I was hoping that you folks would allow me to be a little meloncoly tonight. I was listening to Pandora Radio a few minutes ago and they played a song that I hadn't heard in 50 years. It not only hit me with a flood of memories from back then, but, also instituted a few newer ones as well.
A little background... My father was an avid Barbershop Singing fan. He ate, and slept Barbershopping. He had persuaded me to get into it as well and was the youngest member of the organization ever, at that time. 12 years old if I remember correctly. Anyway, there was never a time in our house when there weren't quartets practicing or records playing. One of the favorites, I believe I have mentioned before, they were the quartet that was on Broadway and in the Movie, The Music Man. I think I have mentioned them before. One of the songs that they recorded was one of my favorite songs called "Remembering Time" and the biggest memory that came back to me was when I went into the Air Force. Basic Training at Amarillo, Texas. I was known for the fact that I was always singing something, mostly to myself, but, in the evening I would sit in the barracks surrounded by a group of lonesome, homesick, scared young men who had spent the day being belittled, maligned and insulted, run ragged and generally abused and sing that song. The more I type this, the more I realize that my early life was a sappy, B movie. I remember looking around and seeing men 18 and above with tears in there eyes. It might have been because I sang so bad, but, I prefer to think that it was because of the song and the lyrics. This is it. I won't mention it again, but, I just needed to not be dead on the inside for a few minutes... I'll be back to normal soon. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I did.