She hugged me when I was done with it. It wasn't just "Oh, I don't like where this is stored"; no one could find anything, including her. I think she's so overwhelmed with the move that having someone else do some of the organizing for her helped.
That sounds good then. I just know with my MIL, it seemed " disorganized" to her because it wasn't the way she organized HER kitchen. We had done things in a very specific way....dishes go in the cupboard above the dishwasher, things we use regularly go on the bottom shelf of the cupboards above the counter, silverware goes in the drawyer next to the oven/stove. Stuff we don't use often goes on higher shelves. And the pantry in the hallway is where we keep the extra bags of flour, sugar, canned goods, etc. My MIL just moved everything she wouldn't use into the pantry and moved the coffee to the cupboard above the counter and moved our dishes to a different cupboard...she just rearranged it how SHE would want it in her house without even asking if that's what we wanted, and I wasn't home at the time, so I came home and nothing was where it was supposed to be, and my husband hadn't seen her do it so he didn't know where anything was either. I kept having to call my MIL and ask her where the peanut butter was, or where the sugar was....oh hey, where did my plates go? Why aren't they with the glasses? It was a mess. And I know she meant well....she was honestly trying to "help", but she just didn't get that we had actually given thought to where we wanted everything to go. So I'm a bit....sensitive? about people "organizing" for other people.


Well-Known Member
OMG my parents were CHEAP! All I ever got was a quater:(
Me too! My kids get 2 euros per tooth. DD just lost one a few days ago and I only noticed she hung her tooth fairy pillow up when I knocked it off the door. She doesn't seem too worried about the money though....the coin was still in there when I knocked it off the door again this morning.

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