The last grade depends on what level of high school you go to. VMBO is the lowest level, and that is 4 years. HAVO is next and is 5 years. VWO is the highest and is 6 years, so VMBO is like going until sophomore year, and VWO is like our high schools in the US, except it's like an AP high school...advanced placement. There are 3 levels of VMBO...Basis, Kader, and (T)heoretical. T is the highest of those and that's basically the equivalent of US high's the "average".
Only about 10% of kids get approval for VWO, about 20% for HAVO. In DD's class, the majority of the kids got Basis/Kader, a couple of kids got Havo, and we THINK there are 3 with VWO, DD included. So she'll go 6 years and go on to University at 18.
With DS, we don't know what will happen. His school could recommend that he stay in special education, or that he go back to a regular school for high school. It depends on how much he grows while he's there. And then it will also depend on his level. His current school goes all the way up to HAVO level, but if he gets VWO he'd have to go somewhere else. So if they say he's ready for a regular school, and he's HAVO level, he'd go to one of the 3 schools that we're looking at for DD. If they say he's HAVO level and he needs to stay in special, he'd stay at his current school, but in a different building, possibly right by our house in the old building where he had elementary school until this year.....they took over the building when our school merged and got the new building. If they say he is VWO, whether he's supposed to stay in Special or go back to regular, he'd have to go to a different school. We just don't know at this point. I think if he stays in special Ed, he could do VWO, but if they want him in regular, I can't see him handling it well at this point. He COULD do HAVO at his current school and then stream into VWO when he finishes HAVO. You always have the option of moving on to the next level when you finish a lower level, it just takes an extra year. So we'll just have to wait and see with him. There was a case a couple of years ago where a kid got VWO level, but couldn't function in a regular school, so they made some sort of arrangement with one of the regular schools that he gets that material, but it's under the umbrella of the special education, but apparently that's a very particular case and not something we should plan on for DS. But who knows.