As a man, might I wade in here for a bit. Until this week I never knew that veil thing was about that. Presentation really? Never occurred to me. I always just saw it as a tradition and as a Father felt that it wasn't control it was a complete relinquishing of control, if any existed to begin with. Yes, I felt I was handing over something that I treasured, not as a gift, but, as respect for her wishes to leave the bonding with her Father and Mother. Never once a present to a man to have as a possession. If that is what it actually meant to not only me, but, to them as well, we never would have done it. Tradition was all it was about. That's the way it is done with no formal explaination about what it all implied.
When my wife and I got married the chapel we were married in, did not have a center isle. What we did was I was escorted to the front of the chapel by my Mother and Father and she on the other side with her parents. We met in the middle and separated from our parents and went on to be a couple. No hidden ownership thoughts ever existed. It was just part of a ceremony and was symbolic yes, but, not in the sense you guys are talking about. Never even crossed out minds. And that would have been 46 years ago last week. Do people stay up nights trying to find a way to be offended?
When my oldest married, she copied our ceremony and had both sets of parents accompany their respective child to the alter. She even had the same entrance song that we did. The Hawaiian Wedding Song. Our and her exit song was the Wedding March. My youngest wanted to do a more traditional set up where I escorted her down the isle. I know I never thought of it as control or presentation, but, instead just a last chance to hold on to my baby before she made her own life and if you knew her you would know that she would never be subservient to anyone, so I know that wasn't in the motivation anyplace.
I really feel terrible if in this day and age people really still consciously think of the wedding traditions as being anything other then a ceremony acted out as a way to have memories and a feeling of commitment to one another. I feel sorry that some of that would be blocked out due to unreal thoughts of what things currently represent. OK, I guess I have said enough. Parts of it even made my eyes water a bit, but that could be because of the chemicals I've been dumping in my eye because of the Cataract thing. So I'll shut up now.