And oh yeah, everyone here is still sick.
Son #1 - did not go to school; still in bed.
Son #2 - went to work, had to be picked up at noon; yakked 4 times @ work; back in bed.
Hubby - passed out on the couch downstairs; has only been "sitting up" one hour of the past 30!
I cancelled the cleaning lady for today. I pre-pay her at the beginning of the month, and she certainly can't afford to pay me back, so I transferred her services to Bro #3's house for today. (He's tryng to get his house ready to sell, and is desperate for help!)
I cancelled Tammy for the Survivor premiere tonight.
I cancelled my regular bi-weekly tea date with my friend Liz, for tomorrow.
Thinking I should hang a quarantine sign on all entrance doors. Abandon hope all ye who enter.
P.S. - I Googled it - believe it or not, "bi-weekly" means an event that occurs EITHER twice weekly or once every two weeks. How weird is that?
P.P.S. - Every two weeks is the most common usage.
Think I'll get a sub for supper tonight. Nobody else will be eating. Pics to folow, surely.