The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I never understood why some adults get almost put off, if another adult chooses not to drink. I mean, what's the big deal? If you like to drink, then drink. If you don't like to drink, then don't. Some people like chocolate and some people don't, and so on. Live and let live.

Yep, definitely not me. Everyone here knows I'm mostly a beer guy that will also drink wine and liquor, but, it doesn't bug me one bit if others abstain. It's simply a personal choice. :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I never understood why some adults get almost put off, if another adult chooses not to drink. I mean, what's the big deal? If you like to drink, then drink. If you don't like to drink, then don't. Some people like chocolate and some people don't, and so on. Live and let live.
Really? I've never noticed the other adults my parents hang around giving anyone a hard time for not drinking. My dad's not a big drinker. Sometimes he drinks, sometimes he passes. Never a big deal. They must hang around some extremely courteous people.

I've never been pressured to drink or do drugs. I don't go out to wild parties where I'd be pressured, and my friends who are underage drink the same way I do: at home with our parents' consent, which is legal in MD. Usually if my mom has the wine out, I'm allowed to have at least a half a glass. Much better than going to a party, getting drunk, and ending up hungover the next day.


Premium Member
I think it's the material. That song is just ugh.
Someone left the cake out in the rain? What does this even mean?

I always loved the song with Richard Harris singing it. Of course, nobody had a clue what he was singing about, but I liked the music. Heard a rumor (take this with a grain of salt, and it was a very long time ago) that Richard Harris had a bet going with Jimmy Webb (the composer of the song). (Supposedly . . .) Richard goaded Jimmy into writing ridiculous lyrics, and people would be stupid enough to buy his record, regardless. :rolleyes: Whatever . . . he did sell quite a few records!


Well-Known Member
I think it's the material. That song is just ugh.
Someone left the cake out in the rain? What does this even mean?
I remember the composer on tv (forget his name) talking about this song back in the sixties. He said something like the song was his observations from when he actually went to the park....and some pic-nic-ers (?) had left there picnic out in the rain and there was a cake....blah, blah, blah. Strange song to be sure.


Well-Known Member
We had QS lunch there in October, 2013 and again in November 2014.
You order your food at a kiosk, tap your MB or take a rose; sit down; get your drinks and cutlery from a self-serve counter; and your food is delivered within 5-10 mins.
Last trip we went last May. We got in and we're exhausted from the heat and crowds. My kids went to wash their hands and I had found us a seat and was drinking water in kind of a nervous mood. Just then the CM with our food approached me with the nicest smile and asked how I was. He was very genuine and I felt more relaxed. It was a nice, magical moment that I still remember. True customer service.


Premium Member
Really? I've never noticed the other adults my parents hang around giving anyone a hard time for not drinking. My dad's not a big drinker. Sometimes he drinks, sometimes he passes. Never a big deal. They must hang around some extremely courteous people.

I've never been pressured to drink or do drugs. I don't go out to wild parties where I'd be pressured, and my friends who are underage drink the same way I do: at home with our parents' consent, which is legal in MD. Usually if my mom has the wine out, I'm allowed to have at least a half a glass. Much better than going to a party, getting drunk, and ending up hungover the next day.

I'm glad your parents hang out in polite circles. I'm also glad that you are responsible. There are many just like your parents and yourself, and there are others who are not, unfortunately.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
yeah, I find it weird the pressure and expectations.
its like almost every single time we go out somewhere.. they always expect me to drink wine or alcoholic drinks.
If it's people I don't really know who will not accept that I don't drink, period ... I just kind of hint that I used to have a "problem".
They'll respect that I used to be an alkie, but not that I consciously choose not to drink. Go figure.

As y'all know, I come from a long line of addicts and substance abusers, I don't want to push my luck.
Plus, it's yuck!
And I think I might be allergic.
And most importantly - I don't drink my calories; I eat them!

Except for milkshakes ....


Well-Known Member
If it's people I don't really know who will not accept that I don't drink, period ... I just kind of hint that I used to have a "problem".
They'll respect that I used to be an alkie, but not that I consciously choose not to drink. Go figure.

As y'all know, I come from a long line of addicts and substance abusers, I don't want to push my luck.
Plus, it's yuck!
And I think I might be allergic.
And most importantly - I don't drink my calories; I eat them!

Except for milkshakes ....
then you're not making your milkshakes thick enough :)


Premium Member
My dog just ate an entire stick of butter. :eek: I had piece of toast a few hours ago, and forgot to put the butter dish in the refrigerator. I just went down to the kitchen to take a peek at the crock pot chili I'm making, and I noticed the butter dish on the floor . . . missing the butter. I called my dog over and pointed to the butter dish; he took one look at me and bolted up the stairs!

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