This drives me nuts about my friends on a regular basis. Most of them are so indecisive about everything. I'm very much the type A personality of "Make a plan, tell me what it is, stick to it." I don't like indecision. I don't like not planning. I don't see how anyone can go through life like that.
That, and I will make this an age thing here, but so many people my age have no clue how to manage money, with the exception of those of us who went to college for business. It drives me crazy when I have to explain to my friends why no, they should not use their debit cards everywhere, and no, if you use PayPal credit and pay off that airline ticket in 6 months with no interest, it will not hurt your credit...but how can you fault them when we were never taught this stuff in school? That was part of the issue with my friend, trying to manage her money and get it together before the trip was an issue.