Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm a computer/business person, not a car person. I know that it's coming from the engine, and that's about it. I am definitely not an engineer. It's amazing that I got an A in high school engineering (actually, not so amazing; I partnered with a kid who was really good at the mechanics behind it, but whose handwriting was atrocious and who didn't have English as his first language. He did the drawings and most of the building and I did what he told me to do, and I did the writing and the reports. It worked out. Anyway, off topic story aside...).
I think it would have been over $1000 to repair it. It had been going on for a while and we just would keep checking the oil and adding more if needed. If that had been the only thing wrong with the car, we would have continued dealing with it, but since it wasn't the only thing wrong and my parents were very concerned about me driving it (especially after today; my dad drove it and couldn't believe it. He came home and said, "That thing is not safe; we are getting rid of it. Something that Mom didn't even think about). Still sad about it, though.
Someday, when I get a job and make money, I want a Camaro with a V8 engine. I don't care about the MPG; I just want a jackrabbit again.
My Mustang was quick.

Then my DH had the car one day, I borrowed his Towncar 'cause I was picking up my DD girlfriend that was wheelchair bound....while he was driving my car her blew the engine, cracked the block. Enter my Pickup truck.
That was a sad wake when the Pickup left me too.