I was stationed at Fort Bragg in NC and Fort Dix NJ at the same time, traveling back and forth between them to train soldiers for deployment. We had Snowpocolypse in NJ one week I was there. It was 8-10 inches of snow every day, and total white out conditions most of the time, but we were still expected to work. In order to get to our work building, we had to bundle up and hold hands as we walked so nobody got lost. It was a full blown expedition to get to the chow hall for dinner. We kept asking for a snow day, and kept being told no.
Fast forward to a week later and I'm down in NC. We had a really light dusting of snow. I think they said it was around half an inch, but it stuck to the pavement. They gave us three snow days right in a row for that half inch and almost all the local businesses were closed.
It's amazing how differently snow is handled in the South